• Theoretical foundations of comparing phraseological units of different structural languages. The problems that can be encountered in their comparative analysis. Сomparing phraseological combinations for different sciences and the results of this study.

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  • Beginning linguistic in Europe. Development of Linguistic with the half of the historical comparative methods. Developing of schools in modern linguistics. Descriptive linguistics in the USA. Transformational Grammar, transformations in simple sentences.

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  • The grammatical structure and the morphological types of a language. The function of morphemes. Notional and functional parts of speech. The number and case in modern English nouns. The degrees of comparison of adjectives. Regular and irregular verbs.

    курс лекций (452,9 K)
  • Classification of English sounds and a description of the features of their pronunciation. Signs of phonetic transcription for the image of language sounds. Principles of arrangement of logical stresses. The selection of semantic groups by intonation.

    курс лекций (47,3 K)
  • Phonemes, allophones, phones: difference and relationships. Articulatory and phonological views on the classification of English consonants. Modifications of vowels in connected speech. Basic rules of accentuation. Classification of phonetic styles.

    учебное пособие (1,6 M)
  • Classical and new scientific achievements regarding the principles of studying English, Ukrainian zoophrases. The most important classifications of phrases. Periods of development of phraseology, main criteria and understanding of a phraseological unit.

    статья (34,3 K)
  • Description of the formation of the concept and the subject of combinatorics. The distinction between terms related to language and terms intended to describe the connections of the verb in speech, for the analysis of the combinatorics of the verb.

    статья (36,7 K)
  • Studying the views of researchers on the national-cultural specifics of the English language in New Zealand in a different period of its formation. Dialects and accents of native speakers of English from most of England, Scotland, Ireland and Australia.

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  • Study of the problem of language acquisition from the standpoint of the behaviorist approach, theories of interactionism, cognitive development, and universal grammar. Analysis of the dependence of language development on the development of thinking.

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  • The subject and tasks of the science. Types and levels of equivalence. Grammatical Features Typical of Modern English. The Participle as Part of an Absolute Construction. Partial Equivalents caused by different usage. Free and Bound Use of Grammar Forms.

    курс лекций (695,0 K)
  • Definition of the types of "topic-rhema" in the communicative structure of the proposal. Conditions for selection of members of the proposal as thematization. The degree of information load of the members in the semantic structure of the sentence.

    статья (22,2 K)
  • Theory allows the definitions of "topic-rema" to be divided into two types. The first type of definitions identifies the notion of "topic" with "data", i.e. with those parts of sentences which are carriers of information already known from the context.

    статья (18,7 K)
  • Semasiology as a branch of linguistics. Polysemy and component analysis. Words borrowed from Slavic languages. Neologisms and euphemisms in English and Ukrainian. Synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, other types of semantic change, linguistics and phraseology.

    курс лекций (70,4 K)
  • General issues, history, grammar (finite verb forms, causative constructions etc.), semantic (translating realia and terms) and pragmatic (functional styles, etc) problems of translation. Russian-English and Russian-English-Chinese Transliteration Chart.

    учебное пособие (359,8 K)
  • Analysis of the points of view of foreign and domestic linguists on the role of there in modern English. Its semantic features, grammatical and lexical functions. Existential and locative there, as well as its correlation with the localizer in sentences.

    статья (16,3 K)
  • Think-aloud-based translation process research emerged. Academic and raising the efficiency of translation. Describtion and comparison of specific aspects of translation competence with data provided from sight translation and written translation task.

    статья (47,7 K)
  • Analysis of Jefferson’s public writings. Politics and philosophy in notes on Virginia. Private life in autobiography. Personal experience in documents. Depicting inner life in dialogue form. Sharing experience of traveling through France and Italy.

    дипломная работа (115,9 K)
  • Idioms in business english: ways to cross-cultural awareness. english idioms and how to use them. The study of the terms having the structure and meaning of collocations, which are patterned and their meaning is transparent: bank holiday, bank loan.

    статья (15,8 K)
  • Study of the perception of linguistic communicative forms of communication. Methods and means of transmitting semantics of extreme degrees of uncertainty of a multidimensional object. Goals of using ambivalent negation and oxymoron in artistic texts.

    статья (31,3 K)
  • The structure of formants, quantitative distribution of speakers between different genders, the formants’ depending on it. Accents attention on illustration the structure of formant analysis for both sexes using multifunctional computer programme Praat.

    статья (750,3 K)
  • To compare the semantics of Believe with the lexical of the words used in the Old Slavonic Gospel translation for expressing different modes of believing. The principles in the use of the verb веровати and related utterances in comparison to Greek.

    статья (36,7 K)
  • The importance of corrective feedback for language learners. The history of the emergence of modern types of corrective feedback using advances in information technology and artificial intelligence. Determining the role of automated written assessment.

    статья (2,2 M)
  • The term "discourse" is used in different meanings and is the subject of study in different scientific areas. The devoted to the consideration of the history of English occult discourse and the prospects for its study on the basis of the English language.

    статья (21,5 K)
  • An overview of the history of the formation of the occult discourse and the prospects of its study on the material of the English language. The main genre varieties of this concept: astrological, magical, alchemical. Key problems of the study of occult di

    статья (22,2 K)
  • Dynamic students' skills in writing business letters in English. Features of the style of business letters, which should be understandable for students to successfully master this knowledge. Providing conditions for the development of students' thinking.

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  • This article deals with the issues of teaching the lexis in the english language, also tackles the issue of the lexical aspect and the problems of selecting lexical material at different stages of training. Methods of teaching foreign languages.

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  • The study of set nominal-verbal complexes in the modern German language, which play an important part in word combination paradigm of the language system. The role in the formation of framed structure of expression and sentence in the German language.

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  • Differences in technical translation from other types of translations. Explores the strategies underlying the appropriate translation of transportation terms from English into Ukrainian. Comparison the results of the frequencies of the strategies.

    статья (56,2 K)
  • The proposed article reveals different approaches to the interpretation of the term "translation" from the point of view of the translation theory. Here translation is seen as the result of a linguistic-textual operation in which a text in one language.

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  • Toponyms and etnonyms in the vocabulary. Toponyms and etnonyms in Great Britain. Origins of toponyms and etnonyms in the vocabulary in English. Toponyms and etnonyms in the vocabulary of Ukrainian. English placenames commemorate non-Christian religions.

    курсовая работа (45,6 K)