Familiarization with general theoretical issues of translation. Identification and characterization of transcription and transliteration. Research of features lexical transformations in translation. Studying of types of grammatical transformations.
The problem of understanding in modern science. Assessment of the relevance of the research of psychological features of understanding contemporary poetry by future philologists on the basis of questionnaires. The levels of understanding the text.
- 2913. The united Kingdom
Great Britain - island nation in the north- west of Europe. Great Britain - one of the largest states in Europe , nuclear power and permanent member of the UN Security Council. England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland as the four historic provinces.
The capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain. A tour around London, Trafalgar Square. The City as the heart of the business, financial life of London. East End and West End as the parts of London. Tower Bridge, Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey.
A review of the abstract concepts of "absence-presence." Development of semantics and grammatical explication of this antonym couple. Socio-cultural determination of the concept of "absence" as a psychological key of cognitive understanding definitions.
The article studies usage of the words borrowed from Arabic in the poem "Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)" by Egemberdy Ermatov. It’s known from history that there wasn’t a direct contact of Kyrgyz language with Arabic but orally and through other languages words.
Game as a tool for language learning. Computer game classification. Computer game controversies. Linguistic benefits of computer game. Earlier studies into the contribution of video games to the language learning. The peculiarities of Dragon Age II.
Address of author to the question of educating to reading. Theoretical analysis of process of perfection of read skills student and also actuality the use of original texts of the English and American writers on employments on a foreign language.
Eponymous terms as a linguistic phenomenon that has its own specificity and characteristics. Features of the use of terms in the field of medicine. Difficulties in the use of eponyms in the language of medicine and in the translation of medical texts.
The place and role of phraseology in linguistics. Brief overview of various approaches to the classification of English phraseological units. Features and principles of the use of idioms in cartoons and comics. The communicative peculiarities of idioms.
Improvement of speech and speech culture, enrichment, refinement and activation of vocabulary. Improvement of the grammatical apparatus of speech, work on the coherence of speech. Characteristics of exercises for the development of coherent speech.
Study of the use of non-equivalent words to create an image of Spain in the linguistic consciousness of representatives of American and Soviet ethnic groups. Study of methods of formation of intercultural atmosphere using non-equivalent vocabulary.
The connection of personal and relative pronouns along with another noun. Feature transfer feelings of emotional distance with the index words. The use of parts of speech to refer to objects and persons. Uncertain, intensive and interrogative phrases.
The peculiarity of placing perfect in grammatical categories of the verb. Characterization of the concept of the past and the present. The problem of modern English grammar. Investigation of the belonging of perfect to one of the verb categories.
Study of approaches to reading, interpretation and translation in the methodology of teaching foreign languages. Reading as a relatively simple, reliable and fast process of developing students' language competence to be competitive in the labor market.
Paradigmatic features of the verb in languages are considered, certain information is given about this part of speech, and various classifications of parts of speech in general are also discussed. Musayev's classification is analyzed and evaluated.
Typological Characteristics of the English and Ukrainian Verb. Presentation the category of number in English by the forms of the verb. Determine the verbal category of number. The expression of the category of person in Ukrainian imperative mood forms.
- 2928. The vocabulary
The importance of teaching vocabulary. Vocabulary is a vital part of language teaching. The techniques of teaching vocabulary in the classroom. Components of vocabulary instruction. Teaching Vocabulary in Colour. Using colour to teach vocabulary.
- 2929. The Walt Disney Company
The Walt Disney Company as an American diversified multinational mass media corporation headquartered in California. Analysis of the annual gross revenue of the company from 1991 to 2013. Basic animated projects, the Studio released in 1933-1942.
- 2930. The War of the Roses
Civil war in England, for the throne between the two branches of the Plantagenet dynasty – Lancaster and York (in the arms of a white rose). Its causes and stages of the flow. Accession of the Tudors as the beginning of the New Age in English history.
Consideration of the problem of the warrior metaphor representation in the net jargon. Study the links between social, national and universal concepts. The main ideas of the conceptual metaphor theory, suggested by George Lakoff and Mark Johnson.
Communicative acts of speech in a concrete speech situation. Deixis - a linguistic notion within the domain of pragmatics. The deictic elements in literary texts and newspaper articles. Three main types of deixis: personal, temporal and spatial.
A study of the peculiarities of the translation of Ukrainian realities into English and the means of their transmission in B. Melnyk's English translation of I. Franko's poem-tale "Mykyta's Fox". Reproduction of Ukrainian names, folk vocabulary.
Distribution of the English language in the field of tourism. The need to study, describe and systematize the terminological system of international tourism. Multipurpose use of English. The tendency to obtain terms from English terminological systems.
- 2935. Thematic and structural features of English neologisms of the second decade of the 21st century
Linguistic study of the process of emergence of modern expressions and phrases. Using Affixation, Transformation, and Pruning Methods to Get New Words. Analysis of thematic groups and structural features of neologisms included in the Cambridge Dictionary.
Linguistic analysis of the ontology of linguistic phenomena. Language as a creative process and a form of development of the human spirit. The study of the works of W. von Humboldt on the subject of the search for truth and the philosophy of language.
The article deals with the main linguistic characteristics of the borrowed units of the modern German language. Determining the occurrence of Anglicisms and Americanisms, the historical and social reasons for their introduction into the German language.
- 2938. Theoretical and methodological dilema of the functional-semantic field of temporality in linguistics
Aspects of the functional-semantic field of temporality. Functional-semantic field, where the basis is the grammatical category of time. The main lexical-grammatical and grammatical-contextual means that interact and express its contextual variants.
Study of the comparability of semantic knowledge as a result of cognitive processes of human nature. Study of logical and psychological semantics of language as a phenomenon. The relationship between the concept and the lexical meaning of the word.
Theoretical aspects of Ukrainian and foreign scientists who worked in the field of comparative semantic knowledge. Research of new approaches in the study of this field of knowledge in interaction with logical, psychological and cognitive factors.