Сreative mathematical thinking have been analyzed and the expediency of studying its individual differences through the analysis of mental styles of solving mathematical problems has been stated. Many mathematical errors in the process of solving.
The physical presentation of depression. Dysregulation of Serotonin (5HT) and Norepinephrine (NE) in the brain. Emotional and physical symptoms of modern depression. Treatment outcome: effect on work and social functioning of depressed patients.
Search for an effective strategy for constructive interaction between participants in the educational process. Using an innovative design thinking method to create a comfortable learning environment as part of the psychological well-being of students.
Consideration of the process of formation of objective prerequisites for the application of a student-centered approach to education. Acquaintance with the features of creating special pedagogical conditions for the development of the child's personality.
Formation of stress resistance in the mind of instability and untransferability of social processes. Strategies for improving specialty in resisting stressful situations. Compensatory function of coping strategy in the process of psychological adaptation.
The phenomenon of professional well-being is the main component of the personal psychology of State Emergency Service specialists. The need to develop principles of professional well-being within the framework of modern domestic organizational psychology.
- 217. Determination of the adaptation potential level of personality in the process of post-traumatic
An urgency the problem of social reintegration of the individuality. the levels of adaptive capacity of people in the process of post-traumatic. correlation between the level of adaptive capacity and the degree of social adaptation of the patients.
Detection of disability during pregnancy. Organization of various forms of work with families raising children with special needs by centers and state bodies of Turkey. Development of information and reference resources about the needs of newborns.
The problem of adequate response to stress. Formation of children's stress resistance in order to develop behavior determined by legal aspirations. Methods of increasing stress resistance, which will contribute to their choice of law-abiding behavior.
Familiarity with the development of methods for assessing the degree of victimization in adults. General description of how to develop test tasks for assessing the degree of victimization. Analysis of the personal qualities of a potential victim.
Features of the development of communicative competence of each family member as one of the means of preventing the ideology of extremism. Analysis of the program of psychological correctional training for the development of communicative competence.
- 222. Development of presentation skills and their role in the formation of soft skills among law students
Defining the important skills of the future. Justification of the importance of forming soft skills during English language learning, The role of presentation as a powerful educational tool. Classification of presentation skills of future lawyers.
The developed forms of professional training and supported personality cultural-activity work as a part of it-help to bring up effective care-giving skills and transform this capacity from pure idealistic notion to operational, effectual forms of helping.
The article also defines objectives, main tasks and the structure of each program activity and analyzes the content of basic program blocks, considering the goals and objectives of studies that have selected the components of psychosocial competence.
Expansion of opportunities for adults to understand their own actions and their "I", the inner world of other people. Application of modern methods and forms of pedagogical influence for the development of general cultural competences of adults.
The forensic psychological expertise as a form of the application of the psychological knowledge. The structure and conditions of development of the psychological competence of the forensic psychologist-experts in the process of the professional activity.
Social support and developmental psychopathology. The multiple determinants of parenting. Psychological developmental approaches to children with mental retardation. Social anxiety and emotion regulation. A synthesis of research across five decades.
Illustrating the peculiarities of developing a psychodiagnostic technique for determining the levels of the formation of communicative activities of adolescents with mental retardation. Characterized levels of formation of communicative activity.
Diagnostics experience of child-parent relationship using parent attitude questionnaire test. Criteria for correlating child-parent relationship. Proportions of child-parent relationship types employed by present-day parents of junior schoolchildren.
Tolerance as a component of sense-value sphere of a developing personality that enables to analyze its features. Dialogue of cultures as a way of knowledge and respect for others, and as a sense-technology of forming of tolerant behaviour of students.
Rethinking the motivational and dynamic components of the education system. Reflexive technologies as a special group of educational technologies. Didactic detection of “contextual crystallinity” in connection with the content that the student grasps.
General characteristics of a number of socio-demographic, criminogenic and psychological characteristics that characterize a person of a careless offender. Acquaintance with the main features of certain types of offenses committed through negligence.
Studying the mechanisms of exogenous and endogenous methods of attention. Using the temporary information to adjust the behavior in a constantly changing environment. Analysis of the impact of unforeseen circumstances to predict and improve performance.
Problem of overwork faced by students when using digital devices for a long time every day in and out of the classroom during the pandemic. The students’ and their parents’ point of view on the use of digital devices overtime during the time of crisis.
Необхідність мобілізації внутрішніх ресурсів людей для їх самореалізації в період глобальної пандемії. Розкриття значення digital-технологій у здійсненні психологічного впливу цифрового мистецтва на прояви творчої уяви, активізацію несвідомих процесів.
The conditions of the new psycho-computer reality that humanity is facing. Dangers that are associated with the incorrect or uncontrolled use of information and communication technologies. Problematic issues of improving the development of personality.
Comparative analysis of self-esteem and semantic motifs of Australian and Russian intellectual labor specialists. Features of cognitive and emotionally-evaluative components of self-assessment, associated with the work-related of motivating motives.
Study one of the basic principles of the interactionist perspective in social psychology which is that we come to see ourselves as others see us, through processes role of deliverer or reflected appraisals, and influence the opinions of others on us.
Analysis of economic and psychological research on the practical sense of the problems of the real world. "Points of growth" of economic psychology as a science about the laws and mechanisms of regulation of individual behavior in economic situations.
The main characteristics of the mentality and emotional state of psychiatrists and narcologists and the reasons that authorize their formation. Solution methods of the problem of professional burnout in persons working in the field of mental health.