- 1. L-Карнитин
Понятие и структура карнитина, оценка его главных преимуществ и недостатков, показания к применению и функциональные особенности. Анализ влияния данного препарата на скорость метаболизма, исследование и оценка эффективности его применения спортсменами.
Направленный синтез низкомолекулярных биорегуляторов насекомых. Химические превращения производных 4-метилтетрагидропирана, l-ментола и рицинолевой кислоты. Синтез эндо- и экзогормонов насекомых на основе продуктов алкилирования ацетоуксусного эфира.
Дослідження властивостей L-пiдгруп на скiнченних групах. Характеристика множини L-пiдгруп на циклічних групах деяких порядків з простими числами, квазіциклічній та нециклічній групі. Доведення математичних тверджень та приклади деяких L-пiдгруп.
Підвищення вихідної активності ферменту шляхом оптимізації умов культивування продуценту. Вплив речовин різної хімічної природи на біосинтез та активність ферменту. Фізико-хімічні і каталітичні властивості ферментного препарату, специфічність його дії.
Применение L-систем для генерации фрактальных деревьев и растений, сильно похожих на реальные объекты природы. Примеры некоторых аксиом и правил генерации, записанных для использования в turtle-графике, выполнение соответствующих графических построений.
Вплив амінокислоти L-цистеїну на щурів. Показано, що введення L-цистеїну (121 мг/кг) пригнічувало спонтанне і Са+2-індуковане набухання мітохондрій, що проявлялось у зниженні амплітуди цих процесів і свідчило про запобігання пороутворенню у серці.
Study of the method of religious and ethical searches by L.N. Tolstoy. The need for a dialectical understanding of the concepts of non-violence, mercy, justice and a cultural-historical view of the implementation of the principles of spirituality.
Principles of promoting the development of intercultural psychology on the part of 's psychology. L.S. Vygotsky as one of the founders of intercultural psychology. Factor analysis of ethnic and cultural identities of Russian and American respondents.
L'interdisciplinarieta che caratterizza l'intero lavoro di ricerca di Lomonosov - un fattore che ha determinato la sua percezione del mondo e riflette le sue idee sulla sua unita. La carriera scientifica di Lomonosov dopo il ritorno a San Pietroburgo.
The article focuses on the fables "La Cour du Lion" and "The Merchant". The historical context of the publication of fables is involved, it is suggested that in both cases the blank verse was included by the authors in the poetic discourse of the fable.
Le probleme des pauvres et des personnes sans lieu de residence a New York. La solution de ce probleme merom M. Bloomberg. La reduction des depenses budgetaires. L'aggravation de la situation de la pauvrete en 2006 et les mesures de ses decisions.
Connaissance de l'aspect théorique de l'activité politique des organisations non gouvernementales en Russie. Analyse des principales raisons du conflit entre l'Etat russe et les organisations de la société civile. L'essence du concept
Esto es sobre el arte de la traduccion artistica. Lograr la equivalencia maxima y la idoneidad del contenido, la informacion y el estilo del texto fuente para preservar el diseno del autor y las imagenes del texto. Reproduccion correcta de una obra arte.
Analyse des mеtaphores conceptuelles prеsentеes dans les textes de caricatures politiques pendant la crise ukrainienne, reflеtant l'attitude des journalistes franсais face a la situation en Ukraine et aux actions d'autres Еtats par rapport a celle-ci.
The article addresses the problems of external labor migration which resulted in the loss of our most active, highly educated and highly skilled specialists. Current trends in the labor market of Ukraine in the context of individual economic indicators.
Analysis of the legal framework of Ukraine and Poland in the field of labor migration regulation. Factors of labor migration of the donor country and "attractive" factors of the recipient country. Intensification of migration flows of Ukrainian workers.
The problem of labor mobility in the context of Russian society. Factors influencing the labor mobility of young people, analysis of its driving forces and consequences. Recommendations for improving the situation with the mobility of young specialists.
The need for rapid reconstruction of strategically important enterprises in conditions of an acute labor shortage as an ideological basis for the use by the party-state leadership of labor recruitment methods. Principles of identifying labor deserters.
Ensuring the growth of labor productivity in order to survive and maintain the business. Active activity of hotel managers to motivate and control staff in hotels. A study of the degree of compliance of Syrian hotels with labor productivity indicators.
Planning financing of labor protection. Distribution functions of the objectives of SUOP between structural units and services company. Kinds of electromagnetic radiation over a frequency spectrum. Effects of radio frequency electromagnetic fields.
Technical implementation and production efficiency of bridge mechanization of the track system of agriculture in the technological processes of tillage and the introduction of technological materials (on the example of an agricultural tool for tillage).
The wages as a socio-economic category. Assessment of the level of wages of workers depending on economic activity and the region of Ukraine. Ways to increase wages, analysis of the motivational and incentive mechanisms of formation and distribution.
Phases of the labour productivity management model: diagnostics, development, and implementation. Specification of its elements: goal, functions, principles of effective functioning, informational support, human resources and structure, methods and tools.
Описание возможностей программного обеспечения LabVIEW для построения автоматизированной системы сбора и обработки данных. Схема информационно-измерительного комплекса для исследования динамики роторных машин и проведения вибродиагностических процедур.
The study of the course of physiological and metabolic processes in humans and animals with a lack of oxygen. Determination of blood lactate levels in rabbits who have not yet reached puberty under normal conditions and under the influence of heavy loads.
The author suggests an attribution of the portrait of Lady Mary Fox-Holland from the collection of Tsarskoye Selo Museum. The author, researching the history of the Fox-Holland family, elucidates the circumstances of the creation of the miniature.
The results of complex studies of the authors of cosmological and philosophical narratives. The main cosmological concepts and philosophical ideas of Lady Xian, their differences with Western cosmology and cosmological narratives in Western culture.
Применение тампонажного цемента, обеспечивающего безопасность и эксплуатационную пригодность нефтегазовых скважин. Инновационное решение для получения облегченного цемента. Многофункциональная добавка МПК-1 для буферных жидкостей и цементных растворов.
Presenting of all episodes are in chronological order and logically connected. Analysis characters main characters and their feelings. Creating the illusion of an ideal family at the beginning of the story. Analysis of style "Lamb to the Slaughter".
The paper presents a comparative analysis of the lexeme European in two language variations (American English) based on the built-in corpora represented by newspapers, fiction, etc. that are licensed by LancsBox software (AmE06 and BE06 respectively).