Дослідження та характеристика змісту проблеми поодиноких поховань в ареалі пшеворської культури. Ознайомлення з деякими предметами пізньоримського поховання біля села Малашівці на Сереті, що знаходяться у фондосховищі Історико-краєзнавчого музею.
Moscow as one of the ancient Russian cities: political, economic, religious, financial, educational and transportation center. Its total area and population. The most popular tourist destinations. The Tsar Cannon on the territory of the Kremlin.
The history of Moscow, its development, the symbols. Sights of the city: the Bolshoi theatre, Alexandrovsky garden, Cathedral of Christ the Savior, the Tretyakov gallery, Vorobyovy Gory (Sparrow Hills), Moscow zoo, Cathedral of Vasily the blessed.
- 1204. Moscow Attractions
Russia, as one of the largest countries in the world. Moscow - capital of Russian Federation, city of federal meaning. Moscow Attractions such as the Tsar Cannon, the State Central Museum of Contemporary History of Russia and significance in the history.
The Moscow conspiracy as a turning point in the history of the Decembrist movement. Analysis of the reasons for the Moscow conspiracy, familiarity with the consequences. Features of the formation of the Stalinist historiography of Russian history.
The history of Moscow, its becoming the capital of the country. The flag of the Russian capital and its features. The architecture of the city: Saint Basil's Cathedral, Bolshoi Theatre, Moscow zoo, Cathedral of Christ the Savior, Vorobyov Hills.
Comparative discourse analysis of English-language and Russian-language popular web news outlets. Linguistic strategies are typical of Russian-language and English-language digital news media outlets. Objectivity of media and political discourses.
- 1208. Moscow's history
Moscow is the capital city and the most populous federal subject of Russia. A brief history of its formation and development. The structure and elements of the city, its attractions and recreational potential. Recent advances and trends development.
Magnetic microstructure of near-surface layer ataxin film iron-trog the grenade orientation. Dagoniat matrix nuclear Hamiltonian mixed magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole interactions. The orientation of the magnetic moments of cationic sublattices.
The educational process with the use of active and interactive methods is built on the basis of the inclusion of all students in the group without exception. Modern pedagogical science must update the scientific and methodical system of education.
Napier as a famous and very beautiful city on the North Island of New Zealand, familiarity with a distinctive character. Getting to know the benefits and features of the Tongariro National Park. General characteristics of the Franz Josef Glacier.
Brand is the name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller's good or service as distinct from those of other sellers. Nestle's corporate business principles. History of Ford Motor Company. Products of McDonald's Corporation.
- 1213. Mother tongue as the development mean of national-spiritual needs during globalization process
Mother tongue as essential factor in developing spiritual training needs naturally. Communication of the native language with the development of the emotional mechanism in the human brain. Communication of mother language with national spiritual needs.
Definition of valuable educational practices of mother tongue teaching in Sweden, and on this basis identifies possible recommendations taking into account Ukrainian realities at the legislative, regulatory, organizational, and pedagogical levels.
A study of the existential interpretation of death in the lyrics of representatives of the Ukrainian diaspora in the context of the opposition "foreigner - motherland". Analysis of forms of revealing the motive of death by figurative and artistic means.
Study and characteristic of an alternative understanding of the subject-matter, method and data for linguistic research which would be grounded on human experience observable in films. Focuses on the problem of research methodology in linguistics.
Theoretical studies of the features of online and distance learning. Psychological and pedagogical foundations of teaching foreign languages to adults. The main methods to increase students' motivation to learn a foreign language online and remotely.
The essence of educational technology of distance learning, its types and forms, the role of motivation for educational activities of education. The role of applications during training in the formation of Foreign Language Speech competence of students.
Acquaintance with the problems of motivation of students of non-linguistic specialties to study a foreign language. Consideration of ways, methods and techniques for increasing the motivation for professionally oriented mastery of a foreign language.
The role of motivation relations in the process of learning English. The nature and analysis of instrumental and integrative types of motivation, their importance, features of interaction. The interaction of motivation with relationships and emotions.
Theorizing the framework for organizational development. Theory X and Y controversial styles of management. Work motivation and satisfaction. Six main antecedents of organizational learning. Youth organizations’ practices: empirical research results.
Integration of Ukraine into the global economy. The sustainable development and competitiveness in a highly competitive, economic crisis. The real ways of adapting staff to a market economy. Motivation as an effective personnel management factor.
Motivation - a combination of internal and external driving forces that encourage people to work, set the border and forms of this activity and provide direction that focuses on achieving goals. The best production results - the purpose of business.
The concept of "motivation" and "linguistic picture of the world" is interpreted through the prism ofpresent-day realities in the study of English as a background, which is implemented identically to the universe in the realization of a foreign language.
Acquaintance with the peculiarities of actualization of the problem of motivating a teacher to succeed in pedagogical activity. Characteristics of methods for increasing the motivational potential of teachers, provided their brief characteristics.
The value of motivation for learning English as a foreign language. Perception between teachers and students in each country. The role of personal relationships and understanding of Russian and Chinese teachers of their students in enhancing motivation.
The process of professional training of the future doctor. His formation as a specialist and a person with a focus on self-improvement throughout his life. Requirements for the doctor's personality, activation of his speaking culture and social activity.
- 1228. Motivation of altruistic sperm donors participating in assisted reproduction in Russian Federation
The motivations behind Russian men’s altruistic sperm donation using Alderfer's Existence-Relatedness-Growth model. Distribution of respondents by education, income and marital status. Significant coefficients of correlations between the needs, factors.
The aim is to analyze the phenomena and features of motivation as a psychological phenomenon regarding the implementation of constructivism in the "relationship" of personnel and the organization, when the initiative of interaction belongs to a person.
Understanding of the types of motivation that prevail among preservice English teachers learning English in challenging circumstances. It was found that both instrumental and integrative motivation play a significant role in the process of EFL learning.