Methods of optimization and control of asynchronous electric drives of pumping machine. Application of asynchronous electric drives in industry due to their efficiency, reliability and control flexibility. Vector speed control and pulse-width modulation.
Subjects involved in the search for persons outside the state. Issues of ambiguity of Ukrainian legal acts regulating subjects of international persons search. Necessity of carrying out changes in the current legislation of Ukraine on the search.
Working out practical recommendations for the formation of bank liabilities, optimization of their structure and the use of credit resources in the Russian commercial bank to get maximum profit. Aspects of the optimization model in the management.
On the basis of experimental studies and mathematical modeling, the choice of optimal conditions for 2,3-dimethylbuta-1,3-diene and 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate cyclization reaction with obtaining of 2-hydroxyethyl-1,3,4-trimethylcyclohex-3-carboxylates.
The results of the ascertainment study of the features of adaptation capabilities of first-year psychology majors. Mastering practical skills of self-help and optimization of adaptation possibilities. Possible problems with adequate self-esteem.
Investigation of the formation of physico-chemical degradation of gray forest soil under various anthropogenic loads in the grain crop rotation. Introduction of an annual dose of alkaline earth elements, taking into account physiological characteristics.
- 307. Optimization of anesthesiological assistance in women with arterial hypertension in hysterectomy
Anesthetic management during hysterectomy is one of the most serious problems of modern anesthesiology. Study of the effect of hypertension in women with uterine fibroids, creating on this basis the optimal analgesic effect for this category of women.
Definition concrete mixture composition with the additives of zeolitic tuff and superplasticizer was optimized by the method of mathematical planning of experiment. Study the basic methods to improve the strength of concrete at a later age hardening.
Consideration of problem of establishing a partnership, constructive professional communication between teachers of pre-school establishments and specialists in social work in the formation of a fully-developed, socially-protected pre-school child.
Study of the influence of nitrogen and carbon sources on the synthesis of enzymes. Carrying out a bifractor experiment to determine the optimum concentrations of ammonium sulfate and arabinose in a nutrient medium, which increase the elastolytic activity.
The calculation of the value of attracting equity and debt capital to restore and increase the resource potential in the framework of an investment program. The structure of financial support the recovery of the resource potential of enterprise sources.
Development of a network planning model for solving the strategic priorities of the organization. Estimation of terms of execution of tasks, optimization of performers. Determination of the tension coefficient for the implementation of the priority.
Features of growing corn and sunflower in the steppe zone of chernozem soils of the Volgograd region. Increasing the yield of grain crops. Advantages of strip tillage technology. Calculation of the coefficient of water consumption for winter wheat.
The main ways to improve the economic efficiency of investment activities of agricultural enterprises in a market economy. Historical facts of the formation and operation of the investment process. Principles for the creation of agroindustrial farms.
The situation of medical services financing from 1991 to 2007 in comparison the Western European countries and the USА. Рroblems in this branch financing and directions of the optimization of medical services financing. Models of health-care financing.
Optimization with the use of mathematical planning of the nutrient medium for the development of shoots from the tips with leaf rudiments in the genotypes of grapes. Differences in genotypes according to the need for concentrations of macroelements.
Formation of a research system for optimizing pharmaceutical care for children with ENT diseases in outpatient polyclinic institutions based on a systemic approach. Assessment of effectiveness of drug consumption, legislative and regulatory documents.
The production and consumption of vegetable oil per capita in Ulyanovsk region. The forecast scenario of development of oil and fat subcomplex with taking into account the optimization of the primary areas of processing plants and the market trend.
The prevalence of blood reflux in patients with varicose veins of the lower extremities in the distal parts of the large saphenous vein. Its removal within the pathological reflux. Prevention of damage to lymphatic vessels and skin sensory nerves.
Characteristic of methodology based on the full factorial central composite design. Study in conditions in vitro of eight Lactobacillus strains procured from culture repositories. Analysis of their probiotic potential and extracellular tannase activity.
Acquaintance with the features of optimizing the implementation of rural management in Indonesia. Analysis of the rules providing significant powers of rural self-government at the village level. General characteristics of rural policy in Indonesia.
The problem of optimization of the process of vessel repair by using economic models that would provide a shipping company within a free market and full liberalization of the tramp shipping a sustainable position at the relevant local freight market.
The study of accidents and disasters involving a variety of critical infrastructures, assessment of the level of fault tolerance software management systems. The calculation method based optimization of software testing management system infrastructure.
Strategy of the search and working out of novel effective anticancer agents via optimization of [(2-R-quinazoline-4-ylydene) hydrazono] carboxylic acids and their esters. Approach for creating a new class of compounds with the anticancer activity.
The framework for the development of the penitentiary system of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020 in terms of the study and dissemination of foreign experience in the area of execution of penalties is the subject-matter of research.
A survey of empirical studies on the theory of optimal currency zones (OCZ), most of which offer exchange rate volatility as the index OCZ. The empirical achievements of the theory of OCZ, the advantages and disadvantages of different research methods.
- 327. Options trading
A study of investment strategies volatility. The advantages of trading options in the stock market. The concept, nature and characteristics strategies options Straddle, creating a positive return without any cost for transactions using this strategy.
Система управления базами данных Oracle Database Standard Edition (ODSE), ее основные элементы, архитектура баз данных, язык SQL*Plus как инструмент ODSE, особенности наиболее распространенных версий баз для управления данными в сфере среднего бизнеса.
- 329. Oracle ВІ Сервер
Дослідження базових функцій Oracle ВІ Серверу. Огляд інфраструктури для управління сесіями, запитами та відмінами. Стадії компіляції вхідних запитів у програмний код. Доступ до інформації Oracle ВІ Server. Формування інтерактивних інформаційних панелей.
Overview of maxillofacial manifestations of systemic and systemic diseases. Maxillofacial complex as a dynamic group of interconnected structures, mechanisms of identification of processes, including infectious, metabolic and immune system disorders.