An analysis of the methods of introducing technologies into the educational process that take into account the specifics of women's and men's psychology provides a balanced gender component in education. System of differentiation and gender inequality.
The need to form and establish equal, gender-independent opportunities for human self-realization in all spheres of life. Preparation and publication of modern textbooks, study guides, free from stereotypical ideas about the role of women and men.
Aimed to review approaches to gender education and expected gender competences of social workers. Distinctions between conservative and transformative approaches are reviewed in different areas of social work - practice, research, pedagogy and teaching.
The analyzing the main aspects of teaching English in universities in modern conditions and finding the best ways of achieving positive results. The define the main issues of teaching in connection with the changing conditions of educational process.
The general concept of higher education as the initial theoretical basis of teacher education in Poland. Analysis of the scientific works of T. Levovitsky and H. Kvyatkovskaya. Ways of preparing young people for social and professional activities.
Theory of generations and analysis of the characteristics of each generation Z. Consideration of the problem of communication, describing of the peculiarities and the most common problems in communication of generation Z, ways of solution of problems.
Consideration of the problem of retrospective development of public administration in the field of education in the current conditions for the development of democracy in the country. Definition of the essence of the phenomenon of public administration.
The stages of development of gifted students' education in the studied countries are distinguished and characterized. Review and analysis of a features of the reaction of Canadian educational politicy-makers to the launch of the Soviet satellite.
The genesis of the concept of "STEM" in the diversity of its interpretations and interpretations. History from the founding of the organization "Initiative Science" (USA) to the introduction of STEM education in educational institutions of Ukraine.
Аnalysis of the basic provisions of the concept "method" in Europe and America. The historical and pedagogical analysis. The basic approaches to the definition of "method" category are identified in the European and the American Teacher Education.
Summarizing the experience of the homeland theory and methodology of teaching physics by means of the historical and methodological analysis and identify the promising ways as well as the tools to provide for the creation of high-quality physics textbook.
The symptoms of specific difficulties faced by German language teachers in their work with dyslexic students. A discussion of the concept and types of dyslexia and its pathomechanism. The compilation of practical guidelines for German language teachers.
Analyse der Geschlechtersozialisation von Vorschulkindern anhand von Belletristik. Vorschulkindheit als Alter der Beherrschung der Sozialisationsmechanismen. Der Einfluss eines Marchens auf die Bildung von Verhalten, Moral und sozialem Stereotyp.
Dynamics of personal relationships in the process of dance-expressive learning. The description of profiles of change of the form and contents of the relations of the personality. Complexes of socio-psychological and cognitive personality traits.
The study of the experience of giving and receiving feedback as a best practice in cooperation between the peace corps volunteer, U.S. and Ukrainian partner and effective tools of control in the classroom for deep understanding of the learning process.
- 1396. Glass Art Department at Lviv National Academy of Arts: unique centre of contemporary glassmaking
The birth of artistic glass fishing. The preconditions for the emergence of professional art education in the field of art glass in Lviv. The history of Department of Art Glass. Analysis of his activities. Methodological approaches to student learning.
Find connections between globalmindedness and some important factors such as gender and level of proficiency. The result of the study, through t-test, showed that there was a significant difference between male and female language learners regarding.
- 1398. GoConqr как лингводидактический инструмент группировки медицинских и фармацевтических терминов
Проблема обучения английскому языку в вузах медицинского и фармацевтического профилей. Особенности английских медицинских и фармацевтических терминов. Особенности использования аранеопиктограммы в дистанционном обучении с помощью платформы GoConqr.
The problem of effective organization of the distance education process to overcome the negative impact of the military conflict at the level of students’ education and their competitiveness in the modern labor market. Function of Google Classroom.
Розгляд особливостей роботи з системою Google Classroom у дистанційному навчанні. Знайомство з модернізацією освітньої системи. Аналіз проблем ефективного навчання іноземних мов майбутніх юристів у зв’язку з інтеграцією України до світових структур.
Peculiarities of formation of foreign competitiveness of students in the foreshortening of the communicative approach in the teaching of foreign languages. Samples of classroom activities to achieve a variety of professional communicative purposes.
Mastering grammatical competence - a process that ensures a correct understanding of language structures. Explaining the rules, working out speech patterns - one of the main stages of forming grammatical skills at nonlinguistic specialties bachelors.
Promote communicative competence, foster participatory attitudes of the students like one of the main benefits of using games in language-learning. A role-play as a typical simulation activity. The basic advantages of using games in the classroom.
Grammar games as a means of teaching English. The history of teaching grammar. Advantages and disadvantages of learning grammar through play. The principles of grammar selection. Analysis of lesson plans developed as part of the current research.
The impact of nature on increasing concentration and reducing stress, its impact on student achievement. The use of regression analysis to identify the relationship between environmental variables in school campuses and success in reading and math.
The tasks of quality assurance and control are central to the educational reforms of many countries, including Ukraine. The problem of measuring and evaluating learning outcomes is becoming one of the most important in pedagogical theory and practice.
Study of the genesis of the concept of ecosystem. The formation of a multi-subject hackathon ecosystem that functions in order to materialize a value proposition. Licensing and certification of innovative activities of structural units of the university.
Analysis of the distinctive positive aspects of the Master's Program "Comparative and International Dispute Resolution" at Queen Mary University of London. Application of the method of analysis and synthesis of legal and scientific-methodical sources.
- 1409. Handbook of psychology
Current perspectives in educational psychology. Contemporary theories of intelligence. Memory and information processes. Teaching in elementary and secondary education. Gender issues in the classroom. The future perspectives in educational psychology.
- 1410. Harnessing cloud technologies for foreign language acquisition among masters in energy engineering
Consideration of prospects for the use of cloud technologies for teaching foreign languages by masters in energy engineering. Improving pedagogical outcomes, promoting cultural exchange and preparing students for successful careers in a glob