Professional training of specialists capable of independent scientific and creative activities and implementation of science in production. Formation of the student's idea about the forms of development and ways of using intellectual property objects.
Preparation of future air traffic controllers is analyzed in the article as a part of higher education in the USA. Main American institutions which are approved by Federal Aviation Administration for future air traffic controller are been considered.
Defines and characterizes the pedagogical conditions for future fine arts teachers' professionalism formation in cultural and educational space of department. These conditions are the following: lecturers’ scientific activity and involvement of students.
Definition of the pedagogical conditions for the future fine arts teachers’ professionalism formation in cultural and educational space of the department. Carrying out professional training of specialists in the educational-professional program.
The importance of mineral resources in the economy. The problem of modernization of geology, the role of higher education institutions in its development. The introduction of modern educational methods in the process of training industry professionals.
- 1356. Future music teacher training for professional activity in out-of-school educational institutions
Characteristics of the major components that form the basis of professional music teacher training. Informal character - one of the main specific features of the organization of the pedagogical process in institutions of extracurricular education.
Peculiarities of formation of language competence of first-year philology students. Study of the need to create a package of educational materials on a specific topic of an integrative language module in order to effectively form this type of competence.
Review of formation of language competence of philology students of a language educational institution. Approaches to the training of highly qualified competitive philologists. Advantages of integrated formation of students' language competence.
Based on the theoretical analysis of the psychological and pedagogical literature, the essence and content of the concepts “health-preserving activities" and “pedagogical projecting" are analyzed. The means of health preserving and types of have been.
Developing primary school children’s foreign language communicative competence. Methods and forms of learning that correspond to the development of pupils age-specific features. Main advantages of extracurricular activities in a foreign language.
Reveal the level of future social care teachers ’ professional focus maturity in terms of studying at higher educational institutions. Assessment of respondents according to a number of indicators of the level of formation of professional orientation.
The future teacher training in using Ukrainian folk songs while working with preschool and primary school children with tempo-rhythmic speech disorders. The introduction of lullabies songs performed by adults for children in the educational process.
Methodological provision of inclusive education in Ukraine. The use of the song heritage of the Ukrainian people in working with children with tempo-rhythmic speech disorders. Formation of competences and skills of students for work with preschoolers.
- 1364. Future vocal teacher’s intercultural competences development through the prism of genre and style
Genre-style content of the search for ways to form the intercultural competence of future vocal teachers. Methodological foundations of solving the problem of the formation of the specified phenomenon through the prism of genre and style categories.
The necessity of different games use in the educational process. The importance of the game as an important aspect of relieving mental strain of pupils at lessons of a foreign language. Game material in the solution of various problems and situations.
The role of game situations in the process of forming students' communicative competencies. The traditional approach to learning. Game situations during foreign language lessons. The process of developing the communicative potential of the student.
The purpose of this study is to show how game methods of work and gamification techniques are actually implemented by modern teachers in English classes in both full-time and distance education. The results of the survey of the English language teachers.
Game as an important method of training for children of preschool and younger school age. Positive sides of didactic games in the process of teaching, main directions realization of game receptions at a fixed form of occupations. Cases use game activity.
Peculiarities of using gamification as one of the most effective tools in the higher education system, which diversifies and increases the effectiveness of foreign language learning. Ways to increase students' motivation to learn a foreign language.
The gamification as a advantage in the process of learning a foreign language. Analysis of students' motivation to learn a foreign language as a prerequisite for achieving a high level of knowledge. Using gamification tools as a means of increasing it.
The effectiveness of gamified learning environments in motivating students and advancing their language skills. The potential of gamification as a powerful tool in English language teaching and learning. Integration of game elements into main programs.
- 1372. Gamification in tefl
History and evolution of gamification, its nature and main elements. Gamification in teaching linguistics skills. Description, features of digital gamification tools, the value of serious gaming and simulation. The place of gamification in the ESL class.
- 1373. Gamification in the system of the latest technologies of the educational process during the pandemic
Defining the role of gamification in e-learning, allowing teachers to interest and motivate students in the educational process. Characteristics of gamification tools that can be integrated into the educational process. Interactive survey form.
The content of the concept of gamification of the educational process. Identifying contributing features of the development of learning motivation, Consideration of the position of the gamified lesson. Provide various forms of integrated learning.
- 1375. Gamification technologies in the educational process of SMART-TNPU in the computer science teaching
The possibilities of using gamification technologies in the organization of the educational process at the university and institutions of general secondary education during martial law. Analysis of their specifics during the study of IT courses.
Application of gamification through educational platforms. Aspects of their use: individualized learning, point systems, leaderboards, social interaction. Review of the effectiveness of gamification in motivating students to engage in active learning.
Gamification as part of the gaming educational environment. Social, entrepreneurial importance and the origin of "social value". Exploring ways to make social value interesting for student entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial students through gamification.
Study of social, entrepreneurial importance and origin of "social value". Consideration of gamification as part of a game-based educational environment. Ways to increase social value for students studying business, entrepreneurship, through gamification.
Changes in the General Certificate of Secondary Education and A-Level programs in British schools. Analyses education reforms in the examination system of senior forms. The value of educational reform in raising the level of qualifications of graduates.
Procedural features of adult education in Turkey and the United States from the standpoint of gender. Functions of teacher and students during the model of realization of interdisciplinarity. Analysis of traditional and banking models of education.