- 1411. Harvard University
Harvard University is an American private research university located in Cambridge. Harvard is the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States. Main campus contains the central administrative offices and main libraries of the university.
- 1412. Harvard university
Studying the history of Harvard University - one of the most famous universities, which situated in the city of Cambridge. Familiarization with the teaching staff: two thousands teachers, about 14 and a half thousand masters and doctoral candidates.
- 1413. Harvard University
The Foundation of Harvard - the oldest University in the United States, founded in 1636, is a private University in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Features of student and teaching staff of the University. The President of Harvard, Professor D.G. Faust.
The peculiarity of the study of the need for full or partial computerization of the educational process and modernization of education as a whole. The main consideration of health-preserving technologies as the basis of health-preserving pedagogy.
The results of the research concerning pedagogical observations of selected features characterizing the health-promoting models of behaviour in children and adolescents. The observations were conducted by teachers working in primary schools in Poland.
Factors of the environment of the education, affecting the conditions for the realization of health and physical education. The opportunities in the field of education of strength, endurance and dexterity in correlation with factors of health saving.
- 1417. Healthy population study - opportunities to develop global citizens and health care professionals
Development of cooperation between McEwen University and Ternopil National Medical University. Gorbachev Health Ministry of Ukraine within the framework of the implementation of the health program. Nursing education and their professional practice.
The problem of the theory and practice of Herbartinian pedagogy in the German-speaking countries of the second half of the XIX and XX cen. Prerequisites for reforming the education system and assessing the Herbartian activities in the history of pedagogy.
Planning for a possible future for Ukraine after the end of the war - new, green, smart, livable cities, good infrastructure and a productive countryside. Creating access to educational infrastructure and academic knowledge for Ukrainian students.
Acquaintance with scheme of concepts and methods of hermeneutics. Characteristic content of variation of the explanation of scientific knowledge with the help. Defining an entity of identical examples of didactic properties, which have a parable.
- 1421. Heuristic dialogue technique in the formation of inquiry activity skills of primary school pupils
That is why the original heuristic dialogue technigue of teaching children to ask cognitive questions to themselves, the teacher, and their friends was applied. To teach a younger pupil to ask questions, that is, to be able to ask questions correctly.
Research on teaching mathematics at the first educational stage. The crucial importance of effective teaching of mathematics for the development of thinking skills and problem solving in everyday life. Heuristic method of the Hungarian scientist H. Pol.
Experimental studies of the influence of group work on the individual activities of students. Investigation of the performance of arbitrary memorization in the context of heuristic conversation in the classroom in the educational process of the school.
The questionnaire revealed the level of influence of educational factors: teachers, students 'likes, students' attitudes to English, books and society, friends on student absenteeism in higher education. The role of teachers' attitude is indicated.
Formation of a model of interaction of higher education with the labor market under the influence of global trends and challenges of recent decades. Comprehensive analysis of trends in higher education and the labor market on the eve of the pandemic.
The dependence of the national economy’s сompetitiveness on indicators was determined: the level of skills and level of information technology implementation. Interconnections between the level of skills and the degree of using advanced technologies.
Ensuring the quality of education in Ukraine during the period of hostilities. Transferring training to distance learning platforms, using interactive multimedia technologies. Improving the safety of teachers and students. Control of knowledge level.
The importance of introducing innovative methods and techniques for the real European integration of Ukraine and improving the scientific level of Ukrainian higher education. Economic support of the educational process, operational, commercial expenses.
Analysis, specifics of modern scientific and strategic approaches to internationalisation in universities in the United States of America. Trends of internationalization of higher education in America at the national, state, and institutional levels.
Numerous changes in the system of higher education in Montenegro over the past decade. Law on Higher Education. Basic principles of the Bologna Declaration and the European Commission. Issues and problems requiring further reform of the education system.
Study of the system of higher education in modern Germany. Analysis of the main factors of the development of democratic education. Determining the possibility of applying features of modern higher education in Germany in the conditions of Ukraine.
Offers and analyzes a description of the system of higher technical education in Germany. Different education programs at various faculties of educational institution are described. The practical and theoretical percentage of studying is illustrated.
Approaches to understanding the role of the history of the humanities in European Research as an opportunity to influence the selection of training content for teachers of philological specialties and the formation of their intercultural competence.
The issue of training foreign language teachers in Ukraine of the 20th century. The origins of training linguistic professionals for school. Teaching approaches. Reforming the national educational system. The main focus is on sharing European practices.
Historical aspects of the monitoring of educational achievements of students in maritime educational institutions of Ukraine in the late 20th century. Features of the integration of higher education institutions in the European educational space.
The historical prerequisites for the development of bilingual (multilingual) education in Ukraine. The goals and principles of the state language policy of Ukraine are defined. The laws on the functioning of languages on its territory are outlined.
Describing students’ views on national heroes and the most critical events in the history of Ukraine. Influence of youth on the social situation in country. Young generation appreciates the fight for freedom. Lack of historical knowledge among students.
Interpretation of the sources of patriotism during the Second World War and today. The role of border soldiers in approaching victory over fascism and the role of modern border guards in protecting the independence, sovereignty and integrity of Ukraine.
Factors of political, economic, social and cultural nature of the development of non-formal adult education in the United States, the need for its historical analysis. Comparative analysis of periodizations of non-formal adult education development.
Education is an obvious reflection of all social processes. Analysis of scientific and practical work on the problem of the development of postgraduate education of primary school teachers in the western regions of Ukraine (1945-1991) was carried out.