• Analyse the linguistic means used to present environmental problems in the English-language media discourse that appeal to readers’ emotions, influence the way people consider ecology and are supposed to encourage the general public to take measures.

    статья (887,7 K)
  • Characterization of the basic principles of effective implementation of STEM education in Ukraine, depending on the key components and stages of the educational process. A feature of practical training, technology, continuity and adaptability to study.

    статья (19,5 K)
  • The peculiarity of the preferences of the Bengal lizards to live in microenvironment with dense and dry ground. Characteristics of building nests adjacent to water bodies. The choice of grasshoppers as a diet instead of hunting for other varieties.

    статья (66,0 K)
  • Measuring literacy and numeracy for lifelong learning. Critical thinking: why we must transform our teaching. The impact of various innovative teaching methods and classroom interaction aiming to develop the defined hard and soft skills of specialists.

    статья (23,2 K)
  • The preparation of a hard coating on the area of steel products by the method of combined local strengthening technology with the intensification of the borating process. Effect of laser treatment of steel on increasing the depth of the hardened layer.

    статья (93,5 K)
  • The problem of harmonization of linguistic terminology, in particular of that related to prepositional equivalents of the word. The different languages undergo similar development processes, which results in arising of transitional language units.

    статья (244,6 K)
  • Comparison of the results of a free associative experiment conducted among students of the philological and technological faculties. Students' responses to the stimulus word HEALTH. Establishing the same and different associations proposed by students.

    статья (21,0 K)
  • Study of types and forms of identification. Analysis of the concept of identity, discursive community. Classification of markers to reduce categoricalness of speech, analysis of their use in speech as a means of identifying speakers in academic discourse.

    статья (23,3 K)
  • The article is devoted to the problem of sociolinguistic identification of speakers in Spoken American Academic Discourse. The article examines the existing approaches of humanitarian scientists to the concept of identification and personal identity.

    статья (22,6 K)
  • The problem of sociolinguistic identification of speakers in Spoken American Academic Discourse. The approaches of humanitarian scientists to the concept of identification and personal identity, parallels between them, the distinctive characteristics.

    статья (21,7 K)
  • Linguistic hedging is considered as one of the fundamental elements in any communication that makes speech polite, evasive, and euphemistic. Focuses on the most frequent type of hedges used in the American talk show discourse and its principal functions.

    статья (65,6 K)
  • Visual word recognition is a temporal process, whereby the physical features of words, letters, graphemes, phonemes and semantic features are analyzed. The present study aimed to investigate visual word recognition in Turkish and its brain organization.

    статья (36,9 K)
  • Units of individual text levels - form, content, phrases and sentences. The process of creating harmony and rhythm between content and form. Artistic text as a perfect composition. The need for specific research on the language of literary texts.

    статья (42,0 K)
  • Higher education system in the United States, types of higher education institutions. List of conditions necessary for successful admission to the most popular colleges in the country. Features of the curriculum. Problems of the Amerikan education.

    контрольная работа (23,2 K)
  • General characteristics of the educational market of Ukraine. Feature of public and private training institutions. Education as a kind of differentiated products. Determination of emporium of instructional services state as monopolistic competition.

    статья (97,0 K)
  • The distinction between the markos and h1ekuo-etyma for horse in Indo-European. Overview of the proto-lexicon: the horse. Multiplicity of etyma for horse. The meta-linguistic tradition of the Indo-European Gottersprache. The notion of language, its users.

    статья (39,2 K)
  • This article examines the historical aspects of methods of teaching a foreign language and ways to find new ways to motivate students to learn foreign languages. We turn to the beginning of the history of teaching, its development to today’s innovations.

    статья (21,0 K)
  • Definition of the term chrematonym in linguistics. Learning proper names of unique subjects. English chromatonyms from the standpoint of their classification and systematization. Unification, separation of categories of proper names of unique subjects.

    статья (39,0 K)
  • Research of means of written and symbolic communication on the territory of Eurasia from the second to the seventh century. Selection of historical and geographical vectors of scientific analysis of the runic sign. Study of runology in universities.

    статья (23,7 K)
  • A synchronic and diachronic overview of the Germanic languages. The idea that there was contact between immigrating IE-speakers and original non-IE speakers. Striking characteristics of Gothic. Evidence that the Germanic languages form one family.

    контрольная работа (107,9 K)
  • Analysis of the historical stages of state formation. Establishment in the United Kingdom a few feudal powers. The invasion of Germanic tribes of Angles on Saxons and Jutes. The most significant of the war England. Characteristics chronology of rulers.

    презентация (3,0 M)
  • Leisure or free time is a period spent out of work and domestic activity. Two main ways of spending free time. I like to pass my leisure time both in active and passive ways. Leisure time is one of the most important things people can't live without.

    топик (11,4 K)
  • Analysis of the concept "Pocivannya" of the microconceptosphere Sviatki projected for the peculiarities of its reflection in the synchronistical and diachronic aspects, character of its reflection in the hierarchical system of the linguistic world-image.

    статья (51,6 K)
  • The linguoconceptual analysis of the linguistic expressions of the concept Pocivannya within the Microconceptosphere Sviatki. Construction of the nominative field and description of structural elements of the concept. Modeling of its field structure.

    статья (18,6 K)
  • Characteristics of homeostasis and compensation. Research of the phenomenon of speech compensation as the main means of striving to maintain speech homeostasis on the example of the category of type and time. Specifics of Serbian and Croatian languages.

    статья (31,2 K)
  • Определение сущность языка, как части физиологии человека, характеризуя языковую активность в качестве рецепторной на основании идентичности устройства, принципов и биологического предназначения органов чувств. Феномен языка для курящих и некурящих.

    статья (143,7 K)
  • Анализ принятия оптимального решения в условиях конфликта, когда онтологический статус игры в антропологической реальности является основанием для рассмотрения возможностей применения теории игр к описанию текстовой деятельности в естественном языке.

    статья (16,0 K)
  • Психолингвистическое исследование доминант и их "следов" в тезаурусе и сознании путешествующей языковой личности Л. Кэрролла как автора "Русского дневника". Расподобление, анизотропность и эмоция как выражение чувствования на лингвокогнитивном уровне.

    статья (833,8 K)
  • Study of the R-structure of derived words with the suffix -ment. Combining word-forming series according to the class of words. Analysis of homogeneity and heterogeneity of metaphors. Evaluation of motivational relations from the position of synchrony.

    статья (34,8 K)
  • Characteristics and sources of homonyms and homographs. Classification of homonyms. Subgroups of homonyms, simple lexico-grammatical partial homonyms. The contribution of word-building to the growth of homonymy. Shortening as a type of word-building.

    реферат (13,6 K)