• Teaching an adult audience has a number of features, the knowledge of which will help to use methodological techniques effectively and solve the problem of optimizing the educational process. The essential specific of adult education is revealed.

    статья (20,8 K)
  • Conducting a study of the structure of classes aimed at the development of language systems, the study of "TTT" approaches. Facilitating the student's understanding of the meaning of a new lexical or grammatical unit. Development of a CELTA lesson plan.

    статья (4,2 M)
  • The role, place and significance of a foreign language and cross-culture in meeting different people, especially in professional and economic development. Study language skills in organizations and businesses that want to be competitive internationally.

    статья (27,4 K)
  • Consideration of the development of speech in a foreign language. Proper use of grammar speech without a teacher. Creation of pronunciation of any words or a new way of intonation of utterances. Listening and its use in English. Analysis of the situation.

    статья (17,1 K)
  • The problems of speech development in a foreign language. The methods of training and the development of listening and speaking skills in a non-linguistic country. All main cases of the informational, critical, еmpathetic and therapeutic listening.

    статья (17,6 K)
  • Formation of basic listening skills for students, which for the success of training should improve during the entire period of mastering the material. Conducting a study of verbal activity, which serves as an effective tool for learning English.

    курсовая работа (52,2 K)
  • Lucian is an Attic writer, whose texts were sources of correct grammar, vocabulary and phrases. A preliminary analysis of the four extant schede, that is school exercises, based on the writings of Lucian, which are transmitted in two manuscripts.

    статья (55,2 K)
  • Exploring the pressing issue of teaching armed conflict affected English language learning Ukrainian students to be mindful to better cope with wartime stressors for the sake of their psychological, physical health, intellectual and emotional well-being.

    статья (22,6 K)
  • The article also tackles such aspects as the course syllabus and objectives, its teaching techniques, and materials, as well as challenges that students might face. Russian Culture through Foreign Languages in the Master’s Degree Program in Linguistics

    статья (18,9 K)
  • The author of the scientific article shares her experience of using communicative tasks in order to provide future seafarers with the command of the English language in written and oral form necessary for the performance of professionally oriented duties.

    статья (21,1 K)
  • Search for effective methods of mastering the tourist vocabulary by students of international relations. Theoretical aspects of the consideration of psychological factors such as motivation and memorization. Studying rules for creating different words.

    статья (16,5 K)
  • The concept of essays as a scholarly piece of writing, giving the author's own argument. Theoretical aspects of teaching writing essays. Teaching creative writing techniques. Principles of Writing Narrative Essays. Definition of persuasive writing.

    курсовая работа (877,2 K)
  • Study of the evaluation of the influence of the production process on the standardized properties of referential, decentralized and industrial production for rapeseed oil. Analysis of the main factors that caused contamination from solid residues.

    статья (290,5 K)
  • Research of structural and semantic features of neologisms of the modern English language formed by telescopes as a special type of compression word formation. Description of the main structural types, subtypes, structural models of telescopic neologisms.

    статья (21,8 K)
  • Research of telescoping as a productive means of word formation of English vocabulary and methods of its translation into Ukrainian. Analysis of the formation of new elements of word formation. Creation of new derivation tools and word formation models.

    статья (26,7 K)
  • The consideration of telescopy as a productive means of word formation of English vocabulary and methods of its translation into Ukrainian. The role of word-formation by analogy in the creation of new derivational means and word-formation models.

    статья (57,5 K)
  • Ознакомление с английскими названиями частей часов. Обучение детей говорить время по часам. Формирование грамматических навыков в построении предложений. Развитие умений в диалогической речи на уровне микродиалога. Расширение кругозора учащихся.

    конспект урока (18,2 K)
  • Application of the principles of the linguistic-cognitive theory of the world of the text in the study of texts of various genres. Conducting a comprehensive study of the variety of roles of the same discursive technique. Worlds resulting from switching.

    статья (54,4 K)
  • Definition of an onym as a word, phrase or sentence that serves to distinguish a certain object from among others, its individualization and identification. English-language ergonisms as names of companies, enterprises, banks, educational institutions.

    статья (42,6 K)
  • Systematization of the main ways of translating the meanings of the verb can into Russian. Means of lexicalization of modal trajectories of the verb can in the Russian language, cross-linguistic comparison of modal values with his "translateme".

    статья (24,1 K)
  • Consideration of the terminological problems encountered in the translation of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Analysis of the most common problems encountered in the process of transfer of complexity and errors, and how to solve them.

    статья (17,7 K)
  • Study of terminological fields of fitness terms, their characteristics for standardization and harmonization. Problems in the process of organization and classification of this terminology due to new trends, technologies and regional differences.

    статья (29,9 K)
  • Terminological sphere in new branches of economic science, new economic theories that have appeared in the period of market economic relations development. The main ways of word formation in general and in particular the terms of word formation.

    курсовая работа (30,9 K)
  • Tasks of cognitive terminology science as a new direction of linguistic research, which was formed at the turn of the XX-XXI, and prospects for studying the cognitive potential of terminoponyat in various formats of organizing scientific knowledge.

    статья (30,5 K)
  • Semasiological investigation of two lexemes "transtator" and "interpreter". Studing semantic structure of the words. Author’s intentional meaning terms and multimodal discourse register. The translation of a language unit from one language to another.

    статья (47,8 K)
  • Study of the problems of the emergence of terms in the sphere of psychology in English and Ukrainian. The need for a comprehensive description, study and analysis of new layers of terminological vocabulary. Ways to create terms in the field of psychology.

    статья (21,4 K)
  • The peculiarity of reducing the tendency of people to travel because of terrorism. Analysis of its negative impact on international tourism and tourists. Loss of people's interest in certain destinations and airlines as a result of terrorist attacks.

    статья (702,6 K)
  • Highlights of discussion in cross-cultural language research. The place of contrastive linguistics among related disciplines. Approaches that create the necessary didactic background for the assimilation of theoretical and methodological foundations.

    статья (163,6 K)
  • Визначення основи зіставлення при порівнянні неспоріднених мов, зокрема при проведенні контрастивних досліджень неспоріднених письмових систем. Основні аспекти поняття tertium comparationis. Базові особливості української і корейської письмових систем.

    статья (18,0 K)
  • Business english and its characteristic features. Classification of organization cultures. Advice for job seekers. letter of inquiry. Money and methods of payment. Letter of offer. Stores and consumers. Abbreviations used in business correspondence.

    учебное пособие (792,2 K)