The communication role of semiotics in branded goods to connect words and images and convey meaning to others. expansion of semiotics across languages and the importance of developing sign processes in the multimodal context of marketing strategy.
The society is investigated through the scope of Ukrainian and English intellectual novels "Misto" by V. Pidmohylnyi and "The Picture of Dorian Gray" by O. Wilde. The characters are sold to the cruel world, and then deeply disappointed because of it.
Use of neural network modeling for natural language analysis and processing. Semantic differentiation of texts, understanding of semantic nuances, identification of similar or different texts. Effective execution of machine translation, text generation.
The study of new cultural meanings necessary to restore the broken sense of the conformity of consciousness and being of the individual. The peculiarity of the use of technologies of directional formation in the formation of anti-terrorism consciousness.
Syllable stress in american english. Pairs of semantically related words whose grammatical category is reflected in their stress pattern. Stress is very important and inalienable part of human’s speech. The value of the logical stress in the word.
Serialization is regarded as a phenomenon in which two or more verbs, or some other part of speech, follow each other in a sentence in the same aspect and tense form. The phenomenon is typicalfor the so called "exotic" languages in parts of the world.
Making a list of man-made structures, built during the classical era. Characteristics of the Great Pyramids and the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. The peculiarity of the construction of the statue of the Greek god Helios and the Lighthouse of Alexandria.
Shakespeare has often caused discomfort to authorities under various regimes of government. The history of involving the playwright in current politics, and the myths emerging along the way. Effects of Shakespeare’s influence on public minds and culture.
TikTok as a communicative event combining linguistic form, meaning and action. A study of the hierarchy of covid vaccines. Verbal and non-verbal means used by bloggers to create and maintain the elitist status of some and discredit other vaccines.
Tools for creating virtual groups and gaining popularity by addressing topics of public discourse are considered. A communicative event combining linguistic form, meaning and action is defined. Verbal and non-verbal means used by bloggers were analyzed.
Происхождение термина sharppower (острая сила), его природа, характеристики. Авторский вариант перевода термина sharppower на русский язык. Критическая оценка концепта как инструмента идеологического феномена в международном внешнеполитическом дискурсе.
Analysis of historical, sociological, psycholinguistic aspects of the functioning of the geopolitonym Siberia in the conflictogenic media discourse within the framework of the linguistic-informational model on material of different structural languages.
A study of partnerships with the Western Pomeranian Voivodeship and the Municipality of Mecklenburg. A study of the partnership between the municipality of Choshno and the municipality of Bergen in Rugia, where a joint European project was prepared.
Signs and factors of systemic creation by specific prehistoric communities of such inherited in the Ukrainian language Indo-European names as choronyms of the Carpathians, Bessarabia, Bukovina, Galicia, Hutsul region. Using a synergistic approach.
Study of the semantics of verbs of motion in the Kyrgyz and Russian languages in a comparative typological aspect. Verbs of motion as one of the main semantic varieties of the content aspect of the verb. Their place in the semantic side of the language.
- 2296. Simulation of dynamic modes of asynchronous machines with regard to thermal transition processes
The study of dynamic processes in an asynchronous machine. Changes in the ohmic resistance of windings and the energy characteristics of the entire car. Analysis of the unsaturation of the main magnetic flux path and the absence of damping circuits.
The emergence stages of deformation and strain of concrete at loading over the entire height section. Taking into account previous stresses in the armature, which are at the phase of making. Destruction of columns and determine their carrying capacity.
Категорія числа як лексико-граматична ознака формування мови. Порівняльний аналіз категорії числа мов різних лінгвістично-історичних груп. Приклади створення однини і множини (singulus та plures) в українській, турецькій, німецькій, китайській мовах.
Приналежність ресурсу до альтернативних медій за критерієм концептуалізації ворога. Реалізація критерію толерантності лексем на номінативи та дескриптиви. Розподіл виявів образу ворога за бінарними концептами комунікації в опозиції "свій-чужий".
The role of paradoxes in the novels by Ilf and Petrov "The Golden Calf" and "The Twelve Chairs". The paradoxical nature of the evaluative characteristics, which can manifest itself not only in a horizontal context, but also in a vertical, diachronic one.
- 2301. Slang
Exploring slang in general and its usage in the fiction, exactly in the work "The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger. Using slang for expressing thoughts and desires. The interpretation of slang words, its using in modern language and its new context.
Slang, being an integral part of language. Speech is one of the main and most problematic aspects of lexicology, as it reflects the linguocultural features of the society that uses it. Slang is as a collection of special words or their new meanings.
Study of the peculiarities of the use of slang as a means of communication in the period of social maturation of youth. The use of slang vocabulary, which implies a certain type of communicative environment for the implementation of language behavior.
- 2304. Slang terms in IT field
The feature of the formation of slang, jargon and neologisms. A study of the popularity of IT slang among programmers, software developers, web designers and other workers in the field. An analysis of the definition and classification of computer slang.
Slang as one of the most interesting phenomena of modern linguistic science. History of animation and characteristic of modern cartoons. Some examples of different types of abbreviations, acronyms and the truncated forms of an English-speaking slang.
Relationship between Proper English and vocabulary associated with her formal varieties. Differentiation of the notion of the Proper English apart from slang. Dialect in the English-speaking world from social, intellectual and cultural point of view.
The Russian/Ukrainian neologisms related to the institution of the kolkhoz, which appeared at that time and were also used by Hungarians, with the collapse of the regime became historicisms and have entered the initial phase of the archaization process.
The purpose of this scientific article was to emphasize the importance of teaching Slovak as a foreign language and thereby help to overcome the problems of foreign students in the study of professional subjects. Use of mixed innovative methods.
Outlines the Slovak research into audiovisual translation (AVT) from the 1950s up to the present, paying attenfion to the most important scholars as well as publicafions that helped to shape and establish the discipline within Slovak translati on studies
Characteristics huge potential objects of different cultural origins Slovakia. Feature demand in developed tourism country. The role of history, culture and art of planning a vacation. The main analysis of monuments and artistic heritage of the state.