• Identification of linguistic features of Sheldon Lee Cooper's speech on the basis of classification, which is carried out by the parameter of the level of mastery of communicative competence. Divide it into strong, mediocre and weak speech personalities.

    статья (22,9 K)
  • The speech personality of Sheldon Lee Cooper in the communicative aspect is considered. Identification of the linguistic features of Sheldon Lee Cooper's speech based on the classification based on the parameter of the level of communicative competence.

    статья (25,6 K)
  • Identification of linguistic characteristics of communicative behavior and coherence of conversation of Holmes. Psychological classification of the writer's speech personality. Determining the psychotype and manner of communication of the detective.

    статья (24,8 K)
  • Preservation, development and improvement of the English literary language. Features of the use of phraseological units and proverbs in newspapers, magazines and fiction. Consideration of the lexical meaning of the internal form and content of the text.

    статья (21,8 K)
  • Seven Wonders of Russia. Peterhof, Weathering pillars, lake Baikal, Valley of Geysers and Elbrus. Sculpture "The Motherland Calls!" - compositional center of the monument-ensemble "Heroes of the Stalingrad Battle" on Mamaev Kurgan in centre of Volgograd.

    презентация (589,8 K)
  • Linguistic analysis of sports discourse as the language of sports subjects who, depending on the role reality, verbalize their communicative intentions in different ways. The place of sports in social life, in the communicative and informational space.

    статья (18,6 K)
  • In the textbook incorporates the European standards for mastering conversational skills, raising to a new level of knowledge of grammar and vocabulary of a foreign language; development of communication skills, writing; understanding of another culture.

    учебное пособие (104,7 M)
  • The need to take into account physical actions, intonations that carry a certain communicative load and in a real text turn into verbal form for their visual perception. Formal separation and at same time, semantic adjoining of parts of complex utterance.

    статья (14,6 K)
  • Experiment of the concept of stages of qualification of a crime, its types and criminal-legal significance. Establishment of types of acts (content of relevant operations) and features that are inherent in a particular stage of qualification of a crime.

    статья (19,3 K)
  • The procedure of empirical studying lexico-semantic peculiarities of words denoting philosophical, world outlook, scientific, social, political, moral, religious, legal, aesthetic values in Modern Ukrainian and English. Determined linguistic units.

    статья (23,0 K)
  • The visit to the USSR of the British parliamentary delegation in 1945. The study of the ideologization and politicization of Soviet society under the circs of the Stalinist totalitarian regime, which distorted the development of "people's diplomacy".

    статья (19,2 K)
  • The concept of text’s naturalness - a system of language users’ preferences of the use of linguistic items measured by their frequency of occurrence in a particular context. Recurrent multi-word sequences - one of the main problem in translation.

    статья (37,2 K)
  • A variety of language that is a characteristic of a certain group of native speakers. Differences in vocabulary, slang, patois, pidgin. Studying the differences in the style of speech of people who speak the same language, but live in different regions.

    презентация (1,8 M)
  • The article is devoted to the study of the problem of the language culture of modern student youth. The analysis of language shortcomings in the speech of future specialists is carried out. Identified and classified typical errors leading to violations.

    статья (28,0 K)
  • The role of state regulation of the economy and theoretical approaches to these processes. Analysis of the structuring of the national economy by component basis. The main characteristic of the problem of territorial-industrial complexes in the state.

    статья (17,7 K)
  • Linguistic genderology - a scientific field that studies the problem of relationship between language and gender as one of the parameters of personality. Characteristics of male and female portrait descriptions based on examples from English prose.

    статья (14,5 K)
  • In line with Cognitive Linguistics commitments and assumptions highlights the problems pertaining to a universal ability of human cognition to construe the world in language statively, the principles of stative interpretation of knowledge about the world.

    статья (92,1 K)
  • Stereochemical aspects of the epoxidation of norbornene and its 7-syn-substituted derivatives with peroxy-formic acid. Study of the stabilization of the transition state due to hydrogen bonds. Sterile repulsion between the substituent and the oxidant.

    статья (839,5 K)
  • Study of the process of intercultural communication from the linguistic point of view and sociology. Stereotyping as a psychological model of human thinking. Identifying the influence of stereotypes on the translation and perception of foreign culture.

    статья (21,4 K)
  • Approaches to the definition of a stereotype from the point of view of linguistic and non-linguistic sciences are analyzed and the connection of translation stereotypes is highlighted. It was determined that stereotypes affect the quality of translation.

    статья (23,0 K)
  • Consideration of the appeal to logic stratagem in English-language judicial discourse from the perspective of its impact on recipients. Types of persuasive arguments, their impact on participants. Means expressing the appeal strategy of the prosecutor.

    статья (24,3 K)
  • The feature of the development of the initial strategic competence of pupils-philologists, formed in the process of pre-university training, in the course of computerized teaching of Russian listening. Mastering new skills in computer-assisted audition.

    статья (1,1 M)
  • Fast speech is the arch enemy of simultaneous interpreters. Basics problems of fast speech, ways to solve them. Strategies for coping with fast speeches: request the speaker to slow down, the interpreter speeds up, summarization, termination of service.

    реферат (13,4 K)
  • Necessity to develop citizens’ knowledge of foreign languages. Development of system of study of foreign language in the field of speaking skills. G.V. Rogova "Methods of teaching English" and J.J. Jalolov "English language teaching methodology".

    курсовая работа (843,9 K)
  • Problems of research of neologisms of English language pre-election discourse. Modern approaches to defining the term. Possible ways of reproducing new lexical units of pre-election discourse in terms of their function or belonging to the thematic group.

    статья (21,3 K)
  • Persuasive influence as a process in which communicants, through messages organized in a certain way, influence other people in order to change their attitudes regarding the subject of persuasion. His tools and the main ways to improve efficiency.

    статья (208,6 K)
  • The main strategies of simultaneous interpretation for post-translation analyze. Strategy of trial and error, expectation strategy, stalling. Methods of translating, adequate translation considering speakers cultural background, personal peculiarities.

    презентация (1,4 M)
  • Verbal and non-verbal representation of partnership strategy in English parenting discourse. Interpretation of the concepts of speech strategy, tactics. Tactics of the implementation of the partnership strategy in the English-language prenatal discourse.

    статья (18,6 K)
  • Analysis of the specifics of the deployment of the partnership strategy. Lexical-semantic, syntactic and stylistic means of implementing encouragement tactics in English-language parental discourse. Ensuring identification of the speaker's intentions.

    статья (21,4 K)
  • Lexical stratification analysis of verbs functioning in the text corpus of one of the branches of technical discourse. Stratification of vocabulary of the dictionary "Acoustics", lexical layers - commonly used, general scientific and terminological.

    статья (28,4 K)