Анализ прорывной технологии public relations под названием soft power. Влияние традиционных технологий коммерческих коммуникаций, таких как реклама и PR, стимулирование продаж и direct mail на общество. Стандарт коммерческой коммуникации soft power.
Вимоги до рівня компетентності фахівців сфери управління. Сутність і зміст понять професіоналізм, компетентність, професійна компетентність, "softskills", "hardskills". Способи формування компонентів "жорстких" і "м’яких" навичок під час їх підготовки.
Administrative activities, personnel manager. Qualities that a person must possess in this post. The style of his work. How to choose the right employee for the position. The problems that arise. Why depend on the success or failure of the company.
- 664. Sovereign Wealth Funds and Wealth Renationalization: Political Determinants of Investment Decisions
Investigates the significance of political motivation for wealth management within the SWFs. The study derives important factors influencing the investment decisions of wealth management. Аnalysis of significance of political factors of decision-making.
Sports management as a priority for the activity of the state in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Yogo subject, object that principle. Development of the concept of innovative sports management in Ukraine in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Investigation on the relationship between job satisfaction and job performance among the sailors in Rapid Action Boat Squadron in Sri Lanka Navy in military context. Cognitive, emotional and behavioural involvement in their work or job are extraordinary.
Тhe essence of staff management business process reengineering as a modern method to enhance disabled people in innovative activities and increase an enterprise’s efficiency. Тhe innovative practice of enterprise management. Тhe process implementation.
Корпоративная социальная ответственность компании Starbuck. Забота компании о кофепроизводящих странах. Цены на кофе экстра-класса. Создание дополнительных рабочих мест. Вовлечение и поддержка молодежи. Забота об окружающей среде и переработка отходов.
- 669. State control over the safety and individual quality indicators of livestock products in Ukraine
The reveals the vectors of evolution of state control over safety and individual indicators of quality of livestock products in Ukraine. The problems that cause the low quality and danger of many livestock products in Ukraine have been identified.
- 670. Statement of the problem in general and its connection with important scientific and practical tasks
Research and characterization general approaches and methods of development, adoption and implementation of management decisions. To determine that the development and adoption of management decisions is a certain sequence of actions (operations).
Комплексное изучение внешнего окружения организации для более эффективного принятия управленческих решений. Характеристика разработки стратегий, необходимых для успешной деятельности компании. Проведение исследования алгоритма составления STEP-анализа.
- 672. Stock market manipulation as a complicated white-collar crime: American and Ukrainian approaches
The article deals with the separate problems of the formation, interpretation and improvement of the provisions of domestic and American legislation on criminal liability for manipulation on the stock market. An author's attempt was made to determine.
The concept of strategic brand management, emphasizes on the direction of brand growth in the long-term prospects. The functions, the basic principles of brand management. Methods and principles, specific models, organizational forms of brand management.
Study and describe some characteristics of the balanced economic growth of entrepreneurial entities, draw valid conclusions and reveal future perspectives, which will allow us to balance their sustainable dynamic development and be able to mobilize.
Consideration of strategic tasks of introduction of management accounting at enterprises, substantiation of its necessity and prospects of further development. National features of doing business. Directions of development of domestic management.
Foundations for the formation of the content, functions of sports management. Ensuring the character of physical culture, sports, the affordability of their services. The introduction of innovations in the process of providing, implementing management.
- 677. Strategic HR management and building of international teams as a strategy for global competitiveness
The latest management theories and trends are explored and insights into the role intercultural competence in the strategic management of human resources are provided. The importance of aligning human resource management practices with business strategy.
- 678. Strategic innovation
Sources of strategic management. Five ways to kick-start innovation. Start the thinking process at different points. Redefine the business for company. Process for developing new ideas. A dramatic technological innovation to attack the leader market.
Assessment of the role of strategic development management in the practice of medical institutions. Justification of the importance of ensuring the continuity of strategic goals, the need to take into account the specifics of the health care industry.
The concepts and existing paradigms to concretize the essence of the process of strategic management of economic security from the standpoint of system and process approach. The strategic management of the economic security system of economic entities.
Study of current issues of the development of the modern education system in Ukraine. The process of determining and substantiating strategic prospects for the development of the personnel management system in educational institutions of Ukraine.
Analysis of the prospects for the use of strategic risk management tools in the process of public administration in an unstable, highly conflict-prone society. Features of the choice of methodology for the formation of an effective risk management model.
Employee motivation as a critical factor in the success of an organization. Productivity and reduced turnover of motivated employees. Effective strategies and practical examples of recognition, reward, and successful increase in employee motivation.
Theoretical developments, scientific and practical substantiation of the expediency of using strategizing as a guarantee of long-term effective functioning of enterprises under the conditions of strengthening transformational processes in the economy.
Customer service strategy of an industrial enterprise in the context of the implementation of the concept of strategic management. Features that characterize customer service with high quality. Measures to motivate employees to quality customer service.
Study of the theory and analysis of management. Principles of management of organizational, economic, social, cultural and educational aspects. Scientific and methodological significance of entrepreneurship, skills control, business incentives for staff.
Study of theoretical foundations and practical application of agricultural investment management. Recommendations for investments in the agricultural sector by analyzing and solving the problems of the development of rural areas on the example of China.
Characteristics of functions and methods of managerial accounting. Analysis of efficiency of the organization of managerial accounting in JSC "Milland" and its influence on adoption of administrative decisions. Learning the basics of market economy.
Current and expected hotel lodging industry situation in Petersburg. Legislative framework, description of interview procedures. Project technical and economic specification, business infrastructure and hotel territories to rent budget. Hotel operators.
- 690. Successful career
Successful promotion in the field of service, social, scientific and other activity; promotion upwards on a service stairs. The prospect of career growth. Sincere desire to do the work. Perfection, independent search and reception of new knowledge.