Analyze the role of leaders in managing organizational culture and improving work effectiveness of their followers to enhance overall organizational performance and facilitate skill development and motivation. The building employees’ capacities.
Highlights and characteristic the results of a study devoted to new requirements to quality management in auditing firms, resulting from the enforcement of the new standards. The design of a quality management system at firm level is considered.
История создания Nike – всемирно известного бренда и компании по производству спортивной одежды и обуви из США. Логотип, слоган, миссия и философия компании. Применение принципов универсального дизайна, учет культурных отличий и ограниченных возможностей.
- 544. Now, let’s make it really complex (complicated) A systematic review of the complexities of projects
Complexity as a key independent variable that influences subsequent decisions in the practice of project management. Operations management, practice of the emergency, description of complex projects. Project management and systematic monitoring.
Сфера діяльності і пропозиції туристичного підприємства "One Ticket". Потреби, які задовольняє компанія. Визначення цільової аудиторії. Складання і розрахунок індивідуального туру. Розробка рекламного повідомлення. Фактори впливу на вибір подорожей.
Strategic decision making process. Problems of designing operations. A management area that specializes in the physical production of goods or services and uses quantitative methods to solve production problems. The Operations Management System.
The connection between operational management, operational plans, and dispatching lies in the fact that operational management involves the development, implementation, and monitoring of operational plans and utilizes dispatching to execute these plans.
In the current economic conditions, characterized by high uncertainty and tax burden on industries, special importance is given to the improvement of decision-making speed in the field of taxation. An important component of that is operative tax planning.
Study of the process of integration of higher education in Ukraine in the European educational space. Description of modern pedagogical technologies of professional training of specialists in management to business communication in a foreign language.
Development of a network planning model for solving the strategic priorities of the organization. Estimation of terms of execution of tasks, optimization of performers. Determination of the tension coefficient for the implementation of the priority.
The purpose of the article is the role of development and effects of conflict situations in management of the organisation. The article underlines that one of the best management methods to prevent dysfunctional conflict is to explain what result.
- 552. Organizational and economic mechanism of industrial enterprises social infrastructure management
Features of management of social infrastructure of industrial enterprises and the possibility of achieving efficiency of provision of social infrastructure for different components. Organizational-economic mechanism of management of social infrastructure.
Organizational and economic trends enhancing enterprise readiness to implement changes such as the methods of readiness assessment, the elements of change management program and organization structure, the instruments of overcoming changes resistance.
Decrease in business activity, revenues of business structures, insufficient level of profitability in the conditions of growing socio-economic turbulence, indicate the need for organizational transformations in management improving economic efficiency
The turbulence of the organizations' environment significantly affects the functioning of creative knowledge-based organizations. Changes that occur in this broadly understood environment are often unpredictable, so it is impossible to prepare for them.
The concept and importance of organizational culture, the principles of its formation and evaluation criteria. Features of organizational culture adopted by the company Nokia, its structure and specific features, development history and future prospects.
The role of organizational culture in the motivation of enterprises' employees. The analysis of the relationship between the level of satisfaction with material incentives and the factors determining the organizational culture at the enterprise.
- 558. Organizational provision of accounting and control of agro- innovative activities of enterprises
e theoretical essence of the term "agro-innovation" in the accounting system of agricultural enterprises is substantiated. In order to increase the innovative activity of agricultural enterprises and the adoption of sound decisions by management staff.
The organizational structure of enterprise management in modern conditions. The feasibility of using the different types of organizational structures of management at the enterprise to effectively support the implementation of the selected policy.
Directives of strategic management of financial and economic security of enterprises, which are determined on the basis of the interests of economic entities and their stakeholders. Challenges facing the company in external and internal environments.
The meaning of the term "outsourcing" is the organization's use of external resources to solve its own internal problems. Cooperation between organizations, transfer of organizational elements to third parties. Management of organizational strategy.
Familiarity with the preconditions of using outsourcing in the process of project management. Consideration of the types of outsourcing services. Features of use of outsourcing in Ukraine at the present stage. The essence of the concept of outsourcing.
The increase of demand for education. Overqualification problem in Russia. Comprehensive monitoring of living conditions surveillance employees. The objective method of measuring overqualification. Underqualification among Russian self-employed youth.
The analysis of strategic management in the hotel and restaurant industry (HoReCa), with a particular emphasis on the significance of partnerships and diversification strategies in contemporary conditions. Their interaction with current industry trends.
The problem of failure of most Russian universities to develop intellectual property management strategies capable of meeting the challenges of the market. Formulation of the structure of the strategic goals of universities in of intellectual property.
Quality assessment of the treatment process as a precondition for an integral approach to its management. Studying the opinion of patients who have undergone treatment in the clinics regarding their satisfaction with the quality of the health services.
Кpeaтивныe тeхнологии cотpудничecтвa c пepcонaлом оpгaнизaции. Организационно-правовая характеристика ООО "Возрождение". Совepшeнcтвовaниe и paзpaботкa тeхнологии упpaвлeния пepcонaлом в оpгaнизaции. Pacпpeдeлeниe клиeнтов pecтоpaнa по возpacту.
Theoretical aspects and practical recommendations for improving the asset management system in modern conditions. Approaches to understanding the essence of assets, namely the value of financial and property assets. Classification of working capital.
The approach to determining the labor motivation level of personnel. The major ways of labor motivation methods' enhancement within the human resources management. Senior, middle and lower level managers, specialists and workers of production divisions.
Peculiarities of using performance indicators as a necessary element of effective management and strategic development of religious organizations. Ways of increasing the effectiveness of religious organizations in performing their social functions.