Characteristic of machine-building enterprises of Lviv region. The stages in the development of ways of applying the program-target approach to the management of industrial enterprises according to their level of competitiveness and strategic priorities.
Search for effective models of functioning and development of the organization. Development of a corporate management strategy. Improvement of culture and labor productivity. Creation of conditions for the realization of the individual's potential.
Consideration of modern information support of restaurant enterprise management processes. Overview of the essence and system of information support of restaurant enterprise management processes. Constituent elements of information support in this area.
- 844. Theoretical aspects of logistics management of agricultural enterprises at the international level
Researchers of the theoretical foundations of logistics management at the national level. The modern logistics in the system of international market relations is analyzed. The potential of logistics services is analyzed using the example of China.
- 845. Theoretical aspects of managing the energy supply potential of sustainable regional development
Energy potential management; the understanding of the structural components of energy saving enterprises in the minds of modern development. Come in and save energy. Establishment of energy-saving installation, production technologies, transportation.
Characteristics of aspects of mergers and acquisitions in the modern world economy. Basic theoretical and applied aspects of mergers and acquisitions. Classification of strategies for mergers and acquisitions as important corporate governance tools.
Identifying the nature and priorities of financial management of enterprises. The peculiarity of determining approaches to such management on the basis of crisis management. Analysis of the use of induction and deduction to build a research structure.
The devoted to the study of food safety management at restaurant enterprises. Improvingfood safety management at restaurant enterprises involves the use of the latest technologies and standards, as well as taking into account legislative requirements.
The importance of effective risk management for ensuring business stability and success. Development of strategies adapted to a specific enterprise. Analysis of operational response to changes and optimization of enterprise risk management strategies.
Consideration of creating an effective system of staff motivation in the enterprise. Familiarity with the principles of forming a system of motivation. Problems of choosing motivational levers in accordance with the individual qualities of employees.
The ways of improving the corporate culture of the team and reducing the risk of conflict in the enterprise. The causes and nature of their origin. Various material values, colloquial expressions, behavior and uncontrolled emotions can cause conflicts.
A theory of decision-making based on both the differentiation and integration of the axiomatic theory of utility and rationality maximization of scientific heuristics. Basic concepts of decision-making behavior with various types of factor explanations.
Changes in the macroenvironment as a source of new opportunities for the company. Especially the development of business strategy. General characteristics of Porter's Five Forces. Analysis of the factors determining the competitiveness of the industry.
The article defines the essence of the concepts of language, culture, which are important for the process of intercultural communication of combat and operational support specialists, as well as for the process of forming their intercultural competence.
The influx of motivation of workers into the territorial community. Revolutions of the term "motivation", stages of evolution. Stages of the process of motivating workers. Update of the terms "motivation", "stimulation". In-depth motivational management.
The main influence of the motivation of employees in the territorial community on their productivity, efficiency and involvement in the development of the community. The peculiarity of stimulating employees to achieve better results in their duties.
Internationalization is one of the most important current trends in the retailing segment at present. Retailing has several traditional functions. Europe and Japan remain the leading markets for retailing. The globalization versus adaptation debate.
Характеристика фирмы "Apple" как самой успешной в мире. Заключение нового партнерского соглашения с Microsoft. Анализ стратегии Стива Джобса. Особенность его падения и подъема в бизнесе. Потребления информации с помощью цифровых технологий и интернета.
Причины дефицита времени. Основные методы и правила в управлении временем. Принцип Парето. Система управления временем Б. Франклина. Параметры эффективного использования телефона и интернета тайм-менеджментом, его особенности на современном этапе.
Learning technique was studied and applied to the embedding dimension and time delay estimation to the benchmark nonlinear time series and the stock market prediction problem. The methodology of reinforcement learning application was proposed and applied.
A business model - a set of organizational routines and management technologies that explain how a company is "designed" to satisfy the needs of key customers. Outsourcing - one of the instruments of increasing of competitiveness of the enterprise.
Consideration of the specifics of cryptocurrency, analysis of the market, as well as the development of decision-making tools. Understanding the field based on statistical data, interviews with cryptocurrency market professionals and personal experience.
Evaluate company value. The correctness of current earnings in predicting future cash flows. The relationship between earnings and stock returns. The list of the largest Russian companies in terms of capitalization. Listed companies' financial data.
Всеобщий менеджмент качества. Философия управления организацией. Системная модель организации с точки зрения TQM. "Дом всеобщего качества". Ориентация на потребителей, их удовлетворенность. Управление, основанное на фактах и данных. Проектный менеджмент.
The evolution of total quality management. The regular use of statistical control methods to ensure that quality standards are met and to identify variations from the standards. The concept of total quality control. Company-wide quality control.
Conceptual frameworks of management reporting formation that was investigated from the perspective of systematic approach. Determination of the main requirements to the content and structure of management reporting on the example of trade enterprises.
Improvement of professional training of employees. Increase the efficiency of production, quality and competitiveness in the field of service and in the organization of production. Obtaining competitive advantages in the implementation of one's strategy.
The stages in the development of the company internal management systems are considered. Determinants of the formation of a new paradigm of strategic management are reviewed. The adapted application in the economic conditions of Kazakhstan are grounded.
Violation of the structural integrity of the management system of innovative activity in the industry and the narrowing of the innovative potential of the enterprise. Limitation of its ability to maintain a sufficient level of innovative activity.
Analysis of modern developments in the procurement process within the framework of project management from the point of view of the possibilities of using project management tools in the process of public procurement, ensuring their additional impact.