- 481. Organizational provision of accounting and control of agro- innovative activities of enterprises
e theoretical essence of the term "agro-innovation" in the accounting system of agricultural enterprises is substantiated. In order to increase the innovative activity of agricultural enterprises and the adoption of sound decisions by management staff.
The organizational structure of enterprise management in modern conditions. The feasibility of using the different types of organizational structures of management at the enterprise to effectively support the implementation of the selected policy.
Directives of strategic management of financial and economic security of enterprises, which are determined on the basis of the interests of economic entities and their stakeholders. Challenges facing the company in external and internal environments.
The meaning of the term "outsourcing" is the organization's use of external resources to solve its own internal problems. Cooperation between organizations, transfer of organizational elements to third parties. Management of organizational strategy.
Familiarity with the preconditions of using outsourcing in the process of project management. Consideration of the types of outsourcing services. Features of use of outsourcing in Ukraine at the present stage. The essence of the concept of outsourcing.
The increase of demand for education. Overqualification problem in Russia. Comprehensive monitoring of living conditions surveillance employees. The objective method of measuring overqualification. Underqualification among Russian self-employed youth.
The problem of failure of most Russian universities to develop intellectual property management strategies capable of meeting the challenges of the market. Formulation of the structure of the strategic goals of universities in of intellectual property.
Quality assessment of the treatment process as a precondition for an integral approach to its management. Studying the opinion of patients who have undergone treatment in the clinics regarding their satisfaction with the quality of the health services.
Кpeaтивныe тeхнологии cотpудничecтвa c пepcонaлом оpгaнизaции. Организационно-правовая характеристика ООО "Возрождение". Совepшeнcтвовaниe и paзpaботкa тeхнологии упpaвлeния пepcонaлом в оpгaнизaции. Pacпpeдeлeниe клиeнтов pecтоpaнa по возpacту.
Theoretical aspects and practical recommendations for improving the asset management system in modern conditions. Approaches to understanding the essence of assets, namely the value of financial and property assets. Classification of working capital.
The approach to determining the labor motivation level of personnel. The major ways of labor motivation methods' enhancement within the human resources management. Senior, middle and lower level managers, specialists and workers of production divisions.
Generalization of approaches to defining the content of the concept of "personnel policy". A complex of legal, organizational and managerial decisions and social and psychological measures aimed at the formation of the necessary human resources.
Planning, selection, selection, arrangement and adaptation of personnel as the most important in the actions of the organization's management in the development and implementation of personnel policy. Effective and stable operation of the enterprise.
- 494. PEST анализ
Краткий анализ финансовых результатов и баланса "S7 Airlines" - крупнейшей частной авиакомпании России с самым современным парком воздушных судов на российском рынке авиаперевозок. Сравнение пассажиропотока авиакомпании S7 с другими авиакомпаниями.
- 495. Pest-анализ
Использование Pest-анализа для определения бизнес возможностей. Анализ влияния политических, экономических, социальных и технологических факторов на успешность деятельности фирмы. Оценка вероятности изменения факторов и реальной значимости факторов.
Воздействие факторов внешней среды на социально-экономический потенциал территории. PEST-анализ – маркетинговый инструмент, применяемый при управлении организациями и корпорациями. Оценка влияния внешней среды на элементы потенциала Пензенской области.
Влияние внутренней и внешней среды на деятельность предприятия. Инновационный метод анализа в стратегическом управлении. Краткая характеристика ОАО "Газпром". Миссия и основные цели организации. Экономическая ситуация на мировом энергетическом рынке.
Понятие внешней среды предприятия. Характеристика PEST-анализа для проведения анализа факторов дальнего окружения, таких как политические, экономические, социальные и технологические. Основные факторы влияния на дальнейшую деятельность предприятия.
The essence of the event portfolio of a tourist destination. Planning EPD of Ukraine as a component of the tourism product. Marketing strategy for the portfolio formation. Decision-making factors on the structure of the EPD, the dynamics of events.
Содержание, сравнение понятий "реклама" и "PR". Характеристика и особенности PR деятельности коммерческого банка, значение установления и поддержания двухстороннего общения между организацией, общественностью. Основные направления PR деятельности.
Особенности управления диалогической моделью связей с общественностью в сфере политический коммуникаций государства и гражданского общества. Основные кластеры диалога. Методы повышения уровня общественной безопасности в сфере публичной политики.
Уровни и виды планирования. Типичные ошибки планирования и их последствия. Структура разбиения работ. Презентация: общие правила организации и проведения. Цели и задачи PR-проекта. Целевая аудитория и вовлеченные группы. Ожидание результата PR компании.
Problems of insufficient amount of agricultural consultancy establishments in Poland. The characteristics of the farming counseling system. A threat of not full utilization of financial means for consultancy services by farmers and forest owners.
Studying the practice of implementation of knowledge management technology in organizations, including educational ones. Specific features, difficulties and ways of implementation of knowledge management technology in educational organization.
Implementation of the new content of the measurement methodology. Balanced scorecards as a tool to improve institutional development. Acquaintance with the main features and key stages of the development of a strategic balance sheet, analysis of problems.
Defining the principles and studying the functions of capacity management. Classification of General and specific principles of production management. Development of a special method for managing the main production capacities at a modern enterprise.
Analysis of the management activities of university leaders in the implementation of an innovative model of integration of science, education, production, business. Review of the project of dual form of education at the University of State Fiscal Service.
Business presentation as part of the communication of organizations with partners and customers. Elements of the S-shaped structure of the problem-solution representation. Presentation of information in accordance with the type of problem statement.
The concepts of a business model and an innovation business model. The factors that influence business models development. The classification of effective innovation business model. The elements of a successful business model in modern dynamic markets.
Identification of factors that have a negative impact on the effectiveness of cooperation between chief and Executive Directors and independent Directors of public companies with distributed ownership. Protecting the financial interests of shareholders.