Conducting a comprehensive analysis of the influence of the overarching whole on the behavior of the elements of systems in the process of their synchronization. Conceptualization of the topological interaction of material, spiritual and virtual spaces.
Examines tolerance as a complex social, cultural and economic phenomenon, a principle, an idea, an ideology, a concept necessary for the proper functioning of pluralistic democracy and modern civil society. Essential problems of human communication.
The conceptualization of the phenomenon of interaction as a key model of the existence of an international world policy in the context of the doctrine of universal communication phenomena. Co-evolutionary principle of the international community.
Studying the original texts from the past. To explore the key characteristics of the argumentation dimension and some methodological tools that will be useful for scholars studying outstanding historical books from the field of philosophy of cosmology.
The importance of research which, at the time of Pliny, had preserved and updated Greek science, as described in Books II-VI. Problem of Seneca’s sources in the Naturales Quaestiones. Posidonius’ influence in the passages devoted to scientific geography.
Educational practices that characterize a person as a subject and object of educational and corrective influence. Actualization of the dialectic of active and passive in the process of socialization and the formation of personality in modern society.
The influence of knowledge on the formation of new anthropological images of man from the point of view of scientific achievements. The digital revolution as the expansion of information and digital reality, the transformation of the value system.
Poststructuralism as a major factor in the formation of European philosophical thinking. General characteristics of the foundations of postmodernism. Familiarity with the main features of transgression in the concept of European post-structuralism.
Philosophical, anthropological aspects of transhumanism. The position of evolutionary ethics as a basis for criticism of transhumanism. Ways of combating exploitation, poverty, corruption, restoring human creativity that is hindered by technology.
The problem of transversal reason as the concept of W. Welsch’s theory, which opens new horizons for intellectual strategies building. Transition between of ratio terminals, differences, form the environment of the complex thinking as a transversal one.
- 911. Triadic nature of visual image as a basis of visible component representation in communicative space
Study of the nature, structure, mechanisms of occurrence and conditions for the existence of representations of the visible to clarify the principles of the functioning of the visual image in the communicative space. Organization of communication space.
Впровадження одного з варіантів культурологічного аналізу процесів десакралізації сучасної свідомості на засадах анамнезу такого відомого у культурології явища, як синдром скрижалей, дослідженням якого займався Ю.М. Лотман. Науковий досвід Урі Гершовича.
Considering the idea of trust as a value that forms the basis of academic integrity. Positive and negative conclusions of American researchers in the field of an atmosphere of developing trust. Description of the main trends in trust accounting.
The analysis of trust from a philosophical point of view, taking into account the negative side of experience like a process that allows us to understand its fundamental function. Characteristics of the reasons and spaces that prompt acts of trust.
The boundaries between truth and falsehood in the context of Plato's theory. Perception of the truth and falsity of the universe. Language and sensations in the system of cognition. Development of a theory of boundaries between truth and falsehood.
Ontological structure of quantum mechanics. The evolution of the henoontological equation (the identity of being one, of being) in the shape of the arrangement prepared by the orthodox interpretation of the theory. Focus on the Copenhagen interpretation.
Research of the phenomenon of sociality in the Turkic world. Analysis of the traditions of the Turkic socio-cultural space as a prerequisite for sociality in the formation of new patterns of activity, which will later acquire the status of traditional.
The biblical God is not a fixed engine or nature, but a person. Acquaintance with different concepts of God in Jewish thinking, analysis of features. Analysis of the approach of Maimonides, which completely rejects the anthropomorphic image of God.
The problem of the ratio of justice and law is considered. A characteristic feature of national humanism is defined. The Ukrainian humanists' idea of a virtuous life has been established. The central principle of humanistic ethics is characterized.
The reconstruct the development of a socialized interpretation of shame in the western philosophical tradition from antiquity up to the XVII century. The first detailed description of shame from the socialized perspective was proposed by Aristotle.
In this essay, defend a pluralism concerning the concept of knowledge and show that the seven types of knowledge, that we distinguish, can be unified by criteria which characterize the types of knowledge as being critical. The general critical question.
Analysis of the meaning of the category of the secular in the religious and philosophical collections of essays of the beginning of the twentieth century. The problem of the secularization. The secular philosophy in the religious, Christian discourse.
The unity of knowledge as the problem of philosophy and education. Definition and determination of the format of the company and its substantial parameters. Personal qualities of individuals: knowledge, skills, attitudinal and behavioural priorities.
The unity of knowledge as the problem of philosophy and education. Definition and determination of the format of the company and its substantial parameters. Personal qualities of individuals: knowledge, skills, attitudinal and behavioural priorities.
- 925. Universalism and Confrontation of Civilizations in the Concepts by F. Fukuyama and S. Huntington
A comparative description of concepts "The End of History" by Francis Fukuyama and "The Clash of Civilizations" by Samuel Huntington and their feasibility at present. The basis for the present research is the works by F. Fukuyama and S. Huntington.
Consideration of the main stages of development of utopia as a philosophical idea, expressed in literary works. Research and characterization of specific features of a retrospective, prospective utopia and utopia that exists in an indefinite time.
The idea of transcendental analysis: Kant, Marburg Neo-Kantianism. The philosophy of culture as a separate field of research arises on the basis of the juxtaposition of nature and value. The uniqueness of objectivity of human being are existence.
An attempt to analyze the manifestation of some postmodern ideas of cognitive optimism in educational practices of modern Ukrainian society has been made. Consideration of pluralism of opinions, which led to changes in information behavior of a person.
The intention is to construct a possible minimal response to violence, to describe what would be justified counter-violence. This argument is built on reviving several important philosophical texts in Russian of the first half of the twentieth century.
Consideration of the problem of the divergence of virtual and authentic reality in modern phenomenology and philosophy. Definition and signs of the true world. The mechanism of creating the effect of presence or illusion in the matrix of the human brain.