• The article analyses the political and ideological contexts of the war in Ukraine and investigates language means used to verbalise discursive strategies. Political actors are researched by a three-level analytical framework for textual analysis.

    статья (3,2 M)
  • Development of a classification of dialogues on political topics and selection of examples of politically marked and unmarked conversations performed by students studying English. Analysis of the inclusion of project assignments in the learning process.

    статья (16,8 K)
  • The concept of discourse in various scientific schools. Study of the British Conservative Party and the US Republican Party. Differences between linguistic means and discourse strategies of politicians who are in favor of and against the Brexit deal.

    дипломная работа (389,2 K)
  • Strategies and tactics for neutralizing the negative effect of political mega-discourse. Linguistic realization of influence on the example of speeches of political leaders of European countries, news texts. The specifics of the trolling strategy.

    статья (27,2 K)
  • Analysis of the features of linguistic implementation of influence. Evaluation of the specificity of the trolling strategy, the purpose of which is either to escalate the emotionality and falsehood of the information presented in the original text.

    статья (33,4 K)
  • Features of linguo-argumentative strategies of political discourse. Comparative analysis of Churchill's political speech in Ukrainian and Russian translations in order to study the techniques used to achieve pragmatic equivalence with the original texts.

    статья (30,1 K)
  • Historical memory of yourself and partner's country. The importance of their in the process of the nation preservation and consolidation. The categories "national memory" and "historical memory". Understanding of these terms and their derivatives.

    статья (37,0 K)
  • Issues of application of adaptive strategies in the process of cultural integration taking place in the conditions of multilingualism and aggregation of intercultural elements. Essence of polycode as a strategic resource of intercultural communication.

    статья (36,2 K)
  • Analysis of the theme of the importance of polylinguism in Kazakhstan Republic. Value of mastering three languages competently (Kazakh, Russian and English). A unique project "Trinity of languages". The status of the Kazakh, Russian and English languages.

    статья (15,6 K)
  • Opening of maintenance of polysemy as systems of polisemanticy and variant of value of word are in a language. Concept of homonym, his sounding, pronunciation, variations of values and general classification of sources. Linguistic nature of morphemes.

    лекция (61,6 K)
  • The problem of polysemy in modern English terminology within the special subsystem of terms - pump engineering. A polysemantic lexical unit has a hierarchically organized structure of meanings. It consists of indivisible elementary semantic units.

    статья (22,0 K)
  • Analyzes lexeme with a figurative sense to denote negative actions and processes used in the language of modern Ukrainian periodicals. It was investigated that at the XXI century authors of mass-media material actively use words with a figurative sense.

    статья (23,4 K)
  • Features of the implementation of environmental policy of the European Union through economic mechanisms and instruments for its implementation. Analysis of the possibility of introducing European approaches for preserving the environment in Ukraine.

    статья (45,4 K)
  • Analysis of the semantic changes of the term "Californication", which appeared in the American language culture for a little over 50 years. Adaptation of vocabulary of political discourse used on media platforms. Tracking the way this word appeared.

    статья (29,0 K)
  • An analysis of metaphorical conceptual models that serve as a representation format for positive and negative thinking styles in modern American linguistics, and verbal means of their expression. Linguocognitive mechanism of the formation of concepts.

    статья (21,7 K)
  • Forward a model for analyzing component of controversial literary characters. This model presupposes the application of the tenets of the possible worlds theory to the analysis of a fiction text, combining it with methodology of cognitive linguistics.

    статья (46,4 K)
  • Problems related to the post soviet model of memory and its conceptualization in Ukrainian society. An analysis of the value of cultural and legal foundations in the process of social reconstruction, which form their perception of social strata.

    статья (21,9 K)
  • The concept of postfeminism as central to feminist theory. An analysis of post-feminist femininity in popular television series and films at the turn of the 1990s and 2000s. Their interpretation of femininity in the existing post-feminist discourse.

    статья (20,7 K)
  • Characteristics of post-classical social rationality. Review of the latest discourse of social rationality as a synthesis of various discourse positions. Rejection of grandvards, social synergetics, communicative rationality and value priorities.

    статья (22,0 K)
  • History and basic stages in the development of sterling as the currency of Great Britain, one of the first national currencies in the world. Some uncertainty as to the origin of the term "pound sterling". Currency this value today and its prospects.

    реферат (20,0 K)
  • Advertisement - a notice or announcement in a public medium promoting a product, service, event or publicizing a job vacancy. Modeling any advertising message - the ability to effectively use the usual vocabulary to get the buyer to make a purchase.

    статья (12,9 K)
  • Социокоммуникативные функции PR-дискурса германского университета, описание его основных жанрообразующих признаков. Парадигма наиболее частотных PR-жанров германского университета, реализующих социокоммуникативную программу университетского PR-дискурса.

    автореферат (71,3 K)
  • The elaborate new methods and technologies aimed at activating learners’ language competence, to study the psychological basis of this process. These activities prepare the pupils for listening activity, but also develop their reading and writing skills.

    статья (20,7 K)
  • Study of the features of President Zelensky's speech before the US Congress, 12/21/22, as a political-ideological, institutional, argumentative, declarative and call-to-action discourse. Ideas of struggle and victory over the Russian Federation.

    статья (27,2 K)
  • Сommunicative intention achieved by a persuasive communicative action. Types speech acts realised in the Steve Jobs felicitation address. Тypes of verbs that indicate speech acts. Direct and indirect illocutionary acts in the forms of assertives.

    статья (18,4 K)
  • У статті аналізуються різні типи епіфоричних повторів у газетних текстах. Окреслено функційні параметри лексико-синтаксичного повтору сучасного українського газетного тексту. Метою статті є визначення функцій лексико-синтаксичного епіфоричного повтору.

    статья (31,8 K)
  • It is argued that the multiperspective approach to the study of the text units accounts for a wider outlook toward disclosing the authentic message of the text. The mechanism of expanding the semantic data field of the key units considered is shown.

    статья (19,8 K)
  • Queen Elizabeth's Christmas 2020 speech as a declarative speech, the purpose of which is to express greetings and wishes on the occasion of the birth of Christ. Its role is to make plans and guidelines for the coming year, to develop unity and tolerance.

    статья (21,6 K)
  • Research and analysis results of the attempts at disclosure features the use of euphemisms to create pragmatic potential in the english-speaking media. Consideration and characteristic features of language ellipse, which formed by several syntax.

    статья (366,1 K)
  • Features of the use of euphemisms in the creation of pragmatic potential in the English-speaking media. Research and essence of the concepts of "pragmatic aspect" and "pragmatic potential". Consideration of the language of the ellipses, their education.

    статья (20,3 K)