- 1891. Oбстоятельственные детерминанты в структуре сложного предложения в современном французском языке
Рассмотрение некоторых особенностей функционирования обстоятельственного детерминанта в структуре сложноподчиненного предложения. Анализ параметров систематизации особенностей функционирования детерминирующих компонентов в структуре сложного предложения.
The Para-Romani varieties in Europe are preserved through communication between elder generations and children and thousands of children around Europe learn their mother tongue, the variety of Para-Romani through the transmission from parents to children.
Paradigmatic relations between units of poetic text. Description of specific paradigmatic systems, that are formed by lexical units functioning in a poetic text. Consideration of the content of the text to be an active mental activity of the author.
Description of prosodic and acoustic indicators of insincerity in speech. Features of their implementation on the material of oral-speech statements, the study of their frequency in the implementation of statements containing the factor of insincerity.
The influence of the emotional state of communicants on their ability to realize statements. Prosodic and acoustic indicators of insincerity in speech. Analysis of real acts of communication. The realization of the statements - a factor of insincerity.
Measurements of transmitted and scattered synchrotron radiation during detonation of benzotrifuroxane. Decision of density, pressure and flow rate. The dynamics of the distribution of particle sizes during carbon condensation behind the detonation front.
Research of the concept of "attraction" in the works of linguists. Characteristics of the main approaches, consideration of the essence of the concept of "attraction" and tracing the essence of this phenomenon in other branches of Science and Linguistics.
The concept of paronymic attraction, its classification at the structural level and its importance for understanding the peculiarities of the poetic worldview. Types of morphological attraction as a means of folklore stylization in modern poetry.
Essentials of English Phraseology N.N. Amosova. Phraseological units as units of fixed context and separation into phrasemes and idioms. The full transference as idiomaticity. The metaphor as figure of speech. The comparison, major figures of speech.
Features of adverbs that should be considered during teaching. The role of the adverb as a "second predicate", its ability to reflect additional actions of the subject. Study of the influence of verb species and temporal factors on grammatical meaning.
Studying the content and methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language as part of a special course on Russian particles; the skills of their correct use as absolutely necessary and reflecting the level of knowledge of foreign students in the Russian.
A review of the problem of the classification of particles, their grammatical nature in the light of modern research and earlier work on grammar. The categorical status of particles, the boundaries of this class of words. Аreas of grammar research.
Синтаксичні особливості французьких текстів спеціалізованого фармацевтичного дискурсу. Аналіз характерних рис та особливостей синтаксису інструкцій та вкладишів до вживання лікарських препаратів. Описові та інформативні фармацевтичні французькі тексти.
The division of the language of words into grammatically significant sets. Parts of speech as grammatical (lexical-grammatical) classes of words, determined on the basis of certain criteria. Approaches to the traditional grammar of the English language.
- 1905. Passive voice
Concept of the concept of voice in languages. Active voice and passive voice syntactically, semantically and pragmatically viewed. Voice and related concept. Passive Voice in English. Passive Constructions in Vietnamese. Dependent and Independent verbs.
The use of val and vylem in four modal constructions: deontic, desirable and permissive. Counterfactual conditional sentences. Difference between modal use of particles. A comprehensive study of the differences between the first and second past tenses.
Feature congenital metabolic disorders due to the inability to convert phenylalanine to tyrosine. Characteristics of the disease maple syrup. General analysis of multisystem frustration of connective tissue with the help of classical homocystinuria.
The corpus of titles of fiction, non-fiction and children's books in English, German, French and Spanish has been studied. Substantiation of the classification of titles as independent texts; the possibility of considering the title as a separate genre.
- 1909. Pecularities of linguistic’s development and imposition of slang ("Pygmalion" by Bernard Shaw)
Main problems of the slang translation are considered and slang units’ samples is represented. Usage and analysis of the rhyming cockney slang and the difficulties during translation of atypical English lexis of the language in the "Pygmalion" play.
Study of implicitly presented contrasts of contractile features at different intervals of time. Investigation of the main models of the propositional characteristics, namely attributive, actuality, predicate and syrorconstant opposite structures.
- 1911. Peculiarities and difficulties in translation of comparative advertising of fast food restaurants
The phenomenon of comparative advertising and lexico-semantic features of its operation in the communication and translation process. Advertising texts combine a complex of lexical, grammatical and syntactic difficulties determined by their specifics.
To analyze the ways of reproducing in the Ukrainian language such figures of expressive syntax as apposiopesis and parcelling in S. King’s novels "Dreamcatcher" and "The Dead Zone". Stylistic units to be analyzed were selected by the whole selection.
In his work, S. King often takes up to such figures of expressive syntax as apposiopesis, which often consists in the omitting the last part of the sentence. The writer allows the reader to find the answer the question, to guess the omitted information.
Study of specific clinical and laboratory features and features of distribution of adipose tissue in patients with bronchial asthma, combined with diabetes mellitus. The main characteristic of their influence on the function of external respiration.
Consideration of features of computer terminology, its structure and translation of complex words-terms and terminological phrases. The problem of translating English computer terms into Ukrainian. Principles of working with technical documentation.
Study of the translation of modern English computer vocabulary into Ukrainian based on the material of computer-related articles. Integration of computer lexical units into modern vocabulary. Transition of computer terms into Ukrainian slang (jargon).
The developing professionally oriented English writing skills which play an important role in our present-day world, helping IT-professionals to communicate the ideas to the addressee in the way that is lexically, grammatically and stylistically correct.
The main stages of the education system in Japan, starting with preschool formation and ending with postgraduate education. The system of moral generation in the Japanese school. Features of the upbringing of children in educational institutions.
The functioning peculiarities of official business style texts and the techniques of their translation. Observing strict linguistic standards in official business style of the target language. Translator’s problems in translating documentation.
Comparative analysis of the translation of proper names of characters from a series of novels by J. Rowling about Harry Potter in Ukrainian and Russian language. Techniques transcription, transliteration, semantic substitution, "domestication" of name.