The peculiarity of determining the basic principles of appointment and conduct of forensic examination and their application in rule-making. Analysis of the conditions of the administration and spend of judicial inspection during criminal proceedings.
Референція нульового PRO-суб’єкта в німецьких партиципних клаузах. Визначення механізмів контролю PRO-суб’єкта залучено методику І. Ландау, що передбачає перевірку на дотримання ознак обов ’язкового та необов ’язкового контролю. Умови вибору антецедента.
The results of the study show that Joyce’s multidimensional work of fiction needs combined efforts of a good literal and a good literary translator. This article’s area of interest is the only female attempt at translating "Finnegans Wake" into Russian.
The techniques of stimulate students personal activity in learning a foreign language. The use of problem situations for the formation of communication skills necessary for everyday life. Development of practical abilities of professional communication.
Complicated professional translation types – business аnd legal translation. Features of an official style of language, investigates peculiarities of translation of contracts, their functional, structural, semantic, grammatical and syntactic aspects.
In literature language redundancy is assessed as a positive feature of a natural language, something that allows you to add or refine information already indicated. Language redundancy is partly justified in the oral speech, in everyday communication.
Research and evaluation of the translation aspect of the English national anthems as texts of ideological discourse. Identification of the main ideological concepts of each national anthem (the True North, the Star-Spangled Banner, the soldier’s song).
Research of the translation aspect of English national anthems as texts of ideological discourse. Analysis of characteristic transformations that are realized in the translation into Ukrainian of the national anthems of the USA, Canada, Ireland.
The article deals with problem-based learning that combines theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the educational process of learning foreign language. It is considered that PBL is an effective learning method which helps to become initiative.
Types and features of texts, the role of different types of newspaper articles in the daily life of mankind. Methods translations of newspaper articles. Grammatical, lexical, phraseological and stylistic difficulties of translation of newspaper articles.
Legal speech as a means of law-making and law enforcement, legal communication. The use of literary norms of the Ukrainian language in legal terminology: functional style, peculiarities of word formation, compliance with clarity, accuracy, consistency.
The specifics of the implementation of forms of intertextuality in D. Lodge's novel "The British Museum is Collapsing". Linguo-stylistic aspects of the implementation of parody, stylization and stylization as forms of intertextuality in the novel.
The main problems and difficulties in mastering the necessary competencies in learning English that students face. Methods of improving language acquisition. Psychological problems of knowledge application. Difficulties in translating slang and idioms.
Cultural implications and theoretical studies on translation science. Review idioms of three languages: English, Russian and Kyrgyz. Introduction to the translation science. Language traditions of different peoples. Problems in translation of proverbs.
The use of electronic translation resources in translation. General characteristics of the English definite and indefinite articles. Translation and differences in a language concept. Translation equivalents of the definite article in specific reference.
Study of ways to translate explicit and implicitly expressed directives into English-language official-business discourse on the basis of the executive orders of USA presidents. Features of the translation of texts of official-business discourse.
The ability to communicate, motivated, logically consistent and coherent language to express thoughts orally is the meaning of mastering a foreign language. To make the right choice in the topic of the lesson and tasks, so that students have an interest.
Homonyms as different in meaning but identical in sound and spelling of words, morphemes and other units of language. Diachronic analysis of grammatical homonyms of adjectives and adverbs. The main objectives of the present study, their study problems.
Impact of the material consumption on fiscal costs in the formation of the make cost of finished rolled output. Identification of the costs of material resources. Study of energy intensity indicators for the production of finished metallurgical products.
Difficulties of translating phraseological units from one language to another. The meaning of phraseology and displaying of its imagery, stylistic function, and context features. Ambiguity and stylistic diversity for many English stable combinations.
The peculiarities of the problems of translation of English announcement texts. The paper is aimed at the general tendency to researches of pragmatical and communicative characteristics of the language phenomen. The difficulties at the translation.
Display problems of the translation of phraseology in the works of scholars. The study of the specifics of phraseological units and ways of translating figurative phraseology. Difficulties translation of phraseological units and ways of their overcoming.
Analysis of D. Gilles' hypothesis (model of efforts) about the dependence of translation quality not only on the level of proficiency in the languages involved in translation, but also on the load on the information processing mechanism by the translator.
The linguistic researches of the aspects of Languages for Special Purposes and systematization of their results . The issues related to effectively teaching professional languages. The glottodidattica direction of Languages for Special Purposes studies.
The nature, objectives and content professional foreign language training in the framework of the competence approach. The concept of "translation" as the goals and means of foreign language teaching of students of higher educational institutions.
Methodological recommendations for minimizing and avoiding errors in the English-language written speech of Ukrainian scientists. The potential difficulties that may arise when working with medical discourse genres of British and American English.
English as an international aviation language. The first scientific principles of human flight. The most outstanding event in the aeronautics history. Human factors as a critical aspect of aviation safety. Classification of the aircraft instruments.
The study English football mass media discourse and its linguistic representation in mass media texts. The key linguistic peculiarities of football mass media texts. These features include, first of all, terms and professional or publicist cliches.
The most common punctuation error in written speech is almost comma-related. This report also touches on the development of this sign. The rules given by Zarifa Budagova in connection with the comma which are involved in a comparative analysis.
- 2100. Profile mathematical training: particular qualities of intellect structure of high school students
The development of structural components of intelligence among high school students in mathematical schools compared with students of senior pupils in general. Selection of children with high abilities. Research of the rate of acceleration of growth.