• Analysis of the implementation of political correctness and taboo discourse in the framework of multiculturalism, the essence of their political and historical context. The classification of taboos according to the concepts of H. Schroeder and R. Gazizov.

    статья (14,1 K)
  • Stylistic march to the sound of the words or sentences. Onomatopoeia in English. Giving melodic sound statements using alliteration. The use of composite and incomplete rhymes with poetry writing. The rhythmic and stylistic organization of the text.

    реферат (16,8 K)
  • Analysis of the tendency to abstract and blur the semantic meaning of the word. Peculiarities of the use of expressive means in the poetry of Symbolists. Study of the main theme, motifs, images and stylistic techniques in the works of Baltrushaitis.

    статья (29,6 K)
  • Phonetics as one of the main branch of linguistics. National and regional pronunciation variants in English. Analysis of the aspects of the sound matter of language. Intonation and prosody: definition, functions, components, spheres of application.

    курс лекций (349,0 K)
  • The branches of Linguistics about Speech Sounds. Functional Aspect of a Speech Sound. Methods of Investigation in Phonetics and Phonology. Segmental and Suprasegmental Levels in Phonetics. Realization of Segmental Phonemes in speech. Allophones.

    реферат (20,2 K)
  • The concept of intonation, its main characteristics. Intonation is a complex unity of four components: speech melody; sentence stress (word highlighting); tempo, pause and rhythm; timbre. Crystal prosodic effects associated with pitch movement or melody.

    статья (14,1 K)
  • Significance of phonosemantic organization in text comprehension on different levels of analysis of sound symbolism. The objects of phonosemantics such as phenomena of sound symbolism and imitation. The relationship between comprehension and emotions.

    статья (22,1 K)
  • The resources used by Ukrainian writers to create a sound image of the city in poetic discourse. Variants of combining different phonostylistic means within the context: onomatopoeic and asemantic occasionalisms, paronomasia, equiphony and metaphony.

    статья (45,9 K)
  • Проблема співвіднесення французьких термінів "phrase", "епопеє", "enonciation", що використовуються на позначення синтаксичної конструкції, з етапами моделі каузації, обгрунтованої Г. Гійомом. Пошук українських термінів - аналогів французьких понять.

    статья (22,2 K)
  • Studying the phrasemics of works of art by the well-known Ukrainian writer at the beginning of the 21st century Myroslav Dochynets,’ being-born in the Transcarpathia. Distinguishing national, transformed and individual author's phraseology in his prose.

    статья (46,1 K)
  • The semantic and grammatical aspects of modern branch discourse on the example of French-language texts devoted to customs control. Afin de as a grammatical tool with a communicative orientation, which plays an important role in the formation of customs.

    статья (36,0 K)
  • Phraseological units, set phrase and types of stability. Classification of phraseologisms by Vinogradov. Method of application. Semantic stability as the stability of meaning. Main features of the phraseological fusions, unities and combinations.

    курсовая работа (29,2 K)
  • Phraseology as a subsystem of language. Types of phraseological units. Idioms classification. Pure, semi and literal idioms. Phraseological problems of translation: different combinability of words, homonymy, synonymy, polysemy of phraseological units.

    курсовая работа (47,8 K)
  • General characteristics of phraseological units. Definition of the idiomatic and stable expressions denoting feelings, moods and states of a person, approaches to its classification. Contrastive analysis of phraseological units in English and Ukrainian.

    курсовая работа (31,1 K)
  • Phraseological units that express gender stereotypes in the Azerbaijani language. Analysis of phraseological units that denote gender stereotypes. Features of phraseological units that reflect the relationship of the sexes in the Azerbaijani language.

    статья (21,6 K)
  • The study of the terminological system of the tourism industry. Thematic groups and subgroups of terms. Basic translation methods. Examples of complex phraseological units and features of their functioning in the Ukrainian terminology of tourism.

    статья (37,2 K)
  • William S. Maugham (1874-1965), british playwright, writer and short story writer, one of the most popular writers of his era. Examples of used idioms in his novels. The first success in the field of literature. Autobiographical notes "Looking back."

    статья (15,3 K)
  • The process of forming a culture of business communication. Analysis of the semantic structure of phraseological units as part of the phraseosemantic field of business speech. Classification of phraseology in the field of business communication.

    статья (20,9 K)
  • The study of Russian, French and Italian phraseological units with the word "bread" from the point of view of linguoculturology, the identification of the cultural identity of the considered phraseological units. The form of a phraseological unit.

    статья (47,6 K)
  • Description the persuasive power of phraseological units in cosmetics leaflets written either in English, French. Considerable impact on a translator’s stylistic choices. Phraseological units and metaphor. The main provisions of rhetoric and stylistics.

    статья (160,9 K)
  • Merkmale der Untersuchung der Funktionsweise von Ausdruckseinheiten der modernen deutschen Sprache in literarischen Texten. Berücksichtigung von Unterschieden zwischen Ausdruckseinheiten und freien Phrasen. Analyse von Kunstwerken deutscher Autoren.

    статья (20,0 K)
  • Contrastive typology of the English and Ukrainian phraseology. Phraseological units and free word-groups, their distinguishing features. Classification of phraseological units and their structural types. The national peculiarity of phraseological units.

    реферат (146,4 K)
  • Characteristic of semantic structure, principles and ways of forming phraseological units. Classification of phraseological units in the Kazakh and English languages. Analysis of the peculiarities of translating idioms, stable expressions and proverbs.

    дипломная работа (108,6 K)
  • The study of criteria for the classification of phraseological units. Analysis phrasemes and idioms depending on the typology of fixed context. Etymologically, the rationale for classification by origin phrases that have a specific lexical meaning.

    лекция (13,4 K)
  • Analysis of the problems of legal regulation of piracy. Investigation of the state of robbery in the law of the sea. Finding ways to effectively respond to the growing renaissance of illegal activities at sea. Conducting acts of armed burglary of ships.

    статья (39,9 K)
  • Consideration of the names of places and countries used in the English and Azerbaijani press. The realization of the toponyms in a journalistic style. Functionalization of toponyms in the press and the reflection of different positions and interests.

    статья (37,0 K)
  • Communication as a phenomenon. The main criterion for selection of emotive units. Emotivity i as a part of word’s connotation, connected with its subjective-evaluative meaning and expresses a subjective attitude of the speaker to the subject of speech.

    статья (23,9 K)
  • Theories and principles of the intellectual property of their practical value. Pluralism versus utilitarianism in Merges’s principles. Taking autonomy and dignity seriously in longhair ownership. The feature of the use of copyright in judicial decisions.

    контрольная работа (52,9 K)
  • Key concepts related to multicultural education issues. Using a multilingual approach in discourse classes. Teaching or learning a phraseology at the level of a close native. The definition of plurilingual and pluralistic competence by students.

    статья (26,2 K)
  • Analyzes politeness as complex system of communication strategies aimed at achieving harmonious and conflict-free communication. The grammatical indicators of courtesy, which are based on strategies of positive and negative politeness are distinguished.

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