Characteristics of the theory of phase frequency radio dimensions and conversions. Especially the use of measurement principles based on the method of coincidence. The main analysis of the quantum theory of mensuration transformation using attenuators.
The research of the European Media comprises plenty of precious documents compiled into our educational corpora. Also, we find it necessary to show the tools for this compilation which were described and analyzed. The collecting raw data in the library.
The issue of improving students' reading skills in the context of newspaper discourse, which is an effective tool for teaching English as a foreign language. A study of the phenomenon of the newspaper from the point of view of vocabulary/language.
The syntax and semantics of the Russian coordinating conjunction (particle) ni in the light of Mitrovic's theory of conjunction. Mitrovic's theory of coordination. Ni and the constraints on its use. Symmetry and sameness. A problem with J above ni.
- 1805. Night-mare: on the origin of a trope in Celtic and Germanic (a response to Stephen Pax Leonard)
This paper has been conceived as a response to Stephen Pax Leonard’s article “Hipponyms in Indo-European”. The idea of contrasting names for "horse" in the "language of the gods" and the "language of men" certainly seems interesting.
- 1806. Nightlife in Moscow
Features of the nightlife of Moscow, its attractions: casinos, nightclubs, restaurants and entertainment complexes. Moscow as a city of cultural heritage and traditions. Reflection of the economic achievements of the state in the night life of the city.
The study of Leskov's contribution to the literary tradition of the Kyivan text by the study of additional oppositions, such as transformation/tradition and official/popular. A new historical and cultural review of the memoir "Cave Antiquities".
Поповнення англійської медичної термінології з огляду на пропріативну лексику. Використання імен в термінологічній лексиці шляхом метафоризації і метонімії. Поява термінів через посередництво грецької, латинської, арабської та низки європейських мов.
Изучение одного из сегментов коммуникативного пространства российской провинции. Описание квалитативных имен существительных, именующих человека по его внутренним качествам и чертам характера. Особенности толкования их значений в словарях различного типа.
Шляхи поповнення англійської медичної термінології з огляду на пропріативну лексику. Використання імен в термінологічній лексиці шляхом метафоризації чи метонімії. Створення асоціативних зв’язків, що виникають завдяки яскраво вираженій ідеосемантиці.
Linguistic cognition of the world. The elements of reality are given different names, so nomination in a cognitive aspect appears as a linguistic form of knowledge about the world. The basic concepts of a cognitive approach in the study of language.
Description of the state of portrait research as a genre of artistic discourse. Isolation, interpretation and contrastive analysis of key lexemes that create verbal portraits of characters. Groups of portrait descriptions in the analyzed discourses.
Analysis of different types of narrators. The fictional gaze unfamiliar to the reader. The specifics of the worldview of non-anthropological narrators in English prose. Role status of peripheral characters. Non-anthropological narrators in prose.
The specifics of the worldview of non-anthropological narrators in English prose. Examples of non-anthropological narrators are subjects of metaphysical phenomena: the soul of a dead person, angels, ghosts, etc. Analysis of different types of narrators.
The implementing a non-cooperative strategy of negative self-expression of a pessimistic communicator. A communicative strategy, the nature of which is determined by the norms of society and dispositions of the psychological structure of the individual.
Studying the text in order to overcome the imperfection of visualization in external speech, which leads students to an instinctive desire to think not in a foreign language, but in their native language. Self-organization of foreign language learning.
The article is devoted the modern understanding and analysis of the non-verbal component role in the textual activity formation process in foreign language teaching. The importance of the non-verbal component in the process of textual activity formation.
An analysis of the history of the formation of the neigraph as a science. Feature of lexicography of new speech units, namely accidental ones. Principles of lexicographic interpretation of occasional vocabulary, functioning in the genre of fantasy.
Analysis of the processes of divergence and convergence of the American and British versions of English language in the framework of the problem of the genetic status of the American version. Forms of interaction of language units in the lexical system.
Linguistic geography and relative chronology of Tibetan migrations. The study of vocabulary, phonetic features of the Tibetan language and dialects. Establishment of the genetic position of the donor language within the Indo-Iranian language community.
Consequences of insufficient development of physical culture terms in the Uzbek language. The importance of the effective use of advanced pedagogical technologies, the working methods of experienced teachers, and the correct use of gymnastics terms.
Peculiarities of the verbalization of ліс/wood concepts in Ukrainian and English paremic funds. Analysis of the structure of these earthly concepts, conceptual components. Determination of isomorphic and allomorphic cognitive features of the concepts.
- 1823. Notional structure of technical term system as basis for creating multilingual electronic dictionary
The main problems of technical translation, its style features. Conducting conceptual analysis to develop the macrostructure of the electronic industry dictionary. Displaying the concepts of energy engineering and bringing the characteristics of terms.
- 1824. Notional structure of technical term system as basis for creating multilingual electronic dictionary
The notion analysis of technical term system to create an electronic specialized dictionary that would be able to help the beginning translators in gaining knowledge of technical area they work in. The semantic characteristics of a term and a definition.
Understanding the ability of a word to combine in a sentence with certain elements, both subordinate and not subordinate to it, where it itself acts as a subordinate element. Forming a list of lexical-semantic variants of the most frequent noun "system".
In a scientific article, the author considers approaches to the definition of universal characteristics of subjectness in cognitive, generative and functional paradigms. Depending on the type of null subjects, three types of languages are di
Influence of the speed of incoming air on emissions of nitrogen oxides in exhaust gases for a simple type of combustion chamber. Application of a laminar flame model to simulate the mixing of methane with atmosphere and the prediction of concentration.
Деривационное поле глагола. Исследование соотносительности аналитических глагольно-именных конструкций с именными компонентами с семантикой "радость" с однословными производящими глаголами (на примерах из романа Генриха Белля "Групповой портрет с дамой").
Study of the concepts of "thinking", "national spirit" and "nationality" in the works of O. Potebny, systematization of his views on the relationship between language and thinking. Studying the language in connection with the history of the people.
Psychodiagnostics of variability and objectification of probable abnormal variability of a teenager. Reducing the machines of constitutional protection of the individual in adverse conditions of ecological well-being of the environment of vital activity.