• Analysis of lexical and grammatical transformations used in the translation of Stephen King's novel "The Outsider" into Ukrainian. Difficulties arising when translating realities from English into Ukrainian; overcoming the linguo-ethnic barrier.

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  • Analysis realia’s functioning in Camilo Jose Sela’s novel using modern digital methods of text analysis, and their rendering into the Ukrainian language in two translations. Finding their equivalents. The definition of the national-specific vocabulary.

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  • Realities problems faced by the translator when trying to translate them into the target language and culture. Classification of realities within the cultural context, in terms of translation equivalence of translation. Basic translation strategies.

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  • A study in a monograph of samples of reciprocal constructions of the whole array of languages, lighting of problems for the typological linguistics and interpretation of issues stated in the works of linguistic typology and anthropologically linguistics.

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  • This study focuses on the ideologies of decommunization renaming embraced by naming commission members, whose naming motives and toponymic choices are examined within a socio-onomastic approach. Sociolinguistic concept of language ideology transformed.

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  • Turning ordinary people into mindless man-eating monsters. Love and its central place in humanity. The study of the human condition through the eyes of three different characters. Description one of the characters. More than just a book about zombies.

    учебное пособие (46,5 K)
  • Изучение цветовых номинаций в языке. Установление культурной специфики появления цветообозначения red. Раскрытие семантических корреляций понятий blood путем этимологического и структурно-семантического анализа соответствующих лексических единиц.

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  • The study of peculiarities of topic recontextualization under redistribution of interlocutors’ roles. Transference of the initiative to the listener, self-willed seizure of the initiative. Isolation of basic cases of redistribution of partners’ parts.

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  • Definition of ways of formation of text definiteness, and also semantic components of a pronoun цей at its use in a nominal group on the basis of syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations. Types of relations that constitute the reference value of a pronoun.

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  • Based on dictionaries and corpora of texts of the Ukrainian, Polish, and English languages the research focused on object relations of referentially specialised verbal predicates. It is shown the certain functional-onomasiological groups of verbs.

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  • Investigation, and the rationale for focusing on genre, relational work and identity. Communication strategies, cultural differences, history taking, emotions. Analysis of interpersonal communication skills and emotion in the reflective writing texts.

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  • The systematization of theories about the human world of life, its relation with creative activity, of exceptional importance in the process of human self-development and self-improvement. Theoretical potential of the problem of the living world of man.

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  • Problems of regional alignment for economies in transition. Research of features of innovative management of development of establishment of regions. The main analysis of the concept of privatization and denationalization of innovations in Ukraine.

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  • American English is one of the version of English pronunciation in the USA. Characteristic features of American English. General American dialect, its the main characteristics. Differences in American and English Vocabulary, Pronunciation and Spelling.

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  • Verbs are one of the main word classes in the English language. Development and formation of the regular verbs. Irregular verbs in Modern English as derived from verbs that followed more regular patterns at a previous stage in the history of the language.

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  • Application of the principle of discretionary division. Characteristics of the rehabilitation of the criminal process as a procedural decision, which confirmed the innocence of a person who has undergone unlawful and unjustified legal proceedings.

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  • The use of the concepts of faith, truth and purity, which have religious sources and foundations, in political discourses. The cognitive phenomenon of mental mechanisms for the purpose of interpreting and explaining the sacredness of political discourse.

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  • Cognitive modeling of the process of translating political discourse on the example of solving the problem of reproducing confrontational strategies of American politicians in Ukrainian translation. Description of the problem unit translation scenario.

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  • Types of Repetition and its Functions. Specific Types of Repetition: Alliteration, Anaphora, Epiphora, Polysyndeton etc. E.M. Hemingway's brief biography. Syntactical and Lexical Levels Analysis of “Cat in the Rain”. J. D. Salinger's brief biography.

    дипломная работа (39,2 K)
  • Various definitions of the term "grammar". How words are formed (morphology) and how words are combined. The real use of structures in the communicative context. The concept of communicative competence. The use of functional approach in teaching Grammar.

    реферат (28,7 K)
  • The analysis of the modern English language and its vocabulary. Structural and semantic peculiarities of new vocabulary units, ways and means of replenishment the vocabulary. Borrowings as a one of the ways of enlarging the lexical system of language.

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  • Eine Linguistische Studie Phraseologie in den Spruchen. Studium der Etymologie des Wortes „Freundschaft“. Semantische Analyse Redewendungen der deutschen Sprache. Uberblick uber die strukturellen Eigenschaften der Begriffe, die in den Gleichnissen.

    контрольная работа (27,7 K)
  • Public sector employment and wages. The legislative, executive and judicial branches. The economy and government spending in Singapore. Selection, promotion, remuneration and training of civil society. Analysis of corruption and ethics of the state.

    курсовая работа (213,6 K)
  • Analysis of query patterns in Swedish and English in terms of their differences and similarities. Application of the principles of politeness of P. Brown, S. Levinson, a model of social differentiation developed by V. Labov, A. Schweizer and V. Zabotkina.

    статья (16,4 K)
  • The term of the Turkic languages of the southern Aral region reflect the common Turkic system of kinship terms. Relationships in the field of kinship terms within individual Turkic languages of the region have not yet been the subject of special research.

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  • Study of the coding of social cognition in Khalkha-Mongolian grammar, which is part of an international project. The influence of social and cultural parameters on the grammar of different languages, the reflection of people's thought processes in it.

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  • Assay of water and economic causes of flooding in the zone of irrigated agriculture. The need to study the engineering-meliorative and hydro-geological conditions of urban areas. Pick of protective drainage systems to prevent the impact of groundwater.

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  • The achievements of domestic linguists in study of the historical derivation of Ukrainian noun. The dynamics of individual subsystems of affixal word building structure of noun. The plans in the preparation of academic publications in word forming.

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  • The study of domestic, foreign linguists historical word formation of the Ukrainian noun. Study of the dynamics of individual subsystems of the affixal word-formation system of a noun. Achievements of the South Ukrainian historical derivativnogo center.

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  • Psychological conditions and indicators of the dynamics of the development of the professional consciousness of future teachers. The main formation of the proper organization of psychological and pedagogical support during training in higher education.

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