• Speach act theory and pragmatics. Explicit and implicit performatives. The term of felicity conditions. Conditions of execution, preparatory and sincerity conditions. Types of the speech acts. The locutionary, illocutionary and perlocutionary acts.

    реферат (41,2 K)
  • Search for lexical and grammatical equivalents in two languages. Translation as a communicative process taking place in a social context. Negotiations on the meaning between producers and recipients of the text. Analysis of how to use sentences.

    статья (14,4 K)
  • The language of law as a various models of interaction in process of communication where a diversity of linguistic means is employed in a specific context. Characteristics of the specific features of dialogic interaction of lawyers and witnesses.

    статья (13,9 K)
  • Presents a model of communicative alignment in pragmatic markers use in Russian everyday dialogical communication. Testing the hypothesis according to which communicative alignment mechanisms influence the choice of lexical units, grammatical forms.

    статья (60,5 K)
  • The verbalization of the concept secret in modern English literary fictional discourse. The communicative acts of hiding or revealing secrets in personages’ speech. The semantic means used by the communicators to tell his/her secret, or to conceal it.

    статья (338,1 K)
  • Multilingual audio guides as a convenient tool for tourism industry and their role in presenting the country’s image. The evolving tendency, developed in a recent decade, to publish the audio guides online to reach a bigger and more versatile audience.

    статья (3,1 M)
  • Audio guide as a tool of the tourism industry, its role in presenting the country's image. Functions of tourist texts, their adaptation to a specific tourist destination. Correct translation of audio guides, their pragmatic impact on the target audience.

    статья (3,2 M)
  • Consideration of the pragmatic potential of exophoric reference by means of personal pronouns in the Ukrainian language based on the material of texts on social and political topics. Prospects for the further study of exochains, socio-cultural factors.

    статья (37,0 K)
  • Analysis of the potential of the English pronoun " it " in horror discourse texts. Creation of communicative meanings in the process of communication "author-reader". The existence of the fictional world of the text and especially the references therein.

    статья (23,5 K)
  • Elucidates the role of lexical creativity in creating content for social networks. Hence, the article highlights the tactics of self-branding being the key communicative strategy behind each creative ad-hoc coinage on Pinterest, Instagram and Twitter.

    статья (23,3 K)
  • The article focuses on deceptive modern utterances in diplomatic discourse. As diplomats represent their countries on the world stage, sometimes they may present the information in the mostfavorable lightfor them. In other words, they deceive.

    статья (516,1 K)
  • The problems of language study and the immanent perception of the multimodality phenomena. This paper examines the problems present in the study of French for local bilingual students. Local bilingual students who worked with this method showed.

    статья (22,8 K)
  • Ergonymes of the city of Ganja as precedent names. Indicators of the development of preliminary ergonomics as a carrier of cultural information. Functional capabilities of people's language determined by the national and cultural traditions of the people.

    статья (21,7 K)
  • The analysis of precedent statements and names, their pragmatic functions (characterization of characters; evaluative-modal), ways of involving them into discourse and identifying the concepts to which they appeal (classic; marriage proposal; marriage).

    статья (19,3 K)
  • A particularity of the use of precedent phenomena in most languages. Characteristics of the preservation of the interpreter emotional effect in the creation of phenomena well known to all representatives of the national-lingvo-cultural community.

    статья (19,3 K)
  • Exploring the relationship between morphological and syntactic categories of verbs. Disclosure of the functional characteristics of the predicate and objective syntax in the semantic-syntactic structure of the sentence, which determines the structure.

    статья (39,8 K)
  • Features English predicate, as one of the main parts of the sentence. Its function, value and classification. Analysis of the novel "Pride and Prejudice" by J. Austin from a linguistic point of view. Statistical data on the predicate used in the novel.

    дипломная работа (81,9 K)
  • Linguistic analysis of the predicate of the English sentence, its semantic meanings as the concept of the explicit sentence of the English-language discourse, the coding of the human thought / idea / image. Derivation of verbs "TO DO"/"TO BE"/"TO HAVE".

    статья (28,7 K)
  • The main groups of structurally and semantically comparable Bulgarian and English idioms. Typological analysis of Bulgarian, Russian, English idioms. Results of the paired t-test analysis as applied to the interpretation of Bulgarian and English Idioms.

    статья (954,8 K)
  • Goals and objectives of correlation analysis. Research of psycholinguistic predictor variables. Determination of lexical frequency and H index when naming images. Optimization of the task of categorizing and classifying images of high complexity.

    статья (364,2 K)
  • Word-formation and its basic peculiarities. Affixation in the English language. The fundamental difference in meaning and function of the two groups of affixes. Description of degree of derivation. Productive, non-productive word building prefixes.

    дипломная работа (482,9 K)
  • Affixation in the English language; degree of derivation; homonymic derivational affixes. Some problems of prefixation. Productive and non-productive word building prefixes Some prefixes in the English language in comparison with the Uzbek language.

    курсовая работа (69,5 K)
  • Preliminaries and Assumptions. English prefixes: meta-, anti- and pro-, counter. Temporal prefixes: pre-, post-, ante-. Pseudo-, arch-, ex- and vice. Bracketing paradoxes. Germanic prefixes: re-, mis-, un-. Keyser and roeper: constraints on combinations.

    статья (1,4 M)
  • The article will deal with methodology of preparing and passing TOEFL as most educational institutions prefer to get TOEFL certificate rather than a document of a different test. The information on the exam, its structure and time limits are discussed.

    статья (23,9 K)
  • Рассмотрение Present Perfect Progressive Tense с точки зрения подхода к языку как когнитивной деятельности человека, направленной на его эффективное встраивание в среду в момент речи. Оценка концентрации внимания на речевом контексте и восприятии мира.

    статья (18,0 K)
  • Определение отличительных особенностей present simple и русского настоящего времени. Изучение окончаний, которые добавляются к глаголам при образовании present simple в английском языке. Ознакомление с правилами построения отрицательного предложения.

    презентация (1,2 M)
  • Maintenance and effective use of organizational culture in the management system. A feature of the gradual approach to the level of developed organizations in the world. The study of human resources administration in organizations working in Slovakia.

    статья (176,4 K)
  • Associative experiment with the stimulus word HEALTH held among students. Associations connected with health. Semantic field of HEALTH. Corpus analysis of media texts concentrating on the text presentations of the lexemes doctor, patient, hospital, mask.

    статья (1,1 M)
  • Study of presentation of health in the Guardian articles. Analysis of lemmas - doctor, pandemic and quarantine - in the media texts and their semantic prosody in the media context. Positive presentation of the first lemma and negative of the two latter.

    статья (774,7 K)
  • Study of singularia tantum noun, which constitute a significant layer of the vocabulary and are quite used. The connection of pluralia tantum nouns with cultural discourse and cannot be painlessly excluded from the lexical system of the Russian language.

    статья (23,7 K)