The origin of the term "child of the third culture" and its definition. Starting a business abroad by opening offices outside the country. The import of improving the way parents, classmates, friends and teachers interact with children of third culture.
- 1952. People and relationship
What affects our personality. The sentences with the adjectives from the word file. Examples of descriptions of familiar people using adjectives. Correction of errors in sentences. A complete profile of yourself. The hort characteristics of both sisters.
Analysis of perceptual nomination in the comparative-typological perspective. Establishing the degree of onomasiological congruence of fastening in English, German, Polish and Ukrainian languages. Development of linguistics and translation practices.
Consideration of perceptual nomination in a comparative-typological and cross-linguistic perspective. The study of composite nominations with a perceptual component from the positions of the onomasiological approach and onomasiological congruence.
To clarify the meaning of "discourse". Consider and study the elements of the language system that implements the semantics of the English computer discourse. To analyze the structural and compositional techniques of English computer communication.
The study of the perfective as an example of semantically incompatible grammars. Verbal forms that include indicators of both the perfective and the present tense. Analysis of the "prospective present" as the first person of the verb and negation.
Tendencies in the macrostrategies concerning translation receive significant attention from the translation studies scholars. A common assumption is that domestication typically precedes all forms of foreignization during the translation of the texts.
Events that shaped the history of English. Сharacteristic of the vocabulary of Old English. History of Middle English (1100-1500 years). Features of Modern English: Early Modern (1500-1800 years) and Late Modern (1800-present). English language in Canada.
Analysis of the adaptation of the deontic modality of the English discourse of international soft law in Ukrainian translations. Identification of peripheral means of translation adaptation, which weakens the legal force of international legal documents.
Historical reasons an influence of different foreign cultures may be observed on the Slavonic countries on anthroponymic systems. A list of Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian anthroponyms with Latin origin with the main meaning plant, its fruits or flower.
The study of personal self-identification of Steve Jobs: lexical descriptors, the synthesis of which outlines his characteristics. Words, phrases as descriptors of the text of the literary biography, which describe the meaning of the biography "YOUTH".
To provide the necessary condition for the development of the individual abilities of students. Training in collaboration. Games with proverbs. Training language forms should be built using sensory perception systems simultaneously or sequentially.
Potential for the realization of health services in hotels of Primorsky Krai. The benefit of research for hoteliers, travel agencies and tour operators, business representatives in the health sector and all those who are interested in improving.
Use for measuring the phase shift signals a lack of ways noni. Changing the momentum duration at the frequency of the input wave. The peculiarity of the new method of pulse coincidences packets of digital beeps. Application phase meters at high speed.
Statistics of cancer and cardiovascular diseases in the 1970s. The involvement of Polish intelligence in the transfer of medicines, active substances and other pharmaceutical products to Poland. Purchase of technical documentation on the black market.
Analysis of the implementation of political correctness and taboo discourse in the framework of multiculturalism, the essence of their political and historical context. The classification of taboos according to the concepts of H. Schroeder and R. Gazizov.
Search for effective ways of philological knowledge in the postmodern era. Study of convergence of humanities and natural sciences in the context of transdisciplinary systemic worldview. Word formation as a hierarchically organized linguistic system.
Analysis of the novel from the point of view of intertextual references to philosophical texts. Their types, source spaces, degree of explicitness and structure, as well as functions in the actualization of the symbolic and hermeneutic codes of the text.
Translation of names of Arabic origin into the Azerbaijani language. Analysis of the vocabulary of the Azerbaijani language with phonetic and lexical differences. Pronunciation of name of Arabic origin according to the phonetic phenomena of the language.
Stylistic march to the sound of the words or sentences. Onomatopoeia in English. Giving melodic sound statements using alliteration. The use of composite and incomplete rhymes with poetry writing. The rhythmic and stylistic organization of the text.
Analysis of the tendency to abstract and blur the semantic meaning of the word. Peculiarities of the use of expressive means in the poetry of Symbolists. Study of the main theme, motifs, images and stylistic techniques in the works of Baltrushaitis.
Phonetics as one of the main branch of linguistics. National and regional pronunciation variants in English. Analysis of the aspects of the sound matter of language. Intonation and prosody: definition, functions, components, spheres of application.
- 1973. Phonetics and phonology
The branches of Linguistics about Speech Sounds. Functional Aspect of a Speech Sound. Methods of Investigation in Phonetics and Phonology. Segmental and Suprasegmental Levels in Phonetics. Realization of Segmental Phonemes in speech. Allophones.
The concept of intonation, its main characteristics. Intonation is a complex unity of four components: speech melody; sentence stress (word highlighting); tempo, pause and rhythm; timbre. Crystal prosodic effects associated with pitch movement or melody.
Significance of phonosemantic organization in text comprehension on different levels of analysis of sound symbolism. The objects of phonosemantics such as phenomena of sound symbolism and imitation. The relationship between comprehension and emotions.
The resources used by Ukrainian writers to create a sound image of the city in poetic discourse. Variants of combining different phonostylistic means within the context: onomatopoeic and asemantic occasionalisms, paronomasia, equiphony and metaphony.
- 1977. Phrase, enonce, enonciation як складові процесу каузації у межах лінгвістичної теорії Гюстава Гійома
Проблема співвіднесення французьких термінів "phrase", "епопеє", "enonciation", що використовуються на позначення синтаксичної конструкції, з етапами моделі каузації, обгрунтованої Г. Гійомом. Пошук українських термінів - аналогів французьких понять.
Studying the phrasemics of works of art by the well-known Ukrainian writer at the beginning of the 21st century Myroslav Dochynets,’ being-born in the Transcarpathia. Distinguishing national, transformed and individual author's phraseology in his prose.
Research into the basic semantics and pragmatics of phraseological units denoting specific concepts and their invariants. Consideration of phraseological combinations with temporal meaning. Organizational structure of temporal phraseological units.
The semantic and grammatical aspects of modern branch discourse on the example of French-language texts devoted to customs control. Afin de as a grammatical tool with a communicative orientation, which plays an important role in the formation of customs.