- 2101. Proforms revisited
Overview of specific linguistic units belonging to different parts of speech. Their organization into a single conceptual subsystem in the English-speaking picture of the world, classification. Functioning of the proforma within a sentence or discourse.
A comprehensive analysis of new approaches to the development of a program of experimental phonetic research carried out in the field of cognitive linguistics. The need to reformat the methodological base of modern phonetic studies of emotional speech.
Analysis of the boundaries of the information gap determined by the semantic values of the known components of the situation as the denotation of the question. Evaluation of pronominal questions aimed at clarifying certain elements of the statement.
The theory of a proper name. The problem of defining a proper name. Classification of proper names. Proper names in fantasy. Proper names in "Harry Potter and Half-Blood Prince". The usage of proper names in "Harry Potter and Half-Blood Prince".
Comparison of quasi-spontaneous speech with spontaneous. Expression of prosodic characteristics of quasi-spontaneous speech in the genre of interviews. The influence of the speaker's level of preparedness for the communicative act on prosodic behavior.
Conducting an experimental-phonetic study of intonation means of realization of speech influence on the example of video lecture as a new genre of modern English-language scientific discourse. Prosodic fund of utterances and components of intonation.
The generalized model of the complex of communicative factors’ stochastic interplay in sympathy utterances actualization. Characterization of the features of nature of the interaction of intonation means with paralinguistic lexico-grammatical means.
Characteristics of the possibility of solving certain problems of the city economy on the basis of foreign experience in attracting private investments. The mechanism of cooperation between local government and partial capital of the city of Pavlodar.
Justification of the need to use legal stylistic knowledge in the modern legal, communicative and public space. Determining the place of humanities and linguistics in jurisprudence. Prevention of conflict situations by linguistic and diplomatic means.
Characteristics of the impact on the coating adhesion strength, hydrophobicity and water absorption of beton. Feature creation corrosion-resistant building materials of new generation to improve the reliability and stability of concrete structures.
The role of the Reformation in the formation of a new European outlook. Feature is only the revival of the past of Christianity in its prime purity, which led to profound changes in society. Analysis of the beginning of the reform movement in Europe.
Characteristics of traditional relationships between members of Russian and English families. Feature explore the culture and values of people. Analysis of proverbs in different nations. Similarities and differences in cultural traits of the population.
The features of use of proverbs in Azerbaijani language texts. The information is occured with the relationship of two or more completed and formed words and it is called a text. Texts from Azerbaijani literature are considered as based materials.
A comprehensive study of English proverbs in terms of structural organization and meaning. Subject classification of proverbial phraseology. Thematic groups exploring communicative phraseological units integrated into the semantic field "friendship".
Linguistic content, functional paradigm, forms and manifestations of the concept "provocation". Sociо-psychological analysis of positive and negative provocation. Study of the semantics of the noun provocation in verbal and non-verbal implementations.
The analysis of the cognitive pragmatical and psychological semantics of the provocative false slogans contrasting the true verbal and nonverbal information about the war and falsifying the eternal moral values and contradicting the socio-cultural norms.
Characteristics of adjectives, description of their grammatical features. Definition of an adjective, features of its syntactic function. Analysis of proadjectives and their grammatical features. Classification of adjectives, their substantiation.
The investigation of the evolution of the linguistic status of qualifying words in relation to the genesis of language-determined thinking and the development of the grammatical structure of the German language. The grammatical markers of the word.
Establishment of common and distinctive features in such related phenomena as psychogenesis and ontogenesis from the standpoint of the proposed OA Zhaboryuk syntactic theory. The essence and content of the relationship between thinking and language.
Cognitive activity of the individual in the laughing space of the target language culture. Cultural and psycholinguistic analysis of the specificity of the German stimulus words Humor and Lachen. Communicative, pragmatic, cognitive profiles of reactions.
The study of the main psycholinguistic aspects of narrative discourse on the example of English literature. Analysis of the context of "focusing" from the point of view of psycholinguistics. Study of the work "night guards" Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons.
Analysis of narrative discourse on the example of graphic novels presented in the form of comics. Determination of the psycholinguistic features of visual narrative discourse. Positioning the reader's speech interpretations as a character image.
On investigation of Pittsburgh Speech. The results of the given study reveal the uniqueness and identity of this dialect and the dependence of the variation of linguistic units on the social characteristics of the society within the given region.
The aim of the article is to describe psycholinguistic meanings of the word-stimulus "playfulness" in the linguistic world-image of the Russian-speaking population of Ukraine. The formulated psycholinguistic meanings of playfulness are considered.
The purpose of the article is to propose and justify the definition of "translation consciousness" of the interpreter. the particularities of using the strategies for the implementation of translation activities. The concepts "speech mediation".
Psychological characteristics of oral translation activity. Proposed transformational Model of English-Ukrainian Translation, using English phraseological units. Semantic analysis of the original text one of the ways of constructing the final statement.
The manifestation of the competences of the psycholinguistic profile of a specialist in the economic field. The influence of the personal characteristics of an economist as a mentor on the formation of the linguistic personality of a novice economist.
Determining the influence of personal traits of an economist as a mentor on the formation of the language personality of a novice economist. Requirements for the specialist's economic competence, which ensure an appropriate level of language proficiency.
To show psycholinguistic peculiarities of understanding by Ukrainian students the principles of nomination of linguocultural models "clothing" in the English and Ukrainian languages. Understanding the features of their motivation, in particular, verbs.
The purpose is reveal the views of the prominent linguists and psychologists of the XX - early XXI century on psycholinguistics as the tool for understanding lexical-semantic processes. The efficiency of psycholinguistic researches has always been valued.