Опис тенденцій, які будуть властиві змінам у HR найближчим часом, та визначено особливості менеджменту 3.0 як комплексної адаптивної системи, яка не мас єдиної структури. Оцінка перешкод на шляху прийняття методів розроблення програмного забезпечення.
Значення цифровізації в процесі управління людськими ресурсами та напрями цифровізації для процесу управління людськими ресурсами в сучасній організації. Впровадження цифрових технологій у процеси управління персоналом підприємств і організацій.
Висвітлені особливості HR-менеджменту підприємства, виходячи із реалій та викликів сьогодення. Виділено функції HR-менеджменту підприємства. Охарактеризовано роль HR-менеджерів в умовах воєнного стану. Визначено навички, які набули сучасні HR-менеджери.
Дослідження HR-технологій в управлінні персоналом як складової фінансово-економічної безпеки підприємств в умовах цифрової трансформації. Механізм фінансово-економічної безпеки підприємства з урахуванням методів та інструментів управління персоналом.
Розгляд специфіки управління персоналом малих та середніх підприємств України в умовах діджиталізації. Формування цифрових компетенцій працівників. Виокремлення переваг і недоліків цифровізації основних HR-функцій менеджменту в умовах економічних шоків.
Забезпечення стабільності роботи бізнесу в умовах економічних шоків Виокремлення особливості впливу діджиталізації на мотивацію та залученість працівників малих і середніх підприємств України. Аналіз змін в технологічному ландшафті на основі HR-функції.
The role of organizational culture as a strategic tool in managing organizational processes in the modern business environment. The essence of organizational culture for a manager in the transformation of human potential into organizational capital.
Employees as an important component of the business. Consideration of the main functions of the company's worker. Human Resources: staff selection, training, development of employees. Evaluation of the performance of employment in the organization.
Leadership styles that can be exhibited by leaders in the political, business or other fields. Relationships with internal and external customers, managers, peers, subordinates. Methods and for recruitment and selection of staff in the organization.
The role of effective and efficient human resource management in stimulating and maintaining a high level of productivity in entrepreneurial activity. Principles for the selection and distribution of competent candidates in the recruitment process.
Assessment of the impact of human resource management (HRM) practices on the effectiveness the organization. A study of the relationship between human resources management practices and organizational performance in the oil and gas industry in Nigeria.
Characteristics of the main problems of gender equality. The existence of institutional and structural factors affecting the development of gender inequality in modern society. The process of determining the behavioural differences between men and women.
Human resource management - a function in organizations designed to maximize employee performance in service of an employer's strategic objectives. Control of people in the enterprise. Strategic human resource management and organizational strategies.
To conceptualize anthropocracy as a factor in improving the humanistic vision of human resource management. The relevance of the research topic is that man as an active resource is the basis of the humanistic vision of human resource management.
The technique based at the productivity coefficients of factors usage of labor, financial and industrial potentials of the enterprise is created. The algorithm of the identification and management of the enterprises innovative activity risks is developed.
Management of personnel adaptation to strategic changes at enterprises of the construction industry as a component of the personnel management process. Alignment between internal processes and strategy through transformation of organizational culture.
Consideration of the problem of personnel management as a key element for provision of normal and effective development of an enterprise in the present day economic conditions. Investigation of conditions motivation enhancement mechanism creation.
The growth of remote work is one of the innovations that can definitely be attributed to the impact of the pandemic. Promoting the further development of scientific research related to solving problems in personnel management and labor organization.
Theoretical background of CRM concept. Company description and key financial figures. Company and existing CRM system. Study of previous customer satisfaction analyses in company. Estimation of CRM usage and customer satisfaction and regression analysis.
Study of approaches to assess the impact of inflation on fixed assets of companies. Development of a method for assessing the fixed assets of companies taking into account the inflation factor. Testing this method on the materials of a specific company.
Creation of a comfortable psychological climate and adaptation of organizational culture to new realities. Formation of priorities and personal views on the life of generation Z. Characteristics and competitive advantages of baby boomers and millennials.
Justification of recommendations regarding the implementation of organizational support of the financial management system at small and medium-sized enterprises in the conditions of market transformation. Restructuring of the current management system.
- 383. Implementing benchmarking for incentive regulation of public utilities in post-communist countries
Features improve the efficiency of public services, subject to the availability of large amounts of data using regulatory benchmarking. Analysis of productivity of different companies providing public services, on the example of several Czech companies.
Identification of the characteristics of jobs that are considered important and guided by university graduates in their job search. Recommendations for human resource management services for the compilation of materials on the promotion of vacancies.
Analysis of the interaction between the Ukrainian government and society, the effectiveness of public administration. Self-organization of the population in municipalities. Control over the activities of officials. Development of local self-government.
Characteristics of the main indicators of an assessment of risk. The place and role of these indicators in the management and organization of innovative projects. Effective determination of the level of risk associated with the activities of enterprises.
- 387. Improvement of the management mechanism of the strategy of innovative activities of enterprises
The article is concerned with the interpretation of the essence of the innovation strategy concept given the impact of environmental factors in order to meet the interests of all parties concerned, with the author's definition of this concept suggested.
Study of the management structure that ensures the elimination of obstacles inhibiting the development of the non-oil industrial sector in conditions of sustainable economic development. Formation of a new model of sustainable economic development.
Investment policy and efficient use of enterprise capital. Analysis and classification of successful management practices applied at Russian industrial enterprises within the framework of the national project "Labor productivity and employment support".
The role of management skills and leadership potential of universities in improving the quality of education, in organizing scientific and innovative activities. Recommendations for organizing retraining of teachers in the higher education system.