• Development of the principles of strategic management and mechanisms of anti-crisis management of entrepreneurial structures of the food industry. Development of methods for overcoming crisis phenomena and ways of adapting to changing market conditions.

    статья (184,7 K)
  • Optimization of methods and means of company management through the use of innovative solutions. Implementation of business activities through Internet communications. Technology that allows virtual things to be inserted into the physical world.

    статья (18,5 K)
  • Development of the concept of social management of rural areas in China. Improving the system of self-government at the village level. Environmental protection and safety supervision. Preserving the ecology, traditions and culture of the countryside.

    статья (30,5 K)
  • Comparative analysis of different approaches which touch the topic of evaluation of innovative activity and efficiency in regions. Directions increase profit from innovation sphere, maintaining sustainable development and competitiveness of the country.

    статья (23,1 K)
  • The study of methods of improving working conditions and safety of personnel, as well as the definition of stimulation as a method of targeting the behavior of employees in order to improve their work in order to achieve the goal and types of incentives.

    статья (13,4 K)
  • Criteria for quantifying and evaluating the competencies of enterprise employees for making appropriate management decisions regarding the impact of their development on the effectiveness of financial activities. Employees' Competence Evaluation Matrix.

    статья (121,6 K)
  • The supply chain risk management practices in healthcare establishments in Algeria and Ukraine, with differing healthcare systems. The disparities in SCRM approaches, their consequences. Algerian managers emphasize collaboration with other institutions.

    статья (457,8 K)
  • Improvement of planning and management of financial and economic activities. Analysis of the dynamics of the development of digital technologies and the globalization of markets. Formation of new challenges in the field of intellectual capital management.

    статья (180,7 K)
  • Investigation of the mutual influence of the anti-crisis strategy and the internal specificity of the enterprise in the process of its withdrawal from the crisis. Strategic changes and organizational factors. Reorientation of the product/market.

    статья (100,4 K)
  • Explores the relationship between the formulation and management of long-term and short-term plans, the philosophy of management, the current state of production management. Delves into the internal mechanics of enterprise economic management innovation.

    статья (26,5 K)
  • The international experience of introduction of information technologies into the management. The features of the use of modern information and communication technologies of accounting and management at small business enterprises in Israel and Ukraine.

    статья (418,7 K)
  • The certificate is a guarantee of the employee's competence, the basis of confidence in his successful professional career. Types, features of certification programs from well-known software or hardware manufacturers. The popular certification courses.

    статья (30,2 K)
  • Характеристика та напрямки діяльності досліджуваного підприємства. Опис послуг, що надаються ним, оцінка конкурентних переваг. Аналіз сильних і слабких сторін. Маркетингове дослідження ринку. Розробка виробничого, організаційного, фінансового плану.

    бизнес-план (64,3 K)
  • Types of conflicts in social interactions between subjects and objects of management. Causes of interpersonal differences on the example of machine-building enterprises. The state of information security managers. Ways to the solve labor conflict.

    статья (124,5 K)
  • Andragogical approach as an innovation research for the intracompany personnel training system. Theoretical basis of building up the model of the training system for amp and evaluation of training efficiency. Modeling of the intracompany training system.

    учебное пособие (448,5 K)
  • The necessity of creativity, flexibility, efficiency, and responsibility for organizations if want to survive. Investigating the relation between organizational climate and citizenship. Physical education offices employees in Mazandaran province.

    статья (300,0 K)
  • International Organization for Standardization. Documents that contain requirements, specifications, guidelines, or specifications that can be used to ensure that materials, products, processes, and services are appropriate for their intended use.

    статья (16,0 K)
  • История стандартов качества ИСО 9000. Пакет документов по созданию систем качества, подготовленный членами международной организации. Термины, их определение и взаимосвязь, согласно международным стандартам. Требования к системе менеджмента качества.

    реферат (16,6 K)
  • Consideration of the essence, types and features of the modification of business models of enterprises under the influence of socially oriented management. Comprehensive analysis of the application of corporate social responsibility by enterprises.

    статья (178,3 K)
  • Необхідність подолання нових економічних викликів та ризиків ринку праці продакт-менеджерами для впровадження процесу створення та просування продукту, стратегічного управління IT-організацією. Детальне розкриття специфіки діяльності IT-індустрії.

    статья (59,0 K)
  • A job can be just going to work to earn a paycheck. A career means that each of your jobs and training programs is helping you advance in pay or responsibility. The contents of a resume: job objective, education, experience, extracurricular activities.

    реферат (15,9 K)
  • The list of factors influencing job satisfaction. The influence of the professional dedication of staff on the employer and on society as a whole. Consideration of the dynamics of staff turnover, depending on the economic situation and unemployment.

    доклад (95,3 K)
  • Analysis of problems hindering the implementation of controlling in the enterprises. The notion of controlling the moment of its creation. Qualification of the controllers, opinion of the managers during the recruitment process of the controlling service.

    статья (70,3 K)
  • About method to optimize the interaction between the existing knowledge in an organization and the system of scientific, technical or economic observation. This is based on phases: strategic projection, gathering information and knowledge creation.

    статья (30,2 K)
  • Особенности применения KPI-показателей в управлении бизнес-процессами. Значимость KPI-показателей при внедрении Lean-технологий для оценки усилий персонала, направленных на улучшение бизнес-процессов и повышение производительности работы предприятия.

    статья (13,8 K)
  • Phases of the labour productivity management model: diagnostics, development, and implementation. Specification of its elements: goal, functions, principles of effective functioning, informational support, human resources and structure, methods and tools.

    статья (1,2 M)
  • Characteristics of the mission and goals of the company. The location and Laundry facilities. Market analysis and key competitors. Pricing strategy in this field. Brief description of the office. The preparation of the financial plan of the organization.

    бизнес-план (517,2 K)
  • Explore the psychological characteristics of leader and leadership in the security sector based on gender aspects. Analysis of the main gender differences between male and female leaders. The main ways of successful career growth of a female leader.

    статья (22,3 K)
  • The role of leadership in the enterprise management system. Combination of leadership in its essence and form with the phenomenon of power. Classification of leadership in management. Differences in the functional focus of management and leadership.

    статья (126,6 K)
  • Das Konzept der Leadership als die Fаhigkeit, um die Gruppe zu einem Ende zu beeinflussen, seine Hauptaufgabe. Die Essenz von Management. Beschreibung der grundlegenden Management-Theorien und ihre Unterschiede. Auswirkungen Team am Arbeitsplatz.

    презентация (172,2 K)