An innovative product of education as the erudition of a person that meets the growing demands of a market society. Characteristics of the basic instruments, which used in the motivation of scientific and pedagogical staff to qualitative teaching.
Substantiation of the need for a socio-pragmatic approach to the training of future teachers of English. Forms of achieving the communicative competence of specialists for the ability to appropriately and politely apply the language in a social situation.
Розгляд поняття, видів та шляхів формування Soft Skills: комунікації, лідерства, співпраці, рольових спеціальних навичок, управління часом та використання програм і платформ. Аналіз інструментів формування Soft Skills під час навчання природничих наук.
Новые требования к рабочей силе, профессиональным компетенциям и надпрофессиональным навыкам. Выявление представлений о понятии "soft skills" в студенческой и преподавательской среде, включение его в программы подготовки российских бакалавров и магистров.
Етапи розвитку навичок. Зв’язок мови й образного мислення з моторикою рук. Формування та розвивання Soft skills (когнітивних, соціально-поведінкових). Групи м’яких навичок. Управління увагою та концентрація. Просторове мислення й уява, емоційний інтелект.
Проблематика використання вмінь і навичок педагога в системі виробничої діяльності. Взаємозв’язок Soft Skills педагога професійної школи з його конкурентоздатністю на ринку освіти та підготовки конкурентоздатних майбутніх фахівців на ринку праці.
Формування змісту підвищення кваліфікації керівників (директорів) закладів загальної середньої освіти в контексті запровадження компетентнісного підходу в освіті на засадах людиноцентризму. Роль та значення розробки і використання професійного стандарту.
Представлена наукова стаття продовжує цикл публікацій, присвячених дослідженню різних аспектів функціонування системи вищої освіти України в складних умовах воєнних дій і розгляду проблеми формування та розвитку soft skills у здобувачів вищої освіти.
- 2259. Soft skills: аналіз розвитку у здобувачів вищої освіти та шляхи впровадження в освітній процес
Концепція "soft skills" як складова світового ринку праці в різних галузях економіки та суспільства. Оцінка ступіню розвитку soft skills здобувачів вищої освіти в освітньому процесі. Педагогічні умови, які сприяють підвищенню ефективності їх розвитку.
Теоретичне визначення поняття "soft skills" соціального працівника. Виокремлення основних характеристик "м’яких навичок". Акцентування уваги на важливості самовдосконалення, самоосвіти та навчання впродовж життя у формі змішаного або офлайн-навчання.
Approaches to qualification assessment of complex flight helicopter simulators. Ensuring the trained crew can obtain the relevant documents on the level of professional training of pilots. Analysis of the validation test procedure of the simulator.
Listing the main problems with group work, setting out some benefits of group work. Research is specific learning technology of the above-mentioned strategy. Determining the factors that influence the effectiveness of group work while learning English.
Analysis of the policy in the field of mental well-being of children and adolescents in Poland. Identification of certain aspects of Polish policy in the field of mental well-being of children and adolescents. The importance of educational law in Poland.
Aspects of teaching intensive reading to students of faculties of foreign languages in universities. A broad range of techniques and activities stimulating learners’ interest in reading. Three stages of reading: extensive reading, scanning, skimming.
- 2265. Some aspects of teachinhg extensive reading to first-year students studying English as their major
Research on various techniques and exercises in three stages of introductory reading that help teachers develop students' reading skills for long texts to extract general information. Predict text content by its title, subheadings, keywords and phrases.
Internationalization of Ukrainian universities and the role of the English language as a platform for the development of competences in the conditions of continuous education. Absolute and variable professional characteristics of the English language.
As research on the formation of intercultural communicative competence was identified as part of the process of training foreign students in higher education institutions of Ukraine and as a purposeful process of socialization and professionalization.
Tne regulation of student emotions, thus making educational process more effective. Program and musical compositions, which be used in teaching a foreign language with preschool children. Positive emotions, interest, and motivation pupils to initiative.
- 2269. Some beneficial strategies for distance interactive teaching the language through the pandemic
The article is devoted to the consideration of problems related to the difficulties of the distance learning process. There is a transition from traditional forms of education. Creating new ways to introduce the technique of communicative approach.
Description some educational technologies used by teachers when training students-foreigners to physics, mathematics, engineering graphics. Multilevel training; modular training; technology of carrying out educational discussions; method of projects.
Analysis of the new approach to professional training of specialists at the Technological University. Features of teaching the theory of mathematics and the possibility of its application in applied subjects of chemical and technological processes.
The final lesson for the second-year students of biological faculties in "Profession-oriented Foreign Language Study" on the topic "The Cell Structure". The video-based teaching materials as an innovative approach to learning professional English.
It is difficult to imagine the modem world without media communications (traditionally this includes press, television, radio, sound recording and the Internet). Media today is one of the most important areas in the lives of people all over the planet.
This article refers to the fundamental matters of teaching skills at math word problem solving in the elementary grade. The author proposed a number of measures to teach skill at math word problem solving in the 1st grade. The math word problems.
An overview of some modern pedagogic methods and techniques used in TEL at technical universities, such as the case study method, language portfolio, writing essays and doing research, designing and delivering oral presentations and team teaching.
Determination of key positions, technologies and means of distance learning. Functions of remote forms and methods of work, their further use and integration into the educational process. Application of some online tools in the educational process.
Analysis of the opportunities and problems associated with the use of digital technologies for learning, teaching languages. The implement technology to increase student engagement and motivation. Use of specific technology applications in the classroom.
Issues of pedagogical principals, functions, aims of cross cultural education, aim of which is a formation of the person who is ready for the vital activity in a multicultural environment, to live in peace and consent with people of different nations.
Some practices in the field of social, educational and language support for children with a background of migration in early-years settings in Munich. The application of the screening tool for assessment of the migrant children's level of German language.
English language - a historical phenomenon which never stays unchanged for any considerable period of time. Characteristics of the specific features of using utterances in the process of learning subject for developing students intellectual activity.