Сriteria and indicators for selecting digital tools for group work with educational content in distance learning. Tools of Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, and Cisco Webex platforms and evaluation of their suitability for managing students’ group work.
This paper proposes criteria and indicators for selecting digital tools that can facilitate group work with educational content in distance learning. We analyzed the tools available on the Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, and Cisco Webex platforms.
- 2193. Self-assessment as a powerful tool for professional growth of teachers and professional standards
Analysis of professional standards developed for teachers, the importance of self-esteem. The importance of forming an adequate self-assessment of their own pedagogical activities, which is achieved through the use of various techniques and techniques.
Peculiarities of the organization of self-control in learning a foreign language by professional direction in institutions of higher education. Classification of self-assessment tools. Assessment format (tests with open and closed questions, surveys).
Organization of self-control of English-speaking competence in listening for future translators. The concept of reflection, self- and mutual control, self-esteem. Rationale for using a test task as an effective means of testing listening skills.
The foreign language proficiency as a part of professional competence of a specialist in any field of modern life. Self-directed learning - various types of individual and collective educational activities of students, which are carried out in class.
This paper aims to answer the research question: How to educate oneself towards maturity in light of the theoretical approach of Zdzislaw Chlewinski? Chlewinski developed the theory of mature personality. In this paper examines its main components.
- 2198. Self-education of future specialists in the medical field in the conditions of distance learning
Reveals the features of distance learning as a means stimulating self-education during the training of specialists in the medical field. It was found that introduction of remote technologies is aimed at a deeper understanding of the educational material.
Components of professional and creative self-development: professional self-development and development of creative independence. Self-education as education in the process of independent work, without taking a course in an educational institution.
Results of psychological testing and analysis of aspiration level and self-assessment of professional competencies in interns, conducted by the Dembo-Rubinstein method in the modification Prykhozhan. Methods of correction of practical skills of interns.
Definition of content of personal self-perfection as a factor of the development of future teachers. His role in the formation of individuality. Conditions of formation of an active person. Awareness of purposeful development of oneself as a teacher.
Development of information management model in self-improvement projects of students for competitive professional management as one of the important factors of obtaining the goals of the project. Its role in raising the professional level of students.
The concept of the phenomenon of meta-memory and its role in the process of self-regulated learning and development of text comprehension skills. Directions of future research of self-regulated learning and metacognitive processes in students' activities.
Distance format of the educational process. The ability, readiness of the individual to self-organize educational, professional activities. Self-study concepts and forms of its organization, taking into account age characteristics, types of training.
The pedagogical conditions for the formation self-improvement of students of medical specialties by means of information and intellectual technologies are substantiated. An educational paradigm aimed at the search for innovative approaches is considered.
The spectrum of application of competitive types of activity in educational practice. Directions of academic competitions. Analysis of researches revealing motivation of senior school children which determine dynamics of participation in the activities.
The problems of the professional education and engineering activity. Analysis of the results of the empirical four–staged research dedicated to the development of the representations of senior school children opinions about engineering education.
Determining the current state of media education in Ukraine. Analys the current tendencies of media integration into educational process. Pedagogical and practical challenges of video games' application. The gameplay for foreign language education.
Description of a set of exercises for teaching first-year students of technical specialties writing a resume in English. Application of a combined text-genre and procedural approach. Students study and analyze samples of English-language resumes.
Research of the essence of the issue of harassment in the university environment. Characteristics of examples of inappropriate sexual behavior in educational institutions of the problem from different sides and subjects of involvement is carried out.
The theoretical approaches to shaping information and communication competence of future lecturers of professional education during professional training in higher education institutions, in particular through the course on pedagogy of higher education.
The concept of the formation of a "secondary language personality". The introduction of information and digital technologies into the educational process. Methods, techniques and exercises using information technology to develop students’ speech skills.
Exploring successful short-term education initiative, its organization and features which have been designed and implemented under the Swiss-Ukrainian collaboration. The case of the Summer School "Transformation of health care systems: Eastern Europe".
The results of the knowledge test are described, before and after learning using online tutorials. The usefulness of online tutorials is shown and it is shown that learning will have a positive impact on the entire educational process in the future.
The use of any mobile or wireless device for learning on the move. Mobile learning systems. Mobile learning, as a novel educational approach. Canceling the time, place, age, gender, or member of a specific group to participate in learning opportunities.
The use of information technology in the pedagogical process. The interactive capabilities of information delivery systems. Features of introduction of distance education at the medical university. Identifying the key benefits of using the Moodle system.
Развитие умений делового общения при обучении студентов неязыковых направлений иностранному языку. Классификация делового общения по каналам передачи информации, заимствование английских слов американского происхождения. Сущность и значение "Smalltalk".
Переваги організації навчального процесу у вищих навчальних закладах на основі розвитку дослідницької компетентності учнів, використання інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій навчання. Застосування Smart notebook для створення навчальних ресурсів.
Исследование проблемы выравнивания уровня компетенций магистров при помощи разработки и внедрения smart технологий. Особенности smart образования, условия для реализации, ожидаемые результаты и трудности, с которыми могут столкнуться учебные заведения.
Розвиток прогресивних методів і засобів здобуття знань в Україні. Впровадження технологічних інновацій, електронних ресурсів і мережі Інтернет в освіті майбутніх учителів трудового навчання. Оцінка переваг використання SMART-комплексу в університетах.