The essence of educational ideas in the Ukrainian family is described. The pedagogical significance of spiritual culture is considered. The influence of lullabies, fairy tales, amusements, cutie, pupils on the spiritual development of the child is noted.
Illumination of the problem of raising children. Influence of lullabies, fairy tales, pestles, fables on the emotional and spiritual development of the child. Ethno-pedagogical basis of family education, the formation of the child's personality.
A comparison of teacher-centered and student-centered pedagogical approaches in foreign language teaching with increased student autonomy and division of responsibility between teacher and student. Strategies for promoting student-centered learning.
Professional development and strategy for promoting the viability of foreign languages. Analysis and replacement of the term "mutual borrowing". Efficiency of caution to take for the applicants of the English language mortgage of the highest education.
Conducted to identify students’ perception of and satisfaction with ODL programme at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). The findings of this study suggested that students had a very positive perception and were highly satisfied with the ODL programme.
- 2196. Perculiarities of practical training of biology teachers in D. Sergienko`s pedagogical heritage
Tasks of a biology teacher at school and the requirements for it. Features of the teacher's organization of observation, experiment, laboratory and practical work. Conditions for the formation of students' skills and abilities of a research nature.
The study of persistence variables and their relationship with the peculiarities of the academic performance in language acquisition among Russian university students. The nature of this connection varies between more and less successful students.
The personality and individual potential of a talented lawyer, scholar and publicist, a prominent sociopolitical and socio-cultural figure in Ukraine and the Ukrainian diaspora of the USA, Vikentiy Shandor. Teacher of the academy, in particular.
The results of a pilot study on the extent to which academic faculty at Russian higher education institutions engage in personal branding. The personal branding in the context of increased reliance on social media by Russian higher education institutions.
The study of the didactic possibilities of personal learning environments and identifies its place in teaching methods and communication technologies. Forming of the basic principles of educational environments based on next-generation network services.
Foreign language proficiency - one of the most important competences of a modern person in the contemporary globalising world. Neuroticism, extraversion, openness to experience like the personality traits of the students English language learners.
Im vorliegenden Beitrag, wie gut die DaF-Lernenden beim Horen die Standardvarietdten der deutschen Sprache unterscheiden konnen. Varietdten kompetenz und darum, inwieweit die so genannte perzeptive Wahrnehmungstoleranz bei den Studierenden entwickelt ist.
Study of the image of P. Lombard and his "Book of Judgments" from the historical-theological and historical-philosophical points of view. Analysis of selected parts of the book in order to look at how P. Lombard coped with the problem of knowing God.
Design thinking with a human-centered approach to problem solving. exploring the integration of philological perspectives, design thinking, and artificial intelligence in modern education from 5.0 to 7.0. Personalized and adaptive learning experience.
Study of the root causes of the degradation of the education system in Ukraine and highlighting the current trends in the development of educational systems during the pandemic. A combination of traditional educational technologies and postmodern ones.
The current crisis situation is connected with the tendency to eliminate the philosophical basis of higher education, whose mission is to form a certain type of state. Philosophy in general played an important role in forming the modern concept of man.
The academic writing difficulties that the university students of the faculty of philosophy usually struggle with. The backdrop of the analysis of the relevant research that might suggest why the learners may encounter the mentioned challenges.
- 2208. Phonological interference as a result of second-language learning in the period of globalization
The study of the English language as a foreign language in modern world. Analysis of the problem of phonological interference. The examples of phonological interference, the scientists' opinion about the causes and methods of eliminating this problem.
Profiles of chernozem soils in Zaporizhzhia region. The soil cover of Zaporizhzhya region is represented by such zonal soils as ordinary low-humus chernozems, ordinary low-humus low-power chernozems, southern chernozems, dark chestnut and chestnut soils.
In the course of the study, the issue of health and sports in the "Social Concept of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church" was considered, as well as what characterizes the general attitude of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) - to the stated issues.
- 2211. Physical education by distance learning technologies as a factor of students healthy lifestyle
Consideration of issue of a healthy lifestyle of students in the process of their physical education while studying in higher education institutions. Identification of possibilities of the discipline "Physical Education" by means of remote technologie.
Teaching children movement in physical education classes under the guidance of a teacher and during independent activities under his supervision. Development of the child’s cognitive, volitional and emotional energy and his practical motor skills.
The priorities of physical education in US universities. Substantiation of the peculiarities of physical education in US universities in the context of experience formation. Definition of the main motives for the sports improvement of athletes.
Forms of physical recreation as a basis for the formation of a healthy lifestyle of student youth. The use of isotonic exercises to maintain constant muscle tension. Traditional movement systems of health improvement: isotonics, callanetics, pilates.
Поняття предметних галузей Програми міжнародного оцінювання учнів PISA. Оцінювання математичної грамотності підлітків, їхньої здатності до використання знань і умінь з математики в життєвих ситуаціях. Визначення сутності математичної готовності.
The role of mediation in conflict management in the monitoring of conflict factors of education activities. The integration of monitoring and mediation. Different models of embedding of mediation into the conflict management system in high school.
- 2217. Plagiarizm versus академічна доброчесність: деякі лінгвістичні міркування та філософські інтенції
Основні підходи до вирішення проблеми подолання плагіату в науковій царині та його співвідношення із ціннісною системою Університету з точки зору соціолінгвістики та напрацювань новітніх напрямів у соціальній філософії та філософії освіти України.
The negative conditions that currently exist in Ukraine actualize the art-therapeutic possibilities of plein air for the prevention and removal of tension, fears, depression and other negative factors in youth. The educational purpose of plein.
Analysis of the problem of modeling educational results of professional training of students. Metalinguistic awareness and plurilingual communicative repertoire as a condition for the success of the professional activity of a foreign language teacher.
- 2220. Podcasts in education
Modern methods of using games in teaching English. Problem of increased psycho-emotional stress on students. The role of the game in the learning process. Classification of educational games in a foreign language. Scripts of some educational games.