Problems of initial validation of the logical system of social competence from the standpoint of development theory. The main individual quality - a personality trait that directly correlates with self-motivation and effective use of own initiative.
- 2882. The world of digital art on the values of adolescent artistic creativity presented in cyberspace
Researching of the world of digital art as it is viewed by young people, and using it as a tool for searching points of reference. The process of using virtual space for the purpose of presenting one’s own works to others as a of reflective identity.
The challenges of English language teachers when working online. The new opportunities for distant learning. Solutions of the problems arising from the necessity to teach English on Zoom. The use of different strategies to keep students engaged.
- 2884. Theoretical and methodological analysis of the problem on future specialist's self-consciousness
Self-consciousness is a dynamic historical formation that takes place at different levels and forms. Components of a future specialist’s selfconsciousness are determined by the functional components of a future psychologist’s self-consciousness.
The role of the educator of preschool education in overcoming the social insecurity of preschoolers in the field of inclusive education. The needs of teachers and children in communication. Overcoming social insecurity in children with disabilities.
Characteristics of levels of English-speaking professional training of future doctors. Development and substantiation of the experimental methodology of English-speaking professional training of future doctors, analysis of the results of the approbation.
Knowledge that forms the foundation of self-development and professional and pedagogical education. The philosophy of human-centrism as a new quality of innovative human thinking that surpasses the established standards of thinking of past eras.
Theoretical and research aspects of the problem of development and improvement of personal and professional spheres in the teacher's pedagogical activity. The role of the teacher's personal sphere is substantiated, pedagogical orientation in particular.
Formation of the English teachers’ of higher educational establishments digital competence. Creating innovations, implementing projects, creating scientific and educational online platforms, personalized educational trajectories in higher education.
Analysis of the problem of processes in teaching a foreign language of a professional direction. Integration trends in professional education, description of interdisciplinary knowledge of activating the cognitive activity of higher education applicants.
The analyzing of the determination of a basic professional culture of a future specialist. A professional culture as a basic constituent of general culture of personality and future professional. A necessarity of a high level of a professional culture.
The understanding of the essential nature of a discipline directly determines the educational goals, the construction of educational logic. Journalist training research is rooted in two important theoretical backgrounds: journalism and education.
The article deals with the theoretical bases of monitoring students' learning outcomes in maritime establishments. Monitoring combines three important management components: analysis, evaluation and forecasting of processes in education; a set of methods.
The basic tasks of national and cultural revival of Ukraine (education of a patriotic person who is aware of his/her belonging to the Ukrainian people). The formation of the content of the basic elements of patriotic education of younger generation.
The essence of grammatical competence for the study of lexical, syntactic, phonetic and spelling aspects of language. Analysis of approaches to the training of philologists. Development of new methods of formation of foreign grammatical competence.
Modern requirements for students’ academic and extracurricular activities. the professional training of future music teachers. Content of comprehensive work of a school educator. The improvement of concertmaster training of future music teachers.
Familiarity with the theoretical foundations of the organization of a gender-equitable environment in foreign and Ukrainian educational systems. Features of the organization of a fair environment in the United States, Canada, Germany, Scandinavia.
Consideration of the foundations of a systematic approach to teaching a foreign language in the context of the formation of a language personality. Approach to learning foreign languages. Formation of cognitive skills in a higher education applicant.
- 2899. Theoretical grounds and methodological principles of implementing the pedagogical technolgy CLIL
Describe theoretical approaches and methodological principles of realization of the pedagogical technology CLIL. Two-factor model of communication. The measure of contextual support provided to learners in communication. Development of cognitive skills.
- 2900. Theoretical grounds and methodological principles of implementing the pedagogical technolgy clil
The article deals with theoretical approaches and principals that are on the ground of popular and well-known pedagogical technology CLIL. With the help of this studied technology students see the learning process as an interesting path modern.
Investigating and generalizing theoretical grounds of applying case-study in the teaching process. Determination of the principles of creating good, quality cases, recommendations for organizing work during practical lessons with the use of cases.
Modern requirements for servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Assessment of medical health of cadets of military educational institutions. Formation of value orientations of future officers. Methods of preserving and strengthening physical condition.
The development of higher education in Ukraine at the beginning of the 21st century facilitated the opening of new faculties and specialties. To these circumstances, the average level of education of citizens increased significantly over several decades.
The process of association of Ukraine with European Union and integration into European, world educational spheres the features of which are related to of global processes, the specific terms of development of social, economic, political, cultural life.
Possibilities of applying Romano Guardini's theory of polar oppositions in education. Pope Francis' Bipolar Principles for Educating People in Peace and Fraternity. Antinomies that can find a fruitful way out through specific educational proposals.
A study of Romano Guardini's theory of polar oppositions as a possible application in education. An examination of the thought of Pope Francis, who puts forward four principles related to bipolar tensions to educate people in peace and brotherhood.
Results of evaluation of publications from the point of view of their use in the educational process by students of various fields of study. Ways of using three editions of "Fundamental Values of Academic Integrity" depending on educational goals.
Aimed at regarding time management in general and most essential strategies in particular as well as corresponding skills necessary for students for academic success. Time management techniques are regarded as the best way for managing course material.
Потенційні можливості використання вчителем/викладачем іспанської мови матеріалів, пропонованих Tio Spanish – віртуальним персонажем відеохостінгу YouTube. Йго роль у процесі формування іспаномовної комунікативної компетентності школярів/студентів.
Improvement of the quality of inclusive education in Ukraine. Improving social competence and communication skills of people with invalidity, ensuring accessibility of teaching for them. Development of the personality of students with health disabilities.