The growing demand for ESP courses, which are specifically designed to meet the specific needs of each profession. The teacher-designed texts and activities enhance the foreign language acquisition, increase learners’ engagement and motivation.
Determination of level of project and technological skills of future specialists of civil defense service development in accordance with criteria of the motivational and cognitive components-prerequisites and the operational-active formative component.
Set statistically significant factors that interfere with independent work. The use of Internet resources by students in the process of individual activities. The impact on the success of the study information and communication educational environment.
The results of diagnosis of levels of social and moral activity formation of 6-year-old children. Social and moral activity is a form of activity connected with the entry of a child into society, the acquisition of socially and approved forms of behavior.
Analysis of the five main diagnostic methods of determining of would-be psychologists’ readiness to work in inclusive educational institutions. The use of diagnostic methods, results of its conducting. The testing to measure the Mekhrabian’s motivation.
The relevance of diagnosing the level of formation of performing culture of future vocalists in solo singing classes in the context of modern music education. Formation of performance culture in future vocalists, their influence on professional activity.
Аpprobation of diagnostic method for determining the professional readiness of future teachers to humanize the educational environment of primary school. Criteria for professional training of students: motivational-value, information-knowledge, activity.
The process of forming a poly-/multicultural personality of students. The use of dialogue interaction technologies in combination with coaching competencies for the education of poly-/multiculturalism of future teachers of professional foreign languages.
Analysis of the model of dialogic interactions of students who study by profession "manager". Stages of implementation of the model in practice. Development of the dialogic competence of the manager as an instrument for its transformation into a leader.
The education system at the post-non-classical stage: dialogical, existentialist, hermeneutic, synergetic, which focus not on the object and the search for objective truth. The personality of an integral person, who knows the world and acts also.
Features of the dialogue in the process of learning foreign languages. Necessity of dialogization of the cultural and educational space of a person by comprehension and actualization of his own abilities in the process of studying foreign languages.
Peculiarities of distance education in higher educational institutions of Ukraine in the conditions of pandemic and war. Study of didactic aspects of the educational process in conditions of danger and increased stress. Use of virtual educational tools.
- 733. Didactic model of formation of research and diagnostic skills of future primary school teachers
Formation of future primary school teachers’ professional skills. Structural didactic model of the formation of research and diagnostic skills of future primary school teachers in the process of teaching psychological and pedagogical disciplines.
Studying the features of using the visual modeling method, outline of an innovative approach to the implementation of the visualization principle. Prospects for the use of information technologies in the teaching of economic and mathematical disciplines.
To investigate the capabilities of the BioGraph Infiniti specialized software and to determine the didactic conditions for its use in the educational process of higher education institutions in Ukraine, including those with specific learning conditions.
The expediency of using ProComp Infiniti System hardware with BioGraph Infiniti Software in the educational process of higher education institutions of Ukraine in various areas of specialist training. Didactic terms of use of BioGraph Infiniti Software.
The goal of this article is to present how a successful language lesson can be developed even if one using a textbook. The flexibility is one of the important factors of planning. Because during the monotonous lessons students can be tired of that.
The role of the teacher to enrich the vocabulary of students. Consideration of ways to learning a foreign language in the modern school. Main terms of teaching vocabulary, allowing the maximum to activate the work of students in learning new words.
Features of creating an innovative educational environment at the university. Analysis of the training process for specialists with digital competence. Methods for introducing digital technologies into the educational environment of the university.
Analysis of ways to implement a set of innovative technologies and digital tools that are widely used by a foreign language teacher in a virtual learning environment. Description of educational web resources, tools for evaluating students' knowledge.
Analysis of digital competence as a component of the professional activity of a specialist in mediation in education. Professional standards of a mediation specialist in Russia and abroad, the main functions of a mediator in educational institutions.
Development of total digitalization of public relations in Ukraine. Increasing the efficiency of the educational process of the institution of higher education with the help of digital technologies. Mastering software training tools by future teachers.
Research the problem of overwork that face when using digital devices for a long time every day in the classroom and during extracurricular hours, in order to understand the need for digital detoxification. Digital detoxification during Distance Learning.
The study of the potential of the digital format of using innovative technologies of blended learning in the educational process of modern institutions of higher education. Specifics of implementation of the leading ideas of mixed learning technologies.
Сутнісне розуміння Digital Humanities у гуманітаристиці, заснованого на міждисциплінарності. Застосування цифрових технологій у гуманітарних дослідженнях. Основні структури, які позиціонують свою приналежність до сфери DH та напрями їх діяльності.
Creating a digital educational environment that would open access to educational resources and provide a level of interaction between teachers and students. Analysis of high-tech educational environment for training specialists in various specialties.
The digital literacy and the use of modern learning technologies in educational institutions. The digital literacy and competence, which allow to determine the role and status of modern universities in the formation of new concepts of higher education.
Differences between digital management of the educational process at a university from the traditional one. The main advantages of the interactive intelligent environment technology. Functional capabilities of digital management of education quality.
The problem of finding new means of spiritual values of university students. Forming of interest to information and communication technologies that contain information capable to enrich the spiritual world of the individual. Methods of interaction.
Increasing students' motivation for self-improvement and successful professional activity. Formation of digital competencies of future specialists. Determination of the most optimal, functional and easy-to-use digital tools in the educational process.