Воспитание силы, выносливости и максимальной готовности к жизненным трудностям как цель системы спартанского государственного образования. Доминирующее влияние интересов государства, запрещавшего гражданам воспитывать детей по собственному усмотрению.
Мотивы студентов по освоению выбранной профессии как основы высоких результатов обучения и гарантии успешной их реализации в будущей профессиональной деятельности. Особенности определения мотивов учебной деятельности студентов. Ключевые виды мотивации.
Сущность самоуправления как метода воспитания сознательной дисциплины и средства гражданского воспитания школьников. Причины появления внешкольных образовательных заведений, культурно-просветительских центров по инициативе интеллигенции в России в ХХ в.
Свобода особистості як критерій оцінки якості процесу демократизації вищої освіти. Шляхи її поглиблення в умовах становлення суспільства. Прагнення студентів до самоорганізації свого життя і гуманізації змісту як підстави демократизації вищої освіти.
Професійно-педагогічна підготовка викладачів економічних навчальних закладів до дидактичного проектування у системі післядипломної освіти. Методика навчання майбутніх вчителів технічних дисциплін. Методологічні основи суб’єктно-продуктивного підходу.
Компетенції, без яких майбутній фахівець не спроможний досягти творчої самореалізації в діяльності. Професійно значущі особистісні якості, що виявляють ступінь готовності фахівця до професійної діяльності. Аналіз процесу формування культури викладача.
Особливості управлінської діяльності навчальних округів у контексті запровадження стандартоорієнтованої системної реформи в США. суперечності в контекстуальних засадах реформ та побудові. Використання позитивного реформаційного досвіду в Україні.
Исследование понятия и характера социального воспитания детей. Влияние среды на развитие ребенка. Этапы социализации ребенка в социуме, которая должна осуществляться в процессе его развития. Нравственность как неотъемлемая часть социального воспитания.
Определение понятия социального воспитания, его места в системе наук. Изучение процесса социализации личности, развития культурного опыта. Рассмотрение основных методов социального воспитания. История возникновения и развития педагогической деятельности.
The purpose of study is provide information about the teaching of data journalism in the world education system and, in particular, to analyze the current state of teaching this subject in the Azerbaijani education system as well as future perspectives.
Education as a factor in the revival of the nation, education in the youth of national consciousness, the developed personality of the technology teacher. The role of folk art as a source of spiritual and aesthetic culture of the future teacher.
The role of foreign language communicative competence in the professional training of future officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Assessment of listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Pedagogical methods of teaching foreign languages.
Research conducted among teaching staff from higher pedagogical education institutions within the project "Study of a culture of democracy in education in Ukraine, Norway and Palestine". Trainings designed with a dialogue approach and philosophizing.
Social need, problems and perspectives of the course "Foundations of Democracy" in pedagogical universities. Methodology of "democratic education" of future teachers in conditions of democratization of public relations and democratization of education.
Development, essence of the theory and practice of economic culture education among children and adults in western Ukraine since the XIX - XX centuries integration of the Ukrainian people into the European Community, assimilation of world experience.
Description of cognitive control tools in the process of teaching students a foreign language, analysis stages of test modeling. Determination of Final or intermediate tests, the dependence of testing success on the social intelligence of teachers.
Finding ways and means of developing creative abilities in future electrical technicians. Formation of design thinking within the course "Electricity supply of enterprises and civil structures". Development of skills for working with digital technologies.
- 738. Designing a technology to monitor the effectiveness of the process of advanced training of teachers
This article discusses issues related to the organization of monitoring studies of the effectiveness of the process of improving the qualifications of teaching staff. The concept of the technology of monitoring the effectiveness of advanced training.
Differences between planning internships for children, adult students. Principles for the management of educational space in adult education: the formation of a learning climate of mutual respect and support; creation of mechanisms of mutual planning.
Recognition, popularization of webquests as a promising teaching format. Teachers willingness to use ready-made webquests or create their own to work with students. Research of the main requirements for the design and quality of educational webquests.
Determining the determinants of school success of elementary school students in Poland. Success as a motivation to accept challenges and a sense of self-importance. Teachers' opinion about the factors that determine the achievement of school success.
The results from the surveys identified the most important determinants of school success for pupils in primary school grades I-III in eastern Poland. Teachers did not find gender differentiated attitudes to learning among pupils at younger school ages.
Investigation of structure of the occupational identity of future doctors. Characteristics of indicators and levels of formation of students' professional competencies.Study of features of the use of methods and means of physical therapy and ergotherapy.
The problem of self-improvement of physical education teachers in professional activity. Theoretical substantiation and experimental verification of pedagogical conditions for the effective implementation of the pedagogical technology of teacher training.
The article is devoted to the theoretical and experimental study the problem of self-improvement of physical education teachers in the process of professional activity. The goal is to define, substantiate, and experimentally test pedagogical conditions.
The presented research examines the importance special training and the formation of the professional style of physical education teachers, as well as the concept of authority as an important indicator the professionalism of a physical education teacher.
The development and promotion of learning of foreign language students through the method of discovery is highlighted. Analysis of information in order to understand and materialize abstract principles. Attention is paid to the origins of this method.
The role of communicative competences obtained by university students for their future professional career formation and development is investigated. The approaches for developing transferable skills when teaching and learning courses are analysed.
Analysis of the model of development of critical thinking of future teachers. Experimental verification of its effectiveness for the development of critical thinking of students in educational activities. Stages of implementation in higher education.
The peculiarity of the effective training of future specialists and the development of their professional competences. Analysis of created circumstances in the educational process that increase student motivation and help improve academic achievement.