Checking the effectiveness of pedagogical conditions in the management of the Main Center for Training Personnel of the State Border Service of Ukraine. Assessment of readiness for professional activity of officers and commanders of border service units.
Content-based learning as a means of developing language skills. Emphasis on the topic of the lesson. Improving and meeting general educational needs. Important learning skills: taking notes, summarizing and highlighting key information from texts.
Using the language to gain a real goal, which can make students more independent and confident. Analysis of the content-based instruction theory, make some points about it clearer and summarize the main ideas. The inclusion of group work of students.
The structure of modern choreographic education in Ukraine, its continuity as a leading trend of development. Strategic directions of modernization of national choreographic education, ways to overcome crisis phenomena at different educational levels.
Modern educational trends and the direction of education on globalization and large-scale integration into the world space. The urgency of the question of language learning. Search for the most perfect and high-quality way to teach a foreign language.
Methods of modernization of continuous pedagogical education of Ukraine through the Prism of the European Educational Environment. Stages and problems of developing a model for improving the skills of teachers in the system of pedagogical education.
Assessing the control locus and behavioral strategies in Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy Iranian, Egyptian students. The neuro-dynamic profile important indices, their study, applied significance. Left-handers and ambidexters among students.
Research of cooperative methods of teaching a foreign language. Analysis of the impact of distance education on student performance. Increasing the communication skills in a group during joint language learning. Formation of individual responsibility.
The concept of "combined learning" and how to effectively use it in teaching English to first-year students is considered. Such fundamental principles of cooperative learning as positive interdependence and individual responsibility are emphasized.
- 550. Cooperative learning – один из подходов к активному обучению на кафедре сестринского дела ФНПР КГМУ
Обучение в сотрудничестве как одно из мощнейших направлений современных педагогических исканий, возможности его эффективного применения в условиях высшего учебного заведения. Особенности андрагогической модели обучения и ее главные преимущества.
Search for common factors underlying coping strategies with a complex object - school performance in older adolescents. Using the data of the electronic diary of the student and the questionnaire. Lack of influence of gender, age on academic performance.
Approaches to teaching a foreign language that would contribute to the development of students' abilities and skills for future successful cooperation in a multidisciplinary environment. Peculiarities of teaching speaking, writing, listening and reading.
Modification of the system of higher education, including the transfer of emphasis on the educational process in its final qualitative result, a paradigm shift from knowledge education to competency. ICT competence as a part of professional competence.
The creation of corporate universities, which are a field of transfer, development, processing of new knowledge and social experience in the field of "higher education institution - business". Analysis of various models of corporate universities.
Language acquisition as a long process during which the student makes mistakes. Application of the communicative approach to error correction in teaching English as a second language. Analysis of types of error correction using examples from the lessons.
The transition to online distance learning caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. assessment of the correlation between explicit learning satisfaction and the involvement of nursing students in it, participation in it during the course of the program.
Growth of international business relations as a reason for changing approaches to teaching a foreign language. Approval of approaches to learning English for special purposes on the example of an English course for specialists in the field of tourism.
Изучение и характеристика принципов худoжеcтвеннo-твopчеcкой деятельнocти детей дoшкoльнoгo вoзpacтa. Анализ пcихoлoгo-педaгoгичеcких ocoбеннocтей пoдгoтoвки детей cтapшегo дoшкoльнoгo вoзpacтa к шкoле. Opгaнизaция oпытнo-экcпеpиментaльнoгo иccледoвaния.
Сутність категорії "іпотерапія" в соціально-педагогічній науці як нетрадиційного методу, заснованого на психо-сенсомоторному впливі на суб'єкти реабілітаційного лікування та соціальної адаптації хворих дітей. Лікування дітей з ураженнями нервової системи.
Analysis of the language/academic portfolio as part of the ESP discourse, which allows you to focus on English in general and learning ESP in particular. The combination of sociocultural aspects with psycholinguistic cognitive characteristics of students.
An approach to the creating training content on electrical engineering course for the professional students' training for engineering specialties. It is proposed a approach based on the development of complex models of the discipline content elements.
Determine the features of the formation of the educational environment in the transition from the classical form of learning to distance learning during individual vocal lessons. Research and analysis of the value of using new effective teaching methods.
Reveals the specifics of creation, functions and value of the electronic information and bibliographic resource "Outstanding educators of Ukraine and the World". The goals of the development of electronic biographical resource have been formulated.
The creation of a pedagogical environment for the development of creative abilities and personal qualities of a student. Stimulation of the motive of learning, personal improvement, enthusiasm for the process of cognition. Foreign language culture.
- 565. Creative approach to establishing the developmental educational environment of new Ukrainian school
These personal qualities inherent in creative people. The necessity of overcoming the reproductive type of education and transition to such an educational system, which could fully ensure cognitive activity and independence of thinking, is substantiated.
The ways of using drama method in the process of development in reading attitudes among children and youth, as creative education method, which creates opportunities to acquire knowledge. The influence of the family on the development of interest of books
Pedagogical activity in the context of development of creative abilities of the teacher, signs of creative personality of the teacher, conditions of realization of creativity in pedagogical activity. Students readiness for pedagogical creativity.
Consideration of creativity as a psychological mechanism of engineering-pedagogical creativity. Organic combination as the basis of a teacher's pedagogical skill, characterized by creativity. A type of thinking usually associated with intelligence.
Features of training creative foreign language teacher. Development of the teacher's creative personality, the main tasks of the process of forming students ' creative activity. Formation of creative independence. Development of creative initiative.
Stages of W. Kiesewetter's stay in Crimea. Examples of everyday scenes of children and teachers in school. Elements of the work of a traveler, translator, artist, ethnographer, whose work contributed to the educational activities of contemporaries.