• An overview of the concept democratic values in the speeches of ex-president of the USA B. Obama as the mental basis of American politics. Its description in terms of the lexical-semantic field. Center and periphery, cultural and political marking.

    статья (136,7 K)
  • Methods for creating visual, auditory, or performing pieces. Study of linguistic representations of various types of art in a literary text. Use of intermediality for decoding figurative and symbolic codes. Involving the reader in the creative process.

    статья (18,2 K)
  • The general concept of repetition as the repetition of individual elements of speech - sounds, morphological parts of words, words, syntactic constructions. The place of lexical repetition in the general system. Its varieties Azerbaijani linguistics.

    статья (22,4 K)
  • Syntactic verbalization of a subordinate clause with a syndetic subordinate clause. Definition of the functional-semantic paradigm of Old English, Middle English, and early English complex sentences. Implementation of concessiveness in complex sentences.

    статья (38,7 K)
  • Actualization and verbalization of the adverbial concessive clauses with the semantic shades of universal, conditional, contrastive, and causative concession in three leading periods of the English language, in Old-, Middle-, and Early Modern English.

    статья (41,7 K)
  • Transformation of modified constructions due to adjectives, nouns with prepositions or adverbs. Analysis of the formation of extended structures by several direct ones, which provide a nominative representation of different models of the state of love.

    статья (19,3 K)
  • Linguistic analysis of letters written to adolescents in order to trace the process of formation of their identity. Using present and future tense verb forms, shifting personal deixis and second-person pronouns to verbalize their role in the narrative.

    статья (21,7 K)
  • Exploration of lexical, lexical-grammatical, grammatical means of verbalizing the idea of exclusiveness in BBC travel texts. Demonstration how the idea of exclusiveness is verbalised in BBC travel texts. Linguistic of verbalization idea of exclusiveness.

    статья (60,7 K)
  • The algorithm of translation teaching. A record of the actions of a translator that he was taken in the translation process, the development of its creative potential. The synthesis of linguistic and translation competences and personal translation.

    статья (23,0 K)
  • Analysis of the participation and role in text formation of linguistic means of text generation in Internet linguistics. The problems that exist at the syntactic level. Analysis of different expressions of new media discourse in different virtual worlds.

    статья (32,9 K)
  • About visual-audio-oral teaching of the russian language based on a virtual three-dimensional situation. Methods of formation of linguistic and cultural competence of foreign students of technical profile with the use of audiovisual technologies.

    статья (231,6 K)
  • The principles of virtualization of scientific research methods given linguistic and topological factor informing the paradigm of virtual knowledge. Methods of researchers’ navigation in nonlinear environment using a mental representation of digital area.

    статья (17,8 K)
  • Linguistic representation of visual perception through verbal and visual means of images. Artistic images in romantic literature, created by the interaction of visual and verbal translation codes. Overview of the forms of romantic literary vision.

    статья (16,9 K)
  • Analyses network metaphors or netaphors, which operate with base- level language concepts, Internet slang as a standard language variant and the result of linguistic variability. Particular attention is paid to the issues of linguistic application.

    статья (22,4 K)
  • Дослідження VOSI (Verb - Object/Subject - Infinitive)-конструкцій у функції комплемента одно- і двоперехідних дієслів з контролюючим суб’єктом дії. Частотність вживання VOSI-конструкцій після комплексно транзитивних дієслів у ранньоновоанглійській мові.

    статья (24,1 K)
  • The temporal and spectral characteristics of vowels produced by Palestinian Arabicspeaking individuals with Broca’s aphasia compared to healthy speakers. Vowel duration and formant frequency measures. Detection of overlap of phonetic categories.

    статья (484,0 K)
  • Consideration of motivation the driving force in learning a foreign language. The problem of motivation in training, research on the development of the modern merchant marine fleet. Features of speech charging, Marine English classes for boatmasters.

    статья (245,4 K)
  • Market analysis of rural tourism services in Ukraine. Determination of factors influencing the future development of green tourism. Measures to ensure the priority development of this segment of the development of country touring in the country.

    статья (86,0 K)
  • Consideration of ways to translate English-language journalistic neological metaphors into Ukrainian. Replenishment of the vocabulary of a language as a result of a semantic process in which the name is transferred from one referent to another based.

    статья (26,0 K)
  • Defining the problem, argumentation of the topicality of the consideration. Research of the ways of translating English two-component terms in the field of energy efficiency by means of the Ukrainian language. methods for reproducing two-component terms.

    статья (264,3 K)
  • Expression confrontation by certain language means, the choice of which depends on extralinguistic factors. An extralinguistic factor as the illocutive goal of the sender of speech. The choice of linguistic means. Description suggestive means.

    статья (19,7 K)
  • The role of neologisms-borrowings in the modern English language, their functional and semantic features, ways of speech adaptation. Factors of replenishment of the lexical composition of the English language depending on sociolinguistic factors.

    статья (26,1 K)
  • The definition of the essence and nature of the category "foreign language competence". Methods of forming and improvement of foreign language competence of civil servants. Forms оf work with students for successful formation of language knowledge.

    статья (636,0 K)
  • Notions as "foreign language competence" and "Civil Servants’ foreign language competence". Competence as the fundamental principle of professionalism by I. Zyazyuna. The difference between speech and language competence. Communicative language teaching.

    статья (636,0 K)
  • Characteristic of organization and visualization as principles for successful teaching language. Analysis of innovative methods to encourage students to practice reading. Characteristic of concentration games for checking knowledge over the vocabulary.

    статья (14,5 K)
  • Main features and problems of translating of lexical units from the foreign language. Importance of this process, difficulties that can arise during the translation, and solutions. Main approaches of the texts translating: cognitive, global and special.

    статья (19,0 K)
  • Linguistic and cognitive aspects of stylistic device "pun" in linguistic studies. Ways of translation of pun from the source language to the target language. Puns as translation problem (based on the "Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll).

    курсовая работа (48,4 K)
  • The study of linguistic means of designation and transmission of mental and emotional states of a person. Distinctive features of conducting an English-speaking business dialogue. The technique of verbalization of emotions in journalistic newspaper texts.

    статья (20,7 K)
  • Ways of forming and approving the nomination and term formation of certain segments of the food production industry in Ukrainian and other Slavic languages. Origin and meaning of food names, methods of classification and standardization of vegetables.

    статья (35,9 K)
  • The purpose the article is to explore how to set up the preparation stage, what tools to use and what tasks to choose. This article examines the methodological foundations of the use of authentic materials in the senior courses of a language university.

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