Ukrainian language as the state language in the creation and further development of the Ukrainian state. Perception of the language through its state-forming role, on the of meeting the requirements for ensuring the functioning of the Ukrainian language.
Review of the use of the Ukrainian language in the field of jurisprudence as an instrument of legal activity, a channel of modern legal communication, the legislative process and law enforcement. Study of its oral and written form, legal terminology.
In the framework of the study, New York is the prism of revealing the Ukrainian national identity in the context of historical events important for the Ukrainian nation in a diachronic perspective. Translation methods and strategies are highlighted.
The large number of verbal EF as an appropriate metaphor for rethinking AC phrases. The classification of verbs with post verbs to a particular semantic group. The metaphorical nature of revolutions with comparing the components EF verb with same words.
Ефективність зорової пам’яті в утримуванні об’єктів протягом тривалого часу. У статті робиться акцент на асоціаціях, які люди роблять, запам’ятовуючи різні речі. Кольорові картки з перекладом слів та полегшення процесу створення асоціацій у студентів.
Semiotic approach to text interpretation as a language phenomenon that conveys socio-semantic information - knowledge. A system of semiotic signs, rules for replacing one sign with another, known to both the addresser and the addressee for communication.
Analysis of understanding of impoliteness at the household level. Definition of two binary opposing social identities - polite and impolite citizen. Discourse by impolite people from the point of view of van Dijk's ideological discourse analysis.
- 3098. Unification and separation of the americans in the inaugural speeches of B. Obama and D. Trump
Ideas of unification, disunity in the inaugural speeches of Presidents Obama and Trump. Ceremonialism, appeal to past, present and future events and high literary style of utterance. Semantically verbs, statements of factors of the surrounding reality.
- 3099. Unification and separation of the americans in the inaugural speeches of b. obama and D. Trump
Analyze nomination of power relations representing unity and division of the nation in 2013 Obama’s and 2017 Trump’s inaugurals with the application of the conceptual relations for force. Verbs with the meaning of protection activate blockage relations.
Resultados del trabajo sobre el Atlas de la Lengua Vasca realizado en la Academia Bilbao / Bayona. Analisis de variantes del euskera, los procesos de creacion de un estandar linguistico unificado. Razones para elegir el idioma subyacente al estandar.
The creation of a restrictive account for syntactic phases under some crucial assumptions of the last years such as Reverse Agree and Universal DP. Boskovic's position on phase impenetrability constraint. Boskovic’s arguments against Universal DP.
- 3102. University of U.S.A.
Harvard University, sometimes simply refer to as Harvard, is a private university in Massachusetts. Charter creating Collegiate School. Leland Stanford, the university's founder. The Stanford University Libraries and Academic Information Resources.
Characterization of the role of decompression in translation transformations that lead to an increase in lexical and symbolic volumes. A study of the phenomenon of decompression in the context of translating information from English to Ukrainian.
Political discourse as a sign system in which the meaning of a word can depend on the speaker's intention. Representing participants in American pre-election debates in terms of the "friend or foe" category, one of the most important categories discourse.
Bilingualism and the coexistence of the Ukrainian and Russian languages in Ukraine The dominance of the Anglicisms in Ukrainian discourse. Prestige of English language and fashion for foreign words. Cultural assimilation of the population of Ukraine.
Etymology, usage and types of euphemisms. Specific features of English political euphemis. The role of euphemisms in today’s English political discourse. Evolution of English euphemisms. Euphemisms in English political texts of the XXI century.
The passive voice voice as the grammatical category of the verb. Semantic and lexical differences. Outline of the active and the passive voice in english. The formation of the passive voice. Misuse of the term style advice. Different kinds of passives.
Generalization, differentiation of meaning, concretization, lexical substitution, compensation, semantic development - the ways to convey the pragmatic potential of the original in translation. Specification - a useful tool for pragmatic adaptation.
Describes the specifics of applying translation transformations for the achieving adequacy when reproducing irony in translation of English literary texts into Ukrainian. Irony is defined as an expressive means in the texts of literary discourse.
Accounting process as recording, classifying and summarizing in a significant manner, transactions and events which are of financial character, and interpreting the results thereof. Internal users of accounting information: Management, Employees, Owners.
Characteristics of authentic texts and adapted books. The acquisition of meaning in the present lyrics. An analysis of a simplified and genuine material sense. Different factors that further motivation. The results of the student survey and interviews.
Critical analysis of current word order theories. Big data search instruments, Google and Yandex. The questions as to what extent we can trust the statistical data obtained, what kinds of hypotheses can be verified through Google and Yandex searching.
The article defines the concept of cloud technologies by studying and analyzing the scientific and methodical literature. Modern software solutions and their capabilities that can be used in the organization of the educational process of an institution
Game forms of work in the classroom, the classification of educational games. Improving the imagination, thinking and cognitive sphere of students in English lessons. Building emotionally attractive communication patterns, speech patterns and dialogues.
Analysis of explicit colloquial speech used in Chingiz Aitmatov's novels. Figurative meaning of colloquial speech in fiction. Use of informal language of characters to create an atmosphere of informality, friendliness, emotionality and expressiveness.
The challenge of tertiary students’ foreign language OPC formation is accentuated by apparent lack of effective aimed at forming a set of OPC skills. An exploratory study of class presentations and peer evaluations: do students perceive the benefits.
A fairy tale as an effective means of learning English. Creating conditions for the development of self-control skills of pupils. Ensuring the implementation of an individual approach to each student, mobilization of internal resources and abilities.
The phraseological composition of language. The etymological classification of phraseological units. The problem of the translation of idioms. Analysis the frequency of idioms' usage referring to English and Russian. Cumulative and directive functions.
The investigation of the effect of humor on teaching English language as a second language in order to define the relationship between humor and successful second language acquisition. Does humor help the English language learners study more effectively?
A comprehensive examination of the complex relationship between semiotic models and translation practice. The need for a translation approach that goes beyond linguistic accuracy and embraces cultural, contextual, and connotative layers of meaning.