• To the specifics of rendering Chinese culture-bound food nominations into Ukrainian and English. The relevance of the research is determined by the fact that it is conducted at the crossroads of cognitive and cultural paradigms of Translation Studies.

    статья (29,5 K)
  • The relevance of the research is determined by the fact that it is conducted at the crossroads of cognitive and cultural paradigms of Translation Studies. To the specifics of rendering Chinese culture-bound food nominations into Ukrainian and English.

    статья (27,9 K)
  • Studying the concept of the weather is the mix of events that happen each day in our atmosphere including temperature, rainfall and humidity. Investigation state of the weather and climate nowadays. Definition features of the work meteorologist.

    топик (14,1 K)
  • The structural classification of simple and multiple sentences in English and Ukrainian, and compares the quantitative distribution of different sentence types. It also provides background information about weblogs as a type of the Internet discourse.

    статья (284,9 K)
  • Wales as a part of the United Kingdom and is located in a wide peninsula in the western portion of the island of Great Britain. The daffodil - a Welsh national emblem. The Cathedral of St David's in Pembrokeshire like a popular place of pilgrimage.

    презентация (21,8 M)
  • Semantics is the study of the relationship between words and their meanings, its relationship with the conceptual and associative meaning of words. "Semantic Sieve" of Translation as a Concept. The essence of this linguistic phenomenon in examples.

    статья (102,5 K)
  • Linguistic complexity is a complex phenomenon, as it manifests itself on different levels (complexity of texts to sentences to words to subword units), through different features and also via different tasks (specific needs of other kinds of audiences).

    статья (65,9 K)
  • Two sets of polarity sensitive items in Russian: ni- and -nibud' pronouns. Non-specific indefinite -nibud' pronouns are possible only in propositions that do not ensure truth, non-veridical contexts. Although clause-mate negation creates such a context.

    статья (323,4 K)
  • Study of separable adjectives in the Bambara language, their place in the part of speech, the designation of human qualities, idiomatic semantics. Productivity of the morphological subclass, predicative use. Revealing the inventory of shared adjectives.

    статья (33,4 K)
  • Dialect geography of the Luvian area. The study of the increasing influence of Kitsuvadna on the Kuvattalla tradition, including the increase in the number of Hurrian borrowings in the relevant texts, reflects secondary existence at the court of Hattusa.

    статья (75,7 K)
  • The main connection of semantic changes of lexemes of nominal type with various tendencies of conceptualization, indicating the development of essential aspects of the language. The use of derivation and word formation in word-formation processes.

    статья (1,5 M)
  • Дослідження понять тип та жанр тексту та з’ясування семантичних та структурних особливостей White paper як жанру тексту. Теоретичні засади щодо особливостей, цілей та структури типу та жанру тексту. Особливості класифікації жанрів та PR-текстів.

    статья (51,7 K)
  • Дослідження понять "тип" та "жанр тексту" та з’ясування семантичних та структурних особливостей White paper як жанру тексту. Критерії класифікації жанрів тексту, якими можуть бути стиль написання текстів, їх реципієнт, зміст, мета комунікації, авторство.

    статья (29,9 K)
  • The reasons for choosing profession of a journalist. The opportunity to travel frequently to different cities and countries, to communicate with interesting people. A possibility realize dream: to produce your own book or TV-show for young audiences.

    сочинение (10,7 K)
  • Spreading of the English language in the world communication. BBC/RP are national standard in the UK. Noam Webster and his the works dedicated both to regional variations of English and local its representations. Five main groups of dialects UK.

    реферат (15,8 K)
  • Analysis of the use of English language in modern society. The definition of the main reasons of learning English. Consideration of the prospects in education and career people who constantly raise their level of knowledge of the English language.

    эссе (19,4 K)
  • Особенности формирования типа полилингвальной личности в учебной среде. Процесс обучения второму иностранному языку. Развитие критического мышления и творческого подхода учащихся. Разграничение компетенций, подлежащих формированию в процессе обучения.

    статья (32,8 K)
  • Розглянуто основні поняття фразеологічних порівнянь німецької мови, проблеми їх перекладу. Подано порівняльний аналіз компаративних фразеологічних одиниць в німецькій та в українській мовах, визначено особливості структури фразеологічних порівнянь.

    статья (32,3 K)
  • Study of the works of William von Humboldt. The main work of the German philosopher and linguist. Establishing linguistics as a science. The European humanistic view of the Renaissance. Consideration of language as a continuous creative process.

    статья (20,0 K)
  • An abbreviated word as a variant of a full lexeme. Features of creating abbreviated word forms. The semantic difference between the abbreviated and the original form of the word. Establishing a clear semantic differentiation between word units.

    статья (24,5 K)
  • "Compounding" or "word-composition" as one of the productive ways of word-building in modern English. The principles of compounding. The classification of English compounds and their meaning. Criteria for distinguishing between compounds and free phrases.

    презентация (71,3 K)
  • The essay section of lexicology, studying the meaning of the words and its formal parts. The study of theories about the nature of the meaning of the speech, which considers semasiology. The relationship between the symbol and the meaning of words.

    лекция (21,9 K)
  • Finding the basic word order, functions of sentence. Subject-auxiliary and subject-verb inversion. Inversion and the means of its translation. Word order patterns in English sentences. Negative adverbs, important role in the history of linguistic theory.

    курсовая работа (78,5 K)
  • Model, this research hypothesized that a similar skipping effect also exists for a second and other language. The current study examined word skipping rates in EFL (English as a Foreign Language) with 75 EFL learners by using eye tracking methodology.

    статья (185,2 K)
  • Word formation as a linguistic discipline and subject of its research. Types of word-formation: аffixation, сonversion, сomposition, shortening. Minor types of word-formation: reduplication, blending, initialism, neologism, onomatopoeia, backformation.

    курсовая работа (28,2 K)
  • Conduction a complex multidimensional study of the American and British toponyms for establishing structural, semantic, motivational and cognitive-pragmatic features. Etymological and derivational study of the toponyms of the North American continent.

    статья (71,5 K)
  • The relevance of studying certain aspects of medical terminology in linguistic science, analysis of their perspective and significance, monosemantic basis. Principles of organization of medical terminology at the morpheme and word-forming levels.

    статья (32,1 K)
  • Historical and cultural prerequisites for the emergence of the palindrome. Linguistic data analysis of a sample of palindrome words from English and Chinese dictionaries. Characteristics of the modern supranational common language picture of the world.

    статья (401,7 K)
  • Evaluation as the object of complex linguistic research. The relationship between the concepts of "emotionality" and "evaluation". The functioning of the vocabulary expressing a qualitative assessment of the personality in the context of a work of art.

    курсовая работа (91,0 K)
  • Sound Instrumenting, graphical Means. Morphemic Repetition, extension of Morphemic. Word and its Semantic Structure. Role of the Context in the Actualization of Meaning. Colloquial vs. Literary Type of Communication. Samples of Stylistic Analysis.

    учебное пособие (873,1 K)