Evaluation of the effectiveness of changes in Ukraine in terms of integration to the European lighting space. Transformation of the system of higher education of the country in connection with the implementation of the principles of the Bologna process.
Можливості технології book trailer як засобу формування читацьких інтересів учнів. Досвід використання book trailer у початковій школі. Методичні рекомендації для вчителів початкової школи щодо формування читацьких інтересів учнів засобами book trailer.
Opening an educational space with proficiency in professional English. The existence of distance learning opportunities at any university around the world. Feature of improving students' foreign language skills with the help of visual materials.
The problem of maintaining the motivation of students to study under the program is the vocabulary taken from various classical texts. The main advantages of attracting students to the study of films on the subject of the study of the vocabulary.
Substantiation of specific features and content of professional and practical training of the boxing coach in higher education institutions of Ukraine. An integral multicomponent system, which is aimed at forming a comprehensively developed specialist.
Consideration of the features of overcoming labor shortages through vocational reorientation at an early stage of training. Characteristics of the German model of dual vocational education. Analysis of the links between vocational education and business.
An analysis of approaches to personal teaching philosophy that reflects the beliefs and goals of teaching translation studies disciplines. The study of value orientations in the training of translators. Formation of the translator's identity profile.
- 398. British school
A review of basic features of organization of educational process is in schools of Great Britain. Value of marks and system school estimating knowledges of student. Order of preparation to employments and lessons. Examples of school form of students.
Determination of quantitative and qualitative criteria for assessing the impact and correction of the functional state on the relationship of individual capabilities of table tennis athletes with injuries at various stages of long-term training.
Evaluate and research the literature on Strategic two-way skill by examining how network capabilities affect the ability to learn to use a product and market activity. Consider possible network development priorities and adopt flexible strategies.
Analysis of business education as the most relevant and in demand educational model in the conditions of the "knowledge society". Consideration of the trend of business education and corporate training in the context of existing educational paradigms.
Examines and characteristic business english as a means of self-directed learning and professional development of students. Highlights how teaching materials and teaching techniques should be modified to kindle the learning interest of students.
Acquaintance with history of creation and development of California institute of technology. Research and characteristic features of the student life traditions. Review of the list of the colleges. Studying requirements for students of computer science.
Інтернет-контент як джерело навчальних матеріалів для вітчизняних викладачів іноземної мови. Чинники, що зумовлюють використання комп’ютеризованих засобів навчання іноземних мов: емпіричність навчання, високий рівень мотивації учнів, інтерактивність.
Education as a broad path to success and independence for the individual, collective and society, which consists of pedagogical efforts, training and education. A personal calling to a certain job and future profession and a spiritual life calling.
Influence of musical experience on the quality of life, health and happiness of university teaching staff. The place of musical experience in the development of skills that contribute to the well-being of teachers makes further research necessary.
Results of influence of the nutrition educational program on teacher’s behavior and knowledge. How teachers evaluate their lifestyle? Characteristics of teacher’s diet and regime. Teacher’s ideas about their lifestyle and role of nutrition education.
The obstacles that Russian schoolchildren with special needs face when considering vocational and professional education. Problems of lack of specific career guidance at school, disabled students’ fear that they lack physical strength to study.
Study of self-examination as a way to correct lexical and grammatical fossilization in oral speech of environmental students studying English. Analysis of the approach to eliminating fossilized errors in foreign language speech of university students.
Формування критичного мислення, що забезпечує високий рівень ефективного засвоєння інформації студентами-філологами. Методика розвитку критичного мислення студентів філологічних спеціальностей шляхом застосування методики кейс-навчання англійської мови.
Використання методу case study для підвищення якості навчання у вищих навчальних закладах морської транспортної сфери. Виявлення основних етапів підготовки до використання викладачами морських закладів вищої освіти case study у підготовці судноводіїв.
The deals with the problem of using active methods of teaching Business English on the example of case study. The case studies present realistic, complex, and contextually rich situations - dilemma, conflict, or problem that in the case must negotiate.
Use of modern educational technologies of learning. Life-situational learning using the case method as one of the effective pedagogical technologies. Study of the didactic significance of the case technology method in the process of teaching biology.
Використання методу "case-study" на заняттях з дисципліни "Німецька мова за професійним спрямуванням" в аграрних закладах вищої освіти. Особливості інноваційного методу та етапи його використання на занятті: Pre-activity, While-activity та Post-activity.
Особливості застосування методу кейсів на заняттях з іноземної мови, етапи роботи над кейсами та висвітлено специфіку впливу даного методу на підвищення ефективності навчального процесу. Роль та значення викладача в процесі організації роботи з кейсами.
Особенности обучения школьников с использованием case-технологий. Преимущества и специфика метода на уроках математики в старших классах. Пример типовых тестовых заданий при ситуационном обучении "case studies". Изучение вспомогательных вопросов.
Foundations of the environmental approach, the concept and structure of the sports environment. Justification of the author's concept, procedure for updating the educational potential of the sports environment of the institution of additional education.
Definition of the categorical apparatus of the problem of primary school teachers training for the professional activity in the case of inclusive education. Consideration of the system of interaction of subjects of educational process of higher school.
Russian and Chinese cultural norms and behavior. Strategic partnership between Russia and China. The importance of communication styles in intercultural contacts. Communication styles, norms and values. Factors that influence the outcome of training.
Study of anniversary events dedicated to the achievements of figures of Ukrainian science: Mykhailo Grushevsky, Volodymyr Vernadsky, Daniil Zabolotny, Yuriy Kondratyuk, Yevhen Paton. Analysis of three collections published in honor of the anniversaries.