Особенности обучения школьников с использованием case-технологий. Преимущества и специфика метода на уроках математики в старших классах. Пример типовых тестовых заданий при ситуационном обучении "case studies". Изучение вспомогательных вопросов.
Foundations of the environmental approach, the concept and structure of the sports environment. Justification of the author's concept, procedure for updating the educational potential of the sports environment of the institution of additional education.
Definition of the categorical apparatus of the problem of primary school teachers training for the professional activity in the case of inclusive education. Consideration of the system of interaction of subjects of educational process of higher school.
Russian and Chinese cultural norms and behavior. Strategic partnership between Russia and China. The importance of communication styles in intercultural contacts. Communication styles, norms and values. Factors that influence the outcome of training.
Study of anniversary events dedicated to the achievements of figures of Ukrainian science: Mykhailo Grushevsky, Volodymyr Vernadsky, Daniil Zabolotny, Yuriy Kondratyuk, Yevhen Paton. Analysis of three collections published in honor of the anniversaries.
Creation of a stimulating educational environment in Ukraine during the war. Using Zoom's digital education platform to ensure flexibility, efficiency and interactivity. Learning professional English as a specialized language for the maritime industry.
Study of the pedagogical and psychological difficulties, as well as assessment of the readiness of teachers/students for online teaching/learning. Methods, forms, means of imparting/acquiring knowledge used online education. Students' difficulties.
An analysis of some issues related to new trends in English language teaching, namely the training of ship mechanics in a maritime university. The main principles and methods of teaching academic writing online for future ship mechanics in Turkey.
Analysis of the state of development of basic skills by interns during the internship period and the level of their self-assessment of professional competencies. Description of mechanisms and scenarios for improving the training of family doctors.
Showcases the current unseen challenges in the current education system. The unseen problems that can only be felt and not seen. The article alsofocuses a light on the education levels and shortcomings of the literacy rate for major growing economies.
Gaining insights into university students’ adaptation to emergency distant learning with reference to the realities of war. To develop recommendations to provide English teachers with more productive approaches to increase ESP students’ engagement.
The use of innovative technologies in the educational process of non-language higher education institutions, the importance of motivating students and teachers. Taking into account the individual characteristics of students in the pedagogical process.
Assessing student learning online, which creates unique challenges and opportunities during distance learning. Analysis of the verification and evaluation of achievements, which must be carried out remotely. Finding the best knowledge assessment method.
Academic writing in english is one of the important tools that enable voices of ukrainian scholars to be heard in the scientific world. Analysis of main errors that occur in writing assignments of Ukrainian ESL students of Foreign Philology Department.
Study of the impact of the first Covid-19 pandemic restrictions on the physical fitness of the students of Kharkiv National University studying their fitness condition evaluation before the pandemic and after the first year of quarantine restrictions.
Analyses the psychological and generational peculiarities of adult education, which has become an important and growing sector in modern conditions. Characterization of influences the students self-development process in foreign language acquisition.
The psychological and generational peculiarities of adult education, which has become an important and growing sector in modern conditions. Characterization of essentially influence the students self-development process in foreign language acquisition.
Consideration of the problems of primary education, the impact of computer technology, its structure, and the development of students' thinking. Forms, methods, resources, directions of integration. The teacher's ability to perform facilitator functions.
Study of the content and forms of the modern pedagogical process. Improving the quality of education in Ukraine. Ensuring the effectiveness of health care education. Development of creative abilities, creative thinking and physical health of students.
Professional self-development is a process of personal development with the aim of effective self-realization based on meaningful aspirations. Professional development of the future specialist is considered as a conscious and purposeful process.
Formation of student's deontological culture as a process of development of intellectual, emotional and associated with values, operational qualities that are part of the personality structure of the future specialist. His pedagogical conditions.
The ways of development of students' scientific and artistic thinking. The creation of opportunities for the formation of students' management skills, the expansion of their scientific outlook, the formation of high moral and ethical qualities.
The contribution of women-philanthropists H. Ostrozka and H. Gulevychivna in the development of the Ostrog and Kyiv-Mohyla Academies, using the experience in conditions of development of Ukrainian society. Moral and spiritual principles of benefactors.
Використання інструментів штучного інтелекту, побудованих на базі великих мовних моделей, в практиці підготовки фахівців мовних спеціальностей у закладах вищої освіти. Концепція сумісності їх застосування із дотриманням норм академічної доброчесності.
Оцінка показників фізичного стану жінок 21-35 років в умовах оздоровчих фітнес-тренувань. Особливості фізичного розвитку, фізичної підготовленості та працездатності жінок першого періоду зрілого віку. Підходи до програмування фітнес-занять для жінок.
- 506. Checking digital competence formation of foreign language future teachers using game simulators
In the context of the requirements of the New Ukrainian school, the concept of "digital competence of future teachers of a foreign language" is specified. Its main structural components (motivational, content, operational, activity, personal-reflexive).
Coverage of scientific and educational activities of the L. M. Revutsky Chernihiv music College. Description and features of the process of forming a modern image of an educational institution. Comparison of innovative music educational institutions.
Analysis of the modern scientific discourse of research on childhood problems. The peculiarities of the interpretation of the phenomenon of childhood at the turn of the century. The interdisciplinary approach in the process of childhood research.
- 509. Children’s right to physical exercise and recreation. Sociopedagogical phenomenon of Henryk Jordan
The importance of physical activity for children. Sociopedagogical phenomenon of Henryk Jordan - physician, social activist and founder of the sports theme parks for children. The new concept of Jordan, combining physical education with health problems.
The tendency to merge educational and information technologies with the aim of forming on this basis fundamentally new integrated learning technologies. The importance of independent work of students, increasing the intensity of the educational process.