The theoretical aspects of the use of authentic materials in the study of foreign languages. Analysis of the problem of forming the language and speech competence of the methodological provision of separate components of intercultural students education.
To study the effectiveness of authentic educational materials in the formation of foreign communicative competence, which has a complex structure and acts as interaction and interpenetration of linguistic, sociocultural and communicative competences.
- 423. Author's course "Hot English" for future managers: from the experience of experimental development
Analysis of the results of the pilot training of future managers in English reading using the metacognitive strategies of the course "Hot English." Determining the means of forming foreign competence in reading and ways to control its level of formation.
Краткий обзор программного продукта AutoCAD как мирового лидера в области автоматизации графических работ. Разработка электронной обучающей программы по курсу инженерной графики, позволяющей закрепить навыки владения современным "электронным кульманом".
Describes the problem of the application of the theory of fuzzy sets to describe the indicators of expert assessment by using linguistic variables instead of numerals or in addition to them. An automated fuzzy system of Sugeno has been developed.
In order to improve the teaching of a foreign language at a university in the conditions of the transformation materials into a digital version, a survey of students of the National Technical University regarding the use of online resources was conducted.
The values of science are still underestimated by many science researchers, in particular. At the same time, the clear definition of the key values of science and intersubjective understanding about them increasingly determine the success of research.
The requirements for the personality of a modern lecturer in higher education in the context of changes and innovations in the higher education system. The training of future lecturers in higher education to self-organization in professional activities.
Цели и зaдaчи уpoкoв технoлoгии в paбoте c детьми млaдшегo шкoльнoгo вoзpacтa c нapушением интеллектa. Методика кoppекциoнной paбoты пo aктивизaции и paзвитию пoзнaвaтельных интеpеcoв у млaдших шкoльникoв c нapушением интеллектa нa уpoкaх технoлoгии.
Investigation of challenges associated with balancing participation in English as a Second Language classes that employ the communicative approach. Identification of effective strategies for managing the dynamics between dominating and passive students.
The article is devoted to the research of the formation of professional competencies among students of technical universities. The issues of training a professionally competent specialist are disclosed in the article. Various activities are analyzed.
The problem of selection criteria for academic texts for teaching future philologists to reading in English with regard to the features of academic discourse was studied. Features of academic texts in general and articles in particular are analyzed.
Social rehabilitation of minors in a detention center. Specific abilities, skills, knowledge and features of the teacher's communication with young people with pathological behavior. Creation of interaction promoting the moral transformation of a minor.
Analysis of examples of behavioral patterns of workers in the Kharkiv province based on reading materials for the private Sunday School of K.D. Alchevskaya. Selection of materials for reading, their joint analysis and interpretation in the group.
The participation of students in international student conferences in the context of the short conference is organized and conducted by the Department of English Language and the Faculty of Linguistics of the National Technical University of Ukraine.
The main goal of ongoing paper is to emphasize on the top priority benefits dealt with the urgent modern time issue such as digitalization and computerization of the educational process at higher educational institutions. Ten benefits of digital learning.
- 437. Benefits of drama-based activities for public speaking skills development of high school students
The need for innovative teaching methods in the conditions of educational reform. The influence of exercises and tasks using dramatization on the development of students' speaking skills. Interaction of the teacher and students in dramatic games.
Studying the benefits of multicultural education in foreign language learning and studying the phenomenon of multiculturalism. Practical recommendations and resources for modern philology teachers on the effective integration of cultural aspects.
The study of totalitarianism through the spheres of the spiritual life of society. Analysis of educational features of the countries of the Balkan region, which were at the crossroads of western and eastern trends. School education of socialist Bulgaria.
The concept of bilingualism. Review of the experience of organizing bilingual and polylingual education. Cases of interference that occur in the process of learning a second foreign language. Classification of common mistakes of bilingual students.
The article deals with the importance ofthe use of biografistics for the study of biographies of pedagogical personalities. It was noted that it is expedient to carry out a special synthesized study on the development of pedagogical biografistics.
Biosocial functions of physical culture at the modern stage of civilizational development, its cultural analysis. Development of physical and motor abilities of students in accordance with the norms, values and models adopted in Ukrainian culture.
Investigation of the challenges and opportunities associated with blended foreign language learning in technical universities during full-scale armed aggression of Russia against Ukraine. Study of the adaptation of blended learning methodologies.
Possibilities associated with the mixed study of foreign languages in universities during the full-scale armed aggression of Russia against Ukraine. Analysis of the adaptation of blended learning methodology. The importance of safety and sustainability.
- 445. Blended learning
Advantages and disadvantages of the transition from classical education to online education in the conditions of digital transformation. Determining the degree of acceptance of online education by students. The system by which online learning takes place.
Study of the implementation of the technology under study in the framework of blended learning English for special purposes for the development of students' listening comprehension skills. Analysis of the role of technology integration in the curriculum.
Features of the introduction of information and communication technologies in all spheres of human activity, including in the educational process of higher education. Acquaintance with the main advantages and disadvantages of the combined training.
The rationale for the development of professional English communication skills of prospective social workers through blended learning. The peculiarities of blended learning aimed at developing communication skills. Common intercultural situations.
Information technologies and methods of teaching foreign language in wartime conditions and psychological stress. Using distance learning systems and skills development. Features of using electronic platforms Moodle and Zoom, the Blended Learnin method.
Blended learning as a flexible form, which helps students to seek solutions to problems and to acquire knowledge. As well as perspective step from training in the form of traditional lectures, practical lessons and seminars to interactive learning.