Organizational (collective) study and implementation of the experience of Ukrainian national contingents in international operations to maintain peace and security. Implementation of collective knowledge, the ability to assimilate and transform it.
Formation of research competence of fire safety specialists of higher education institutions of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine. Classes of pedagogical conditions that ensure the formation of research competence of future fire safety specialists.
Studying the process of interaction between a teacher and a student at a distance, while maintaining all the components of education (goals, content, methods, organizational forms) and using specific technical means. Changing educational strategy.
Explained structure and directions of organization of work in higher education institutions in context of development of national-historical, culturally educational traditions. Forms and interaction among all subjects of educational process were defined.
The formation and development of humanistic teacher education principles in Scandinavian discourse. A comparative consideration of the historical background and evaluation of the humanistic origin of teacher education in North European countries.
The origins of military-patriotic education of Ukrainian youth, ranging from ancient tribes to the cradle of the Ukrainian state - Kievan Rus. The transformation of the present society from faceless masses to a warlike nation that defends its borders.
Formulation of tasks by graduates and determination of ways to solve them within the limits of professional competence. Defining the ability to work in a team and establish social ties. Solving professional problems to increase labor productivity.
The ability of modern students, the dependence on technology. The formation of a new cultural phenomenon influenced kommerzialisierung information society. Recording in the teaching of media literacy of today's students, their abilities and skills.
Malaise experienced by some Russian adults in English for Special Purposes when speaking in English in the presence of the teacher and other learners. The peculiarity of the emergence of a communication barrier. Improving the efficiency of oral speech.
Countries and international organizations are establishing initiatives to support the development, sharing, and use of digital educational resources. Some of these resources are open, while others are accessible only to communities or geographic areas
The key task of modernizing the modern system of foreign language education is to provide the teaching staff with opportunities for professional development. Clarification of difficulties that arise in the course of teaching English as a foreign language.
Digitalization is a process taking place all over the world. The analyzes rather a new problem in pedagogical science - the digitalization of education and some aspects of this concept. The factors of digital transformations of modern educational.
Application of the system approach to the development of the project of a safety management system for navigation. Osobennosti obucheniya kursantov morskikh vuzov. Puti povysheniya professionalizma v natsionalnoy sisteme poiska i spasaniya na more.
Study of the main aspects of foreign language anxiety in foreign language learning. The peculiarity of determining ways of developing students' confidence and communication skills in a foreign language. Analysis of the causes of foreign language anxiety.
Research of exercises intended for students with initial and middle levels of language proficiency performed in pairs. Working out new grammatical structures and using newly -based lexical units in small role-playing games containing an acting component.
The aim is to show the changes in the area of values in the practice of science and its dissemination in the media. Tools that worked well during the pandemic are still being used despite cancellation of the epidemic threat, of course to a lesser extent.
Consideration of the systemic approach as one of the effective methods of prevention of violence and bullying in educational institutions. The significance and importance of using a parable in educating young people and warning them against violence.
Analysis of doctrinal approaches to practical training of students in the conditions of legal education reform in Ukraine. Legal clinics, case-method and solution of isolated cases as a form of training lawyers in the context of its practical orientation.
Methodological, legislative, educational, educational-methodical principles of the practical orientation of the educational process of training lawyers. Approaches to their implementation in the educational process of legal educational institutions.
Consideration of the principles regarding the orientation of the educational process for training lawyers as a paradigm for reforming higher legal education. Determination of the forms of organization of the educational process aimed at its improvement.
Strategy of inclusive education. Improvement of education system of children with special needs. Analysis of parents readiness to educate children with learning disabilities in inclusive educational preschool institutions and general secondary schools.
The issue of teaching English to mixed-ability learners in junior high school in Polen, where some of the learners have dyslexia. A presentation based on dyslexia in order to specify the disability. The teaching of vocabulary to mixed-ability learners.
Identification and analysis of some main characteristics of socially useful activities of students in higher education. Analysis of the using of various types of socially useful activities in the process of training teachers of foreign languages.
Practice of inclusive education in the European dimension. Implementation of the teacher training module of the learning platform. Raise awareness of Primary School students about cultural diversity, change their perceptions with the help of resources.
Анализ теоретических oснoв гендеpнoгo вoспитaния учaщихся с интеллектуaльнoй недoстaтoчнoстью. Разработка кoppекциoннo-paзвивaющей пpoгpaммы пo paзвитию пoлopoлевых пpедстaвлений у млaдших шкoльникoв с нapушением интеллектa вo внеуpoчнoй деятельнoсти.
The directions of the implementation of competence approach in the preparation of future teachers of physical culture to local lore activities. Methodological approaches in local studies: anthropological, axiological, systemic, cultural, ethnopedagogical.
Consideration of the experience of training officers in the protection of the state border in the Czech and Slovakia. Identification of the features of professional education of specialists, analysis of the academic load of students of the police school.
Study of programs of applied linguistics at the bachelor and master's educational levels in the universities of the USA. Special attention is paid to Georgetown University, where the professional training of future specialists has its own characteristics.
Мotives and factors influencing the process of career self-determination of modern high school students. Specify effective methods of cultivating students’ conscious attitude towards making a career choice. Trainings from professional determsnation.
The formation of skills of effective metacognitive monitoring of students' educational activity. The negative influence of the illusion of knowledge. The forming the skills of effective metacognitive monitoring of students' educational activities.